Law Florida Stand Your Ground story

Agree that you can't punish somebody by shooting them. You can defend yourself by shooting them tho. That is a bit different

I just can't help but notice that both situations contain a guy confronting a black guy, and then resorting to deadly force when the situation that they injected themselves into becomes physically unmanageable.
I don't think for a second that he was was in fear for his life. Like I said, people that fragile don't go around starting arguments over parking. But even if he was that fragile, your fear should have to be reasonable otherwise you can almost justify shooting someone in any sort of confrontation. What if someone is screaming at me? Like they really, really irate and I'm afraid. How do I know that they aren't going to just start hitting me? Its reasonable to think that they might so can I shoot them?

That's an opinion and it's easy to make from the safety of a key board.

Ever been in a fistfight you didnt ask to be in? Things happen quick and you are reacting largely out of instinct.

One could argue any violent situation you didnt volunteer to be in could be a threat to your life. Never seen the worlstar videos of guys soccer kicking unconscious bodies?
Emotion more?

You cant assault somebody for confronting you with words.

It's also stupid to do so as it can get you hurt. Was his woman safer with the guy talking or the guy shooting? He literally put his girl and son in danger with his ego

Both pushing someone (simple assault) and yelling obseneties (harrasment) are simple misdemeanors and you're a massive pussy for trying to make it sound like one of them is a serious threat.
So when people are assaulted they shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves? They should have to call the police and have them prosecuted to the full extent of the law?

This reads like a student asking his teacher how the world works. I shouldn't have to explain this to -ostensibly- another adult.

Self defense needs to be tempered based on what you're defending yourself from. I think any rational actor would admit that an 85 year old woman slapping you in the face (even though it could wobble someone of your constitution) shouldn't be met with a bullet to her heart lmfao. To even insinuate this on any level ala "ShOulDn't tHeY defEnDs TheMseLveS" should automatically disqualify you from this discussion.
I just can't help but notice that both situations contain a guy confronting a black guy, and then resorting to deadly force when the situation that they injected themselves into becomes physically unmanageable.

Are you suggesting being black had something to do with this?
Actually it kinda does. He was being assaulted and feared for his life. Is it unreasonable to think a guy that shoved you to the ground isnt going to follow up?

But....once you draw the weapon if you felt safe enough to pause (as he did) you have time to re evaluate the situation..
Am is still in danger?

What's the time limit on stand my ground?
2 seconds...2 minutes? I think it's immediate.

So in short...if the black guy keeps going towards him after the gun is pulled, no problem.
if he is shot imediately, no problem.

My problem is that 2 second pause
Both pushing someone (simple assault) and yelling obseneties (harrasment) are simple misdemeanors and you're a massive pussy for trying to make it sound like one of them is a serious threat.

Lmfao at you suggesting the guy broke the law by confronting the woman. You're too dumb to continue this with.
No charges filed.<Moves>
Woa there buddy, you see my post on the subject but lets not go that far.

I don't think preventing murderous, imbecilic miscreants from legally killing people for mid-level transgressions is going "too far".
But....once you draw the weapon if you felt safe enough to pause (as he did) you have time to re evaluate the situation..
Am is still in danger?

He didnt pause that long and the guy was still facing him

What's the time limit on stand my ground?
2 seconds...2 minutes? I think it's immediate.

The threat had just pushed him and was still standing over him.

My problem is that 2 second pause

2 seconds isnt that long bro.
Outnumbered? Yea because that woman and child were really gonna do a number on him. -.-

She looked good-sized to me and fully capable of going Pride-rules on the downed opponent. Especially since she'd have likely been emboldened by her man backing her up.

I only bring up ego because it is likely the #1 reason why he felt the need to pull out a gun and shoot.

Could be. I'd guess 99% or more of altercations with strangers come down to ego. Dead guy's ego was on full display too. If you apply the same standard to him as you apply to the shooter then there's really no way to justify that push because all that was occurring was a shouting match. You're imagining possible future violence as a justification for the shove then dismissing that the shooter was justified for imagining further violence to himself.

Before I ask any question I'd probably push the dude away from her. Whereas this guy, who is manly enough to go to war with a woman, but not manly enough to take a push from a man?

Then I hope you'd get charged for initiation a physical confrontation. Rational people with their ego in check would insert themselves between the two parties and instruct her to get in the car and then drive off. As for "going to war", that's comical hyperbole. Two people willingly yelling at each other (regardless of gender) is not in the same ballpark as essentially sucker-punching someone who hasn't agreed to a fist fight. The shooter did not willingly engage in physical battle. Maybe that woman shouldn't be lipping off if she can't fight her own battles with her fists? Right? I'm in the equal rights camp. If she's willingly yelling at somebody then she should be willing to get yelled back at.

Get pushed by a guy who is standing there and starts to turn?

Again, you're making it sound like the deceased turned away before the gun started to come out. That's not the case. He was still in the process of assault and battery when the man chose to pull his piece.

I have to say this though. Your half-serious implication that I want it differently so I can just invoke violence since I am physically capable is amusing, as I could say you want to be able to shoot anyone who dare have the audacity to touch you in any scenario because you are physically incapable. :eek::DMoves

You haven't really given me anything better to go on and it's not like I have anything riding on being right or wrong here. This thread is full of all sorts of speculation. :cool: But I'm listening. Why do you advocate initiating violence over words and what assurances can you give that the victim will suffer the right amount of damage and nothing more serious?

And why would he still be facing up? Probably looking to see if Drejka was going to get up and strike back. But if he was intent on fucking Drejka up, he wouldn't have waited even a millisecond. He would have either went to the ground right away or he would have started kicking/stomping. If you're really looking to harm someone, you're going to take advantage of them being in a vulnerable position and he made no attempt to do that.

Maybe. Maybe not. This hardly looks like what you're insisting has to be the case. Lots of little pauses during the action (action that goes from a little slap to full on beat down).

The ironic thing about all of this is that the above sounds synonymous with why some police feel like excessive use of force is justifiable.

You'd need to be more specific in order for me to comment.
You're pretty emotional man. Maybe take a break and come back?

Translation: "I have no counter argument."

Thanks for the concession, rarely see that online these days.

Lol'ing hard @ the insinuation that the plight of the proletarian is of any significance to me. I enjoy highlighting the fatuity of senseless analysts like yourself. In a perfect world people like you would stick to what you know best (oh wait that's nothing ROFL).

...if I am coming out of the store with my son and the first thing I see is some random guy yelling at my fiance, the first thing I might do is push them and say "wtf are you doing" as my reaction.

Would you be parked in an handicapped spot? With your kid? Teaching him that's OK?

And if confronted, would your gf jump out the car and get in the guy's face or move the car?

These people aren't blameless here. They were acting like shitheads and they ran into another shithead.

Don't act like a shithead and this type of thing won't happen.
Translation: "I have no counter argument."

Thanks for the concession, rarely see that online these days.

Lol'ing hard @ the insinuation that the plight of the proletarian is of any significance to me. I enjoy highlighting the fatuity of senseless analysts like yourself. In a perfect world people like you would stick to what you know best (oh wait that's nothing ROFL).


I've been making argument here. You have been emotionally vomiting. Have a good day dude
Lmfao at you suggesting the guy broke the law by confronting the woman. You're too dumb to continue this with.

He was obviously yelling at her, which could constitute harassment just like a push could constitute assault.

Not my fault you're too busy quaking in fear at the idea of physical contact to see the obvious.
I would so love to see what the reactions would be like if the races were reversed.

Anyways, it's Florida. Keep your hands to yourself. It might just save your life.

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