Opinion Florida Makes It Defamatory To Call Someone Transphobic, Racist or Sexist

I expect this to be the reaction of Florida lawmakers when this gets struck down by the courts lol.

I'm just imagining court proceedings for a case like this:

"So, they called you a bigot?"


"Why do you claim that the plaintiff is a bigot?"

"He has 15 confederate flags hanging from the windows of his S10 pickup and from his trailer, your honor."

Judge looks at defendant.

"Plaintiff, have you suffered any monetary damages as a result of these claims?"

"Well no, your honor."

"Why do you have Confederate flags hanging everywhere?"

"It's heritage, not hate."

"You are aware that people might find you flying flags representing a treasonous succession from the US government in support of slavery of African Americans as racist, correct?"

"It's heritage, not hate your honor"

Judge starts laughing uncontrollably.

"Get the fuck out of my courtroom, dumbass."
I am a free speech guy. Unless it is calling for someone's death--I am OK with it. But the fact that trans activists are freaking out about this, when they are ok with people being charged or fired for mis-gendering someone shows their level of insanity. Like it is a person fault for calling an ugly 6'3 guy with lipstick sir. We all know the left tried to weaponize "phobic" to insult and endanger anyone they disagree with. But it isn't worth a law because they cried wolf, and it has no meaning anymore. Call me whatever you want, I know what I am. Just like that 6'2 guy knows what he really is.
I expect this to be the reaction of Florida lawmakers when this gets struck down by the courts lol.

I'm just imagining court proceedings for a case like this:

"So, they called you a bigot?"


"Why do you claim that the plaintiff is a bigot?"

"He has 15 confederate flags hanging from the windows of his S10 pickup and from his trailer, your honor."

Judge looks at defendant.

"Plaintiff, have you suffered any monetary damages as a result of these claims?"

"Well no, your honor."

"Why do you have Confederate flags hanging everywhere?"

"It's heritage, not hate."

"You are aware that people might find you flying flags representing a treasonous succession from the US government in support of slavery of African Americans as racist, correct?"

"It's heritage, not hate your honor"

Judge starts laughing uncontrollably.

"Get the fuck out of my courtroom, dumbass."
Seems pretty stupid to create more issues. Just work on fixing those we're already dealing with . . . .
I am a free speech guy. Unless it is calling for someone's death--I am OK with it. But the fact that trans activists are freaking out about this, when they are ok with people being charged or fired for mis-gendering someone shows their level of insanity. Like it is a person fault for calling an ugly 6'3 guy with lipstick sir. We all know the left tried to weaponize "phobic" to insult and endanger anyone they disagree with. But it isn't worth a law because they cried wolf, and it has no meaning anymore. Call me whatever you want, I know what I am. Just like that 6'2 guy knows what he really is.
I stopped by a local fast food place yesterday. The guy working the drive through had a beard and very long blue fake finger nails. He kept calling me buddy . . . it was weird. :)
I stopped by a local fast food place yesterday. The guy working the drive through had a beard and very long blue fake finger nails. He kept calling me buddy . . . it was weird. :)
I am all for weird people. But don't get mad when we can't figure out WTF is going on lmao. The world is so strange now. If we have an anorexic who suffers from Dysmorphia, we don't tell her she is right, she is fat, keep starving yourself. But with this Trans thing, there is a movement to push the extreme instead of treatment for the Dysphoria which is a known mentall illness.
I am all for weird people. But don't get mad when we can't figure out WTF is going on lmao. The world is so strange now. If we have an anorexic who suffers from Dysmorphia, we don't tell her she is right, she is fat, keep starving yourself. But with this Trans thing, there is a movement to push the extreme instead of treatment for the Dysphoria which is a known mentall illness.

And it's been shown to not be helpful far too often. Far too many people who transition end up regretting it. It's insanity to treat it as a cure or 'life saving surgery.'
They should tow Florida away or build a wall around them:)
Florida is awesome and everyone flocked there and surrounding states during the Sweet and Sour Sniffles "Pandemic" ........Floridas one of the best states
I'm white and straight... I dont like this either. This type of thing is a civil matter imo that falls under libel or defamation if it calls for it. Not a criminal offense imo.

The problem with defamation laws is the only defense is the truth, which doesn't work for conservatives.

This is actually accomplishing the exact opposite of what you claim.

This allows for the Florida government to push whatever racist, sexist, or transphobic trash they want without being able to be opposed.

There is no chance this will make it through the courts without getting laughed at. If this gets pushed through, then liberals will be able to sue Ron Desantis every time he calls them "woke" which would be unintentionally hilarious on their part

Not sure what’s Racist, Sexist, and Transphobic about the guy? unless we just feel the need to slander label people with ideas we don’t like.

It this is how the game is played I could just as easily say I have no place for your clearly bigoted anti-Italian sentiment in regards to Governor Shoe Lifts
Well, it's somewhat problematic and somewhat understandable at the same time.

Hurling certain labels at people absent proof or examples of behavior that warrants labeling an individual as such can lead to that person receiving threats, being attacked, losing income or possibly worse.

I don't believe in criminalizing free speech which but am also for people having to show receipts before publicly slandering someone. I don't live in Florida so I don't have to worry about it.

Isn't it kind of redundant if you can sue for slander? I guess this law is trying to criminally punish slander instead of making it a civil matter.
For people supposedly dedicated to free speech, there's a charming amount of support ITT for clearly violating the US constitution just to own the libz.

If it can be proven by their actions that's one thing, but as you said if it's just a subjective opinion because person A disagrees with person B why else would person A call person B racist, sexist, etc. if not to damage their reputation?
You can't make it criminal to hold an opinion, even a publicly voiced opinion--barring certain exceptions already covered by existing laws such, as incitement to violence--and then say you believe in freedom of speech. It's just not the same as making a factual claim, like, Donald Trump is a fraud, for example.

Incidentally, I wonder if supporters of this legislation have realized it would apply to things they might say about people protesting against Israel on behalf of Palestinians.