Films you thought were overrated

{<doc}really!? Then again that movie was like a defining movie of my childhood so maybe I'm biased.

While I think the MCU is in so many ways overrated I have to credit Iron Man with creating the overall defining tone of film in general for an entire decade. I like WW a lot.

I never heard of it but perhaps I shouldn't check it out.

I really like the surreal experience of natural born killers I really liked the editing. I found it disturbing. Never saw American Me and I found Inception and Black Panther to be overrated too.

LOL! Agreed. Although their are a couple scenes where that one chick looks like she might be the hottest chick of all time.

Pretty much agree with that entire list except for Drive, as I havn't seen it. Gone girl though I LOVED that film. The soundtrack and viewing experience is intense.

IDK what JW2 of DH3 are.

Are you kidding me!?

I love those ones but I can definitely see Inception and Pulp Fiction being on peoples lists. I do think Inception is overrated though.

{<doc} I'll agree with American Pie.

John Wick was just mindless entertainment but it wasn't bad. Baby Driver I never heard of and I though Get Out was good but overrated as well.
John Wick 2 and Die hard with a vengeance
I felt like it was the catalyst for me to learn about a bunch of those things as a kid and to connect with my parents as they told me about it. It was cheesy though but I felt it pulled it off.
I thought those scenes felt shoved into the film for cheap laughs and were increasingly, distractingly absurd.
I can't argue with that it was absurd.
It became so. The first one was cute and funny, the second was a bit much, and from there on it got bad.

Thing is, we came to like Forrest as a good hearted, sympathetic protagonist... and then scenes like that turned him into a comedy clown.
Most Oscar films, in my opinion.

And that one twat from my "Roma" thread better not come in this thread talmbout: "You just aren't cultured enough to understand the deep analysis of the juxtaposition that touches on elements of contemporary...."

Mad Max Fury Road, Black Panther, Memento. I'm sure I can think of more, but I just never understood the complete adulation they tend to receive.
All Marvel movies, except perhaps Guardians of Galaxy
Fight Club
Mad Max, but not the original with Mel Gibson
Inglorious bastards.
Die hard part ...
Shape of water.
Mad max fury road.

I should stop now.
2001 A Space Odyssey.:confused:

I love Kubrick’s work but this one, while visually stunning was just too artsy for me. The plot involving the primates was just..bad. And the ending was so far out of left field I had to have someone explain it to me, then I needed someone to explain that explanation.

Hal 9000 was cool though.
I like lots of these movies though guys
I can't believe so many people are saying Mad Max Fury Road. It's not high art, you turn off your brain and enjoy ridiculous action scenes. In that regard it's amazing

For me it's
Captain America Winter Soldier and Civil War-TBH I just don't like the character
Pulp Fiction-It's really good, but people act like it's the best movie of all time.
Shape of Water-Tried watching it 2 or 3 times and was always bored out of my mind
Aquaman-People were saying it was good because it knew what it was, but to me it was just pure shit. It was absolutely awful
The LOTR trilogy
Pulp Fiction
The Good, Bad and the Ugly
Seven Samurai
City of God
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Apocalypse Now
Clockwork Orange
Forrest Gump
Was gunna say Last Jedi but nobody liked that film
Good call on American Hustle. I forgot that movie even existed. I feel like TS hit the nail on the head with that one.
I think Terminator 2 is really good, but I think the first one is better. Much more hardcore, Arnold blowing cops away and stuff, awesome movie.

Titanic was a dumb movie.

Also I think Mad Max 1 is underrated too, and the second one is really overrated. Awful movie. The first one isn't an action movie, it's more of a post-apocalyptic story.