Television Filipina village girl dates Obese 4'11 Garden Gnome for Opportunity of Green Card

It always brings a tear to my eye when I see true love.

I genuinely have no idea where in my post you thought that I was judging people. I'm pretty sure I said I was curious, but I made no allusions to judging people.

But to play devil's advocate for a moment, if someone thinks that buying a wife as though they were chattle, is somehow less egregious than being a party to infidelity, they may want to re-calibrate their moral compass

If it's for sale then someone is bound to buy it. Consensual. Arrange marriage, now that's fuct up. You're ethnically Indian but I guess you're alien to its customs and traditions but I had a gay indian colleague who got married to a bombay 7 and you could clearly see the wife is not happy. lmao!

I should've banged.
Lol with all the white sexpats on here not surprised by the replies.

If some fat disgusting old african, asian or muslim guy was in a poor white country with a 20 year old poor white girl ya'll would be raging.

Nah. Never hate on another man's game.
But to play devil's advocate for a moment, if someone thinks that buying a wife as though they were chattle, is somehow less egregious than being a party to infidelity, they may want to re-calibrate their moral compass
Charming a woman with your riches is a far cry from slavery. Not much different than a really rich guy marrying a more attractive domestic woman of lesser means.

Feel free to explain how women chasing rich yet unattractive celebrities is objectively different than this relationship.
Most of you guys posting aren't too used to 90 Day Fiance are you?

Happens everywhere although rarely with the extreme appearance gap seen here.

Women are attracted to social status first and foremost, hence why they’ll go for the popular guy at school/work or just about any bloke that’s ever been a ‘celebrity’. Men are attracted to looks predominantly, and how attractive their partner is seen in the eyes of other men.

Men are also more comfortable marrying down the social ladder, while women often want to marry up.

Happens everywhere although rarely with the extreme appearance gap seen here.

Women are attracted to social status first and foremost, hence why they’ll go for the popular guy at school/work or just about any bloke that’s ever been a ‘celebrity’. Men are attracted to looks predominantly, and how attractive their partner is seen in the eyes of other men.

Men are also more comfortable marrying down the social ladder, while women often want to marry up.
Couldn't sum it up better myself
Charming a woman with your riches is a far cry from slavery. Not much different than a really rich guy marrying a more attractive domestic woman of lesser means.

Feel free to explain how women chasing rich yet unattractive celebrities is objectively different than this relationship.

I could legitimately write at length about this, but I would encourage you to read the litany of articles about mail order brides being tantamount to human trafficking.

Charming a woman with one's riches is a very different scenario that preying on someone's financial insecurities and using money as leverage to engage in a sexual relationship. Those two things aren't even close - I'm not saying all mail order bridges are exploitative, or even the majority of them - however, what makes the situation ethically problematic is the disparity in power between the two parties.

Once again, I don't have the stats or the first hand knowledge to speak about what the experience is like for either party. I do however know that United States senate was so concerned about the practice, that they wrote an extensive report that had input from a multitude of experts who paralleled mail order to brides to human trafficking.

Don't get confused about the illusion of choice. Woman in destitute poverty see this as their only vehicle to escape and a chance at a better life for her and her family. Is that really a consenting choice then? If you were to remove the financial motive, would the relationship still develop organically? I don't know.

What absolutely concerns me about these situations is people are viewing another human being as something that can be bought and paid for. Never in my 35 years of living have I ever thought to myself "I am entitled for a woman to behave a certain way, because I paid for X,Y,Z.

Either way, do whatever floats your boat. People far smarter than me and much more versed in this subject have written exhaustively on the issue - literally, go to google scholar see for yourself... hundreds of papers on the topic.
Don't be jealous guys, shorty is banging a hottie, good for him.
PS: Reading through this thread, it seems like we have some Sherdoggers who have done this (or a form of this). @steve38

Out of genuine curiosity, what was the driving force behind going overseas to find a partner?
Have you ever felt ambivalence or uncertainty regarding your partners commitment or love for you?
If you could do it all again, would you?
Did you ever have reservations about how your friends or family (or society) would perceive what you are doing?

I ask these questions with the utmost of respect. I am always fascinated at the dynamics of love and marriage both across and within cultures. In all honesty, it isn't principally different than what I experience whenever I go to Guyana or India - once people find out that I'm a single professional who is a Canadian citizen, I have "aunties" asking me if I would be willing to marry their daughters (sight unseen). Growing up in Canada, I laugh at how ludicrous it sounds, but I have friends who have found their life partners that exact same way.

i will answer this since i grew up in a place where this was fairly normal and i probably know more about this than anyone else here.,my country and rural areas in general theres a very heavy male to female ratio (like some guy said 10 guys for one girl lol),so a lot of guys end up in rural villages with nothing but their job so they usually spent their early twenties and thirties with friends but at middle age they get lonely and get a wife from russia

for example 3 of guys i knew,their fathers did it and ended up being together +20 years with their wifes,2 of my stepfathers friends did it ,still together both

some leave after they get passport/visa,depends on the guy and girl really

I dont know about usa but you really have to consider men/female ratio of the country when talking about this.
My record in the village was 2 months without seeing a female human under 30 at all lol

Anyway at the same time russia as an example has the same thing except other way around, there are a shitload of women but not many men.

This created an interesting dynamic around here.

is it really bad if people hook up like this when theres no choice really.
Phillipine girls need to marry young because they seem to age faster than other Asian women.
Alot of those weird looking dudes still get some from those chicks, there was a nerdy guy who was with some chick who obviously only wanted the citizenship, she was annoyed at how they were having sex like 5 times a day lol. He still banged.