Fight training


White Belt
Sep 22, 2004
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How many days do you guys train of each style when training for a fight. And when do you guys do your weights etc.
Train 7 or 8 times a week with my team and then do stuff on my own...wiht Sundays off. And I train wiht weights up until 3 weeks out, and then do only Muscular Endurance exercises only(I.E. Squats for 3 minutes, Clean and Jerks for 3 minutes etc. etc.) Weeks 8 up until 3 weeks out can train from 2 to 3 times a day (including my workout of cardio) 1 week out I'm cutting back hardcore to avoid injuries and do only really really light crap.

Training for a fight has been the so mentally and physically draining and takes a ton of dedication. Definitley not too much fun in it to be honest with ya when training that much, but its one of the sacrifices with the sport.
I did light training during the summer and took a break for two months in Juli and August and now I'm back training again. Before the summer, this was my training schedule:
Monday: BJJ, Weight training, Cardio.
Tuesday: Vale Tudo, Weight training, Cardio.
Wednesday: BJJ, Weight training, Cardio.
Thursday: Vale Tudo, Weight training, Cardio
Friday: BJJ, Weight training, Cardio,
Saturday: Submission Wrestling, Weight training
Sunday: REST

If for some reason couldn't do BJJ or Vale Tudo, I did cardio and then hit the weights. I started the day with cardio training, ate a very light breakfast and then went on to lift weights. Then I ate my real breakfast or just ate lunch. Some days, depending on how I felt, I could just skip the weight lifting and cardio because there were already alot of cardio in BJJ/VT.

That's about it. Right now I weightlift and do cardio six days a week. Sometimes I do some Vale Tudo training. Gonna start doing BJJ and some standup aswell soon.
parallax86 said:
no standup trainin?

I did some standup when training Vale Tudo. But no, I didn't go to any pure standup classes. Like I mentionted in the post before, I'm gonna start taking pure standup classes aswell soon.
kboxer said:
Thanks guys. You guys work full time also

Working fulltime and training for a fight is a BITCH!! Getting up in the morning to run; then go work fulltime; then workout for at least a couple of hours; go home and maybe do some weights, then start all over again.
Yeah thats what I am thinking. I dont know if I could do it. Plus I have a family and they come first. I still get my workouts, but 2-3x a day would be rough. But maybe only do 1-2 a year. I want to train to be in shape especially because my job depends on it. Thanks deadpool
Hamit Aktas said:
I did light training during the summer and took a break for two months in Juli and August and now I'm back training again. Before the summer, this was my training schedule:
Monday: BJJ, Weight training, Cardio.
Tuesday: Vale Tudo, Weight training, Cardio.
Wednesday: BJJ, Weight training, Cardio.
Thursday: Vale Tudo, Weight training, Cardio
Friday: BJJ, Weight training, Cardio,
Saturday: Submission Wrestling, Weight training
Sunday: REST

If for some reason couldn't do BJJ or Vale Tudo, I did cardio and then hit the weights. I started the day with cardio training, ate a very light breakfast and then went on to lift weights. Then I ate my real breakfast or just ate lunch. Some days, depending on how I felt, I could just skip the weight lifting and cardio because there were already alot of cardio in BJJ/VT.

That's about it. Right now I weightlift and do cardio six days a week. Sometimes I do some Vale Tudo training. Gonna start doing BJJ and some standup aswell soon.
Why do you weight train consecutively?
Maybe he trains with low volume and can get away with it more days.

I'd love to have the situation where I can do maybe 3 working sets and call it a day, I'd get much more lfiting done and the total training volume per week would be much greater then I get out now.

Side question for Hamit Aktas: Why/how can you do so much cardio work when you do the skill work aswell?
A MT class for me is extremely taxing and with lifting and sprints theres no way I cold get in much more.
Are you using the word 'cardio' to include sweat runs?
I didn't just start training. But the training schedule I follow allows me to train that way.
I don't to weights to the max everyday. I'd never have the strength to do that when I have MMA training the same day. I use weightlifting/cardio training as a replacement if I don't have class for some reason. I do do some weight lifting after a class, though not as hard as if I had the day "off".

Ian1983; the cardio I do, besides from what I get during Vale Tudo training/sparring etc, would be to ride the bike/treadmill/run etc. Something to keep my body at a high pace and pushing myself/getting myself used to the hard work. So when in sparring or in a fight (2x5 mins) the cardio won't be a problem. I'd never wanna lose because I got tired. I'd rather lose because the other guy was better or whatever. When tired you get sloppy and I don't wanna fight if I can't fight 100%.

When I started doing BJJ/Sub Wrestling, me and the guy I sparred with could go for like 5 minutes and then we were dead. Now we can go for 20 minutes NONSTOP. Rest for 10-15 minutes and go again.
I already have a good "tank" for fighting 2x10 minutes, but doing some more cardio and just getting used to working in a high pace helps out ALOT for me when sparring/fighting. I can go at it at a higher pace, for a longer period of time without getting tired.
How long have you been into that routine and how long did it take for you to build up to that?
Must be a fucker when you get ill or something, the brain remembers what you could do and the body has non of it.

Your recovery must be a damn sight better then mine, 3 runs, 3-4 MT sessions and 2 weight seesions a week is all my body can take
deadpool said:
Working fulltime and training for a fight is a BITCH!! Getting up in the morning to run; then go work fulltime; then workout for at least a couple of hours; go home and maybe do some weights, then start all over again.

I hear ya dude...that's why I don't fight that career (making $75K) or fighting (making nada), which do I choose?
Ian1983 said:
How long have you been into that routine and how long did it take for you to build up to that?
Must be a fucker when you get ill or something, the brain remembers what you could do and the body has non of it.

Your recovery must be a damn sight better then mine, 3 runs, 3-4 MT sessions and 2 weight seesions a week is all my body can take

Don't really remember how long it took. But in the beginning, I did BJJ three days a week, Vale Tudo training twice and Submission Wrestling one day. And that's all I did. I didn't lift weights or do any cardio other than what I got from BJJ/VT/SW. Then I started eating more, added some weight lifting to get alittle bit stronger and gain a couple of pounds.
And lastly I added cardio training aswell. I've been doing this for about 10 months now. During the summer I cut down on alot of training, because it was summer and I wanted a break. I did some weight lifting and sparring though because I get abstinence if I don't train.

Summer is more or less over and I'm training like I did in the beginning of this year.
I guess my recovery is good, because I never feel messed up when training that much.
If I did, I'd probably cut down. But that is not the case and I want to improve so I keep at it.

Depending on how I feel I can skip weights/cardio on days when I have Vale Tudo training.
If I feel like I should give my body a break, I will. But since i'm gonna add pure standup to my training aswell AND start working I am pretty sure I'm gonna cut down on weight training. Doing BJJ, Sub Wrestling, Vale Tudo and Muay Thai is pretty much work. But untill then I'll lift and do cardio on top of my regular MMA training.
I remember Tom Erickson in a post fight interview with Werdum told the press that he was in great shape, just not fight shape. You can doall the fancy cardio you want but it has to reflect your fighting