She looks like she smells like a rancid old bag of potatoes.
His gut is pooching outward in a way that, in a more enlightened country like, say, France, would perhaps be considered virile, not unlike the lusty Gérard Depardieu in his prime but, in fitness-fascist America, tends to read as Homer Simpsonesque.
Why in the world did she think she was the one to write this article?lmfao direct quote from the article
"The image suggests not just the fall of Affleck but the coming fall of man. There is something about this exhausted father that reflexively induces panic. We’ve been living in a world run by Afflecks for so long, will we even know ourselves when they’re gone?"
this bitch is crazy
CuuuuuuuuntOkay this made me LOL tho
She'd make a great OT poster.Cuuuuuuuunt