Feelin burnt out, social/professional life ruining training

Garrett E.

Orange Belt
Aug 14, 2006
Reaction score
I hate bitching, but i've recently run into a fairly serious problem with my social/professional life consuming all my time.

I'm a college student, in my third year, handling a job, school, and a social life ontop of BJJ is a tedious task.

I see myself going to less and less class because im burnt out all the time. Worst of all--that was the whole point of BJJ for me. For a stress reliever, to get some time alone... find a hobby thats good for my body and my mind.

Another horrid thing about it is that im paying 100 a month for it, and not taking full advantage. Also, i dont want my training partners to start thinking im not dedicated--i am--its just all the other shit compiles on me, and by the time 630 rolls around and its time for BJJ--i can't think, i preform bad because im tired, and i consitatnly worry what im going to do when i get out. (which is usually around 10-1030) I wake up at 730 in the morn go to work, do classes, ect ect. The only free time i really have is on the weekends, (we have class) but typically i'd rather just sit around and be lazy because the work week was so ungodly hectic.

I look at some of the lazier dudes around me, they can wake up at 1 pm, 3 pm, whatever time they want--meanwhile ive already been up for 5-6 hours working.

Anyone have any advice? Or run into the same prob? Do you stop hanging out with friends so much? Stop socializing. I mean, i love BJJ but i also love having a social life.

What should i do?
I hate bitching, but i've recently run into a fairly serious problem with my social/professional life consuming all my time.

I'm a college student, in my third year, handling a job, school, and a social life ontop of BJJ is a tedious task.

I see myself going to less and less class because im burnt out all the time. Worst of all--that was the whole point of BJJ for me. For a stress reliever, to get some time alone... find a hobby thats good for my body and my mind.

Another horrid thing about it is that im paying 100 a month for it, and not taking full advantage. Also, i dont want my training partners to start thinking im not dedicated--i am--its just all the other shit compiles on me, and by the time 630 rolls around and its time for BJJ--i can't think, i preform bad because im tired, and i consitatnly worry what im going to do when i get out. (which is usually around 10-1030) I wake up at 730 in the morn go to work, do classes, ect ect. The only free time i really have is on the weekends, (we have class) but typically i'd rather just sit around and be lazy because the work week was so ungodly hectic.

I look at some of the lazier dudes around me, they can wake up at 1 pm, 3 pm, whatever time they want--meanwhile ive already been up for 5-6 hours working.

Anyone have any advice? Or run into the same prob? Do you stop hanging out with friends so much? Stop socializing. I mean, i love BJJ but i also love having a social life.

What should i do?

Stop being a woman. Social life isnt important. Get to the gym.:icon_chee
Stop worrying what other people do or think. Either take a break, stop bitching and suck it up, or call Dr Phil.
BJJ has completely fucked up my (real) life. I made a decision that BJJ would not suffer, which caused all other aspects of my life to be affected. My social life has become BJJ/grappling/mma which I prefer but my work is always really suffering. When ever it starts to interfere with my training I do something drastic which either forces me to switch jobs or give up money. This can be a real pain with not getting bills paid or running up debt, ect....

not the smartest thing but if you love this stuff you only live once and as you get older you will regret not training when you could
Stop bitching like a punk, I, along with many others have to balance work/school/bjj all at the same time as well. Get used to it.
Wow, I cant believe some of your responses. He's genuinely looking for advice, and you guys shit on him telling him to stop being such a bitch. Wow.

I too have to juggle School, Work, Jiu Jitsu, and my social life. Sometimes, Jiu Jitsu does need to take a back-seat. What I do, is I bring my stuff to school with me no matter what, then, that way, if It turns out that I've done enough work for a day, I can go to jiu jitsu.

Also, since Jiu Jitsu is one of those things that has to be fun, if you're not having a blast at it, just take a break.

The man in my avatar was one of the greatest musicians to ever live, in a field where people have practiced for upwards of 12 hours per day, and even he took breaks over the summer.
Wow, I cant believe some of your responses. He's genuinely looking for advice, and you guys shit on him telling him to stop being such a bitch. Wow.

I too have to juggle School, Work, Jiu Jitsu, and my social life. Sometimes, Jiu Jitsu does need to take a back-seat. What I do, is I bring my stuff to school with me no matter what, then, that way, if It turns out that I've done enough work for a day, I can go to jiu jitsu.

Also, since Jiu Jitsu is one of those things that has to be fun, if you're not having a blast at it, just take a break.

The man in my avatar was one of the greatest musicians to ever live, in a field where people have practiced for upwards of 12 hours per day, and even he took breaks over the summer.

I'm giving him good advice, life can be tough and bitching is the last thing you want to do. You just need to build up your work ethic and eventually you will get used to it. Bitching usually leads to failure. Also like you mentioned BJJ is supposed to be fun. It's not like school or work, you should be excited to be there.
As much as many people don't want to admit it, BJJ is just a hobby, not very many of us are ever going to do it professionally. Work/School are much more important than a hobby. I say take a break of BJJ and get your life in order, then get back into it. If you leave BJJ for a while you'll really miss it and you'll most likely have some fire when you come back.
I'm in medical school, and usually swamped with work to do and shit to study.

Time management is key. I cut down on video games, tv, socializing with friends, going to the gym, etc. I see my friends like once every month. I can't remember the last time I went to the movies. Now it's basically just study and BJJ.

Gotta prioritize. You got school, a job, and you want to train. Eat well and get good night's sleep for starters so you don't feel like crap during the day. Be efficient when you do your work so you're not stressed about it when training or falling behind. Keep a damn planner and stick to it. If there are times you need to catch up, skip a practice or two and work like all hell to get back on track.
I'm giving him good advice, life can be tough and bitching is the last thing you want to do. You just need to build up your work ethic and eventually you will get used to it. Bitching usually leads to failure. Also like you mentioned BJJ is supposed to be fun. It's not like school or work, you should be excited to be there.

You told him to stop bitching like a punk. Do you think that, perhaps, were you to phrase that differently, it would have a greater, and more positive effect? Maybe it's just me, but that doesnt sound like "good advice," that sounds like you telling him to stop being some punk-bitch.
You told him to stop bitching like a punk. Do you think that, perhaps, were you to phrase that differently, it would have a greater, and more positive effect? Maybe it's just me, but that doesnt sound like "good advice," that sounds like you telling him to stop being some punk-bitch.

True, it could have been toned down a bit.
Greg, how bad was the damage to your knee?

My doctor said the damage was not horrible but he ordered me to stay off the mats for 6 months. At the time it happened though I thought I was done. It was a huge pop the pain was unbareable and I had to be carried off the mats. I was winning the match 14 - 0 too.
You sound like you simply need some balance, and JJ was supposed to be the antithesis to all the other life stressors. Now it has become a bit of a burden, if I understand you correctly.

Maybe you can cut back on how often you go. It can still be a great escape for you in your life, but it simply isn't as important as work, school, bills, etc. If you cut back, JJ may have the 'escape' feel rather than the 'burden' feel to it.
I'm in pretty much the exact situation. 3rd year, + lots of work & a little social life. lol

Not much you can do other than establish your priorities and stick with them. Just think, you'll be done school for the semester in about a month. Lots of time for the gym then
work > BJJ > friends

ur lucky u dont have a nagging GF as well.
train when you can, but go at least 1 timea week.

this way you are still in the game and not accepting a situation where you flat out quit. sometimes life gets in the way of jiu-jitsu. when your life slows donw you can pik up the pace again.