fast food addicts...

lion paw

Brown Belt
Dec 24, 2012
Reaction score
how hard is it to quit and how long are the withdrawal symptoms?
Drunk me has a fast food addiction

It's really easy because the food is so shitty that you can easily find something much better tasting.
are you going on vacation or something?
It's really easy because the food is so shitty that you can easily find something much better tasting.

fast food is really a gateway food.. it leads to like baked chicken and shit..
The withdrawal symptoms are looking good naked and getting laid a lot
It's really easy because the food is so shitty that you can easily find something much better tasting.


Five guys! :p
baked chicken is the one.Grilled chicken on the other hand,eh no.Funny thing is i get tired after eating red meat and pizza.But when i eat like popeyes or ljs..i feel normal..there's something in the cow.
When we were working, the wife and I would eat that shit almost everyday for lunch. Now that we're both unemployed and eating leftovers and sandwiches for lunch, we both feel better and have lost weight. I'm down 12lbs and she's down almost 10 since the first of November.
Don't consider them fast food, consider it a step above.

When I think of Fast Food Im talking McDonalds and Burger King and shit like that. 5 Guys burger is way better than a shitty big mac or whopper.

I've still never had a Five Guys burger. I'm ashamed.
I've still never had a Five Guys burger. I'm ashamed.

No worries, It's a decent burger, frys are good too. It is a bit pricy as some people will point out.

I actually found a little side of the road burger joint that opened up not long ago near me, just working out of a trailer, that has won me over, they don't put bacon on their burgers, but they don't need too. They have the tastiest burger meat, you don't need much to enjoy it.

Actually, here is a picture of it.

aww five guys,yeah they're a step above.Same with nations and in n' out.But fg gives me friggn bad gas and indegestion.That and they're expensive as hell...but good.

bk and mcdonalds are like once and a month for me.Wendy's is once in a few weeks.Popeyes yum.