Farmers Walks


White Belt
Oct 15, 2005
Reaction score
I hear they are awsome and I plan to add them to my routine. I am just not sure what weight to use.

Around how long should I be able to hold the dumbells before I feel like dropping them?

thanks in advance.
Well with the weight you surley don't want want to be able to drop it right away. I think 60-80pd DB should be enough, depending...
I would alternate walking with lighter weights that you can walk 100 feet before they drop and heavier weights that you can only walk 50 feet before they drop.
I would alternate walking with lighter weights that you can walk 100 feet before they drop and heavier weights that you can only walk 50 feet before they drop.

Great idea!!
Also, I recommend that you go to and purchase a pair of farmer's walk implements if you're willing to spend $120, more or less. That is what I use for my farmer's walk training.
Thanks but when i do farmers walk I have to do laps around my local gym lol. so I dont really know the distance. Could I get an estimated time in minutes or seconds? And ill look into that site.
I use two 3 foot length's of inch and a half galvanized pipe for my farmers walks. I'd say switching to those and doing BB holds with a thick bar have given me the greatest jumps in grip strength. Just make sure you're safe with them when they drop, otherwise I find them to be a lot of fun.
use a weight you can walk 100 ft with. then rest, and repeat. Get as many 100 ft walks as you can in 20 mintutes, then when you can get in 10, add more weight.
I'm pretty sure alot of sports teams do zigzag walks, also play around with the weight and distance...look at sprinting workouts for ideas.
i use 45 pound weights, with big handles, but i still have to pinch pretty hard. are these better or worse than db's.