Crime Extremism in America!

You don't have to "trust" the ADL. Just as you would not trust someone in Goti's criminal organization testifying against Goti. What you should trust is how they are corroborated with other information from other sources and since this is perfectly in line with that the FBI and Homeland have identified prior, it becomes a piece of a large growing corroborated pie.
Do you think the ADL decided to classify the hundreds of incidents of BLM burning down and destroying businesses and the dozens of murders at BLM riots as left wing terrorist incidents? Especially since they actually managed to change policy in America with the destruction done in their name.
Good discussion point. Thanks.

nostradumbass is adding to the discussion that while the above is extremely accurate he knows of a single incident, where an extremist is not an identified republican.

Good point to add to this chat, but does not change anything, really.
Are you retarded? I didn't even have to look anything up to prove this whole thread is a fail based on a discredited political organization flat out lying to you, and instead of being man enough to admit you got duped, you respond with "it's still real to me, dammit"? Get lost, bozo
The data below is exactly in line with the varied reports the FBI and Homeland security have put out identifying right wing extremism as the biggest threat and also biggest growing threat in America.

What a bunch of garbage

The biggest threat? Threats to who?

Want to look interracial violent crime rate stats? You know... actual threats to average people just trying to live their lives?

Guarantee you don't
What a bunch of garbage

The biggest threat? Threats to who?

Want to look interracial violent crime rate stats? You know... actual threats to average people just trying to live their lives?

Guarantee you don't
I knew you would react to this post exactly like this. Never change, brother

Do you think the ADL decided to classify the hundreds of incidents of BLM burning down and destroying businesses and the dozens of murders at BLM riots as left wing terrorist incidents? Especially since they actually managed to change policy in America with the destruction done in their name.

2021 - "Defund the Police!!!"

These US cities defunded police: 'We're transferring money to the community'​

More than 20 major cities have reduced police budgets in some form, and activists are fighting to ensure that is only the start

Crime rates inflate...


Police agencies are desperate to hire. But they say few want the job.​

Because it's a garbage narrative, ignoring the real issues cities are facing
I don't entirely disagree with you. But I don't think we are coming from it at the same angle. I don't think the KKK is as much of a force as the OP is running with but at the same time, I don't think they are as non-existent as you pretend that they are.

Why do you run to the interracial crime narrative though? What are you trying to imply?
Why not just mention the day to day crimes in inner cities instead of making it racial eh?
I don't entirely disagree with you. But I don't think we are coming from it at the same angle. I don't think the KKK is as much of a force as the OP is running with but at the same time, I don't think they are as non-existent as you pretend that they are.

Why do you run to the interracial crime narrative though? What are you trying to imply?
Why not just mention the day to day crimes in inner cities instead of making it racial eh?

It's really hard to say a basic reality without sounding like a racist. Young black dudes are the biggest day to day threat to everybody from what I can tell in real life experiences and the stats.

Now don't get me wrong I don't hate black people but I'm not blind either.
I don't entirely disagree with you. But I don't think we are coming from it at the same angle. I don't think the KKK is as much of a force as the OP is running with but at the same time, I don't think they are as non-existent as you pretend that they are.

Why do you run to the interracial crime narrative though? What are you trying to imply?
Why not just mention the day to day crimes in inner cities instead of making it racial eh?
I think the point he's making is that if you are worried about people murdering each other, why is the OP worried about the <1% of murders rather than the other >99%? If you completely removed white supremacist murders somehow you would barely change the landscape of people being killed in America.

The ADL are fear mongering like they always have done and they are complete hypocrites. The same exact issues that they say are racist and white supremacist in America are somehow always fine when the country in question is instead Israel. How anyone could take them seriously is beyond me.
And it still pales in comparison to other groups in America who commit violent crimes.
I think the point he's making is that if you are worried about people murdering each other, why is the OP worried about the <1% of murders rather than the other >99%? If you completely removed white supremacist murders somehow you would barely change the landscape of people being killed in America.

The ADL are fear mongering like they always have done and they are complete hypocrites. The same exact issues that they say are racist and white supremacist in America are somehow always fine when the country in question is instead Israel. How anyone could take them seriously is beyond me.

The reason I picked up the Interacial Violence again because the official narrative is always "Far Right White Supremist Terrorism is the greatest threat Americans face"

The fuck are they talking about? The Greatest threat? Threat to who? Blacks?

The greatest threat to blacks is from other blacks... its not even close.

The black on black murder rate is over 100/100,000...

One incident of three retard white guys killing one black man... Oh no!! It's a White supremacist hate crime. National headlines for weeks. YAY... Justice is served

Meanwhile... during that same time frame... there's 10 murders a week in Chicago alone

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If that is true then it is a great time to invest into VPN companies.

CyberGhost VPN is the Nr. 1 security software for all extremists, guerilla fighters and i cannot remember the rest of this Sam Hyde quote.

Do you think the ADL decided to classify the hundreds of incidents of BLM burning down and destroying businesses and the dozens of murders at BLM riots as left wing terrorist incidents? Especially since they actually managed to change policy in America with the destruction done in their name.
The FBI, Homeland and ADl all classify things differently but explain the classifications. that is necessary as you need to understand the distinctions to combat them.

I cannot speak for them, you would have to read what they say.

But here is my understanding.

Things like riots, which have occured since near the countries inception, that are linked to trigger events, such as 'trying to end slavery', the 'verdict in Rodney King trial' or when people see 'horrendous police abuse', are not classified the same as the extremism being categorized here.


- Because to combat this type of extremism, you can identify groups and the people within them, all pushing a set of very similar goals and towards a very similar set of violent actions to achieve those goals. This is much like identifying a terrorist group and then surveiling them, so you can take action. That is the bulk of right wing extremism in America.

- What you are speaking to with BLM, or riots that would form in Southern States, over fights to end slavery, are generally 'reactions to injustice' that can and do lead to violence and property harm and that get magnified by general 'anti government groups (left and right, some of which may be tracked in my prior bullet) who do not necessarily care about the BLM cause, but see this as something they can tag in to for their own agenda. Yo usay 'but after Rodney King riots, many changes to policing were made'. True but that is reactionary as well and does not speak to what you suggest.

Here is a key distinction.

If the FBI prior to Rodney King or George Floyd related riots, tried to stop them based on trying to identify, years earlier the 'BLM extremists', they would have come up with NOTHING. With the crimes done by Right Extremists, the MAIN TACTIC to stop them, is to surveil them, get into their groups and see their plans as they unfold. They are organized and mission driven and with a goal that can be deduced.

Right wing extremism parallels, in every way, muslim extremism that results in terrorism. You use the same tactics to defeat both. Those tactics would be largely useless to stop a BLM large protest , triggered by a Rodney King event or George Floyd event, as BLM is not driving the protest that form, even if they try to assert themselves as a main voice of the Protest, and subsequent riot that may form.
Are you retarded? I didn't even have to look anything up to prove this whole thread is a fail based on a discredited political organization flat out lying to you, and instead of being man enough to admit you got duped, you respond with "it's still real to me, dammit"? Get lost, bozo
Ya but the problem is you did not make a point?

No one can quote your point as it does not exist.
What a bunch of garbage

The biggest threat? Threats to who?

Want to look interracial violent crime rate stats? You know... actual threats to average people just trying to live their lives?

Guarantee you don't

Domestic violence, and community violence (highest in republican areas like Jim Jordans and Kevin McCarthy's) are different categories and not what is being discussed here.

What you are doing would be like us trying to discuss the risk of colon cancer to males and you saying it is a bunch of garbage to discuss that as heart disease is worse and kills more males.