Exposing the Grift: Go Woke Go Broke

The best one with that is the Escape Plan movies.

First one starred Stallone, Schwarzenegger, 50 Cent, Jim Cavizel, Vinnie Jones, Sam Neil, Amy Ryan, bunch of big stars. It did alright, not as well as hoped.

But China fucking LOVED it. So they went to Stallone and said "Make another one, but put Chinese people in it!" and it was this weird movie where the main movie with all of these chinese people were doing stuff, but every so often, Stallone, 50, and Dave Bautista would be off to the side doing other stuff. Straight to Video here, but China loved this one.

So, they made a third one.
LOL I worked in an office for a few years where I was the only straight person. So fucking what?

But if the writing is bad it's bad. If the characters act like frat boys instead of highly trained military officers, I can see how that could be off-putting.

Re: the bold, I just stopped because all the shows went to Paramount+ and there's no way I'm paying* for one franchise.

*Up here in Canada that is. Dunno if it's free down your way.
I don't think it's free down here, I may have hypothetically watched it through alternative means.

Picard was VERY bad IMO, I tapped out quickly in the first season, didn't watch the second. The third was much better though still not great, but decent. You're overall not missing much IMO.

I disagree that the TNG movies were all bad--rather they suffered the same fate as Stephen King novels being made into movies; for every Carrie there's a Cujo. For every Empire Strikes Back there's a Star Wars Episode 1.

Try enough times and you're going to bomb now and again. It doesn't mean the entire effort is futile.

Only resistance is futile.

Opps, wrong Borg ;)
I liked the TNG movies okay until I watched Red Letter Media's Mr. Plinkett reviews on them, RUINED lol. I thought Generations was okay, First Contact was good (it was nice to see the Enterprise kick ass for a change), Insurrection was decent, Nemesis was meh. Watched those reviews and haven't looked back lol, I do think they're overall bad Star Trek movies but I could still sit down and watch one and be entertained.

I'm not familiar enough with Stephen King novels or movies to know, I only watched some of those movies when I was a wee lad many moons ago. I feel like I enjoyed one or two but I don't remember.
And imagine repeatedly quoting red letter media as an authority on anything entertainment

Oh the embarrassment
Is that why it's bad though? I can't gauge that based on your comment. Star Trek always had diversity intentionally. At one point I worked with almost that many LGBTQ people in a relatively small office. The last one I can't comment on, seems like obesity wouldn't be a thing in the Star Trek universe though. Outside of Picard S3 which was decent, I tapped out of Star Trek a long time ago when the writing went downhill. Edit: Unless you're talking about another ST series, I don't keep up.

Here's a relatively apolitical Star Trek nerd breaking down why he thinks Brave New Worlds is bad:

Right, Uhura's mere presence as a valued professional on the Enterprise was a more radical idea in the mid 1960s than Burnham being captain of Discovery in the late 2010s.

Not to mention all those woke themes in the original series. Racial and gender equality (Uhura), culture diversity (Sulu and although people didn't know it back then -- Takei is gay which would be enough to send the anti-wokes into an absolute tizzy), and the absurdity of racism (this entire episode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let_That_Be_Your_Last_Battlefield). Anyone complaining about Star Trek turning woke is a bonafide idiot. Its been "woke" since the beginning.
Right, Uhura's mere presence as a valued professional on the Enterprise was a more radical idea in the mid 1960s than Burnham being captain of Discovery in the late 2010s.

Not to mention all those woke themes in the original series. Racial and gender equality (Uhura), culture diversity (Sulu and although people didn't know it back then -- Takei is gay which would be enough to send the anti-wokes into an absolute tizzy), and the absurdity of racism (this entire episode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let_That_Be_Your_Last_Battlefield). Anyone complaining about Star Trek turning woke is a bonafide idiot. Its been "woke" since the beginning.
You left out Chekhov. :)
I mean, it was during the cold war so that was saying something as well.
Right, Uhura's mere presence as a valued professional on the Enterprise was a more radical idea in the mid 1960s than Burnham being captain of Discovery in the late 2010s.

Not to mention all those woke themes in the original series. Racial and gender equality (Uhura), culture diversity (Sulu and although people didn't know it back then -- Takei is gay which would be enough to send the anti-wokes into an absolute tizzy), and the absurdity of racism (this entire episode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let_That_Be_Your_Last_Battlefield). Anyone complaining about Star Trek turning woke is a bonafide idiot. Its been "woke" since the beginning.
Yep! Great example with that episode too. Uhura and Kirk kissing also would've been considered really "woke" at that time, it was a big deal and they had to be tricky to get it in the episode. Yesterday's woke/controversial/whatever you wanna call it is today's normal.
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They made a lot of mistakes with the movies and I would love for them to get it right. I have little faith they will.

My biggest disappointment was Obi-Wan Kenobi. That should have been awesome but the writing was terrible, which has been a pretty constant problem.

I disagree with what you think they're hearing from the market. The writing has always been the problem and the investors have always been too stupid to fix it.
How hard would it be to fix it?
speaking of definitions, American Heritage dictionary defines Grift as 'money made dishonestly, as in a swindle'. Youtubers making videos saying going woke gets one broke doesn't really fit a grift imo
speaking of definitions, American Heritage dictionary defines Grift as 'money made dishonestly, as in a swindle'. Youtubers making videos saying going woke gets one broke doesn't really fit a grift imo
That would depend a somewhat on whether they know they're manure spreaders or are just naturally shitty and dumb. Either way, they're playing upon people's worst instincts to make money and it's repulsive.
Desperation mate

Andor is the only good thing they made since the OT?* Time to change tack then?!

* I disagree.but the premise of the argument remains

Did I say it was the only good thing or did I say it was the BEST thing? And did I say OT or did I say Empire? I think Andor was fantastic and definitely better than Return.

I enjoy Star Wars and have liked plenty of stuff over the years, including The Force Awakens, which I brought my family to and everyone loved.

Andor gave me one of my favorite scenes in all of Star Wars, so I'm glad they kept trying even if they got it wrong a bunch of times. Star Wars isn't wrecked because it recently gave me this scene, which I have watched a hundred times.

That would depend a little on whether they know they're manure spreaders or just naturally shitty and dumb. Either way, they're playing upon people's worst instincts to make money and it's repulsive.
Yeah. They know there's a rage bait market. As Th3 Birdman in the OP video says (referring to The Critical Drinker), one tactic is to couch valid criticism between talking points as a disguise. Some are far more transparent
It is a Chinese conglomerate funded movie. They lost money with that film. It was panned everywhere but it was symbolic for them. Legendary backed by the Wanda group was able to purchase a western star to act in a crappy blockbuster movies. They are also responsible for those crappy expendable movies.
The original statement by old black guy avatar with hoodie was that no one wanted that or that kind of story. That was disproven by the box office numbers. I also did not take him literally just to troll him.
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Right, Uhura's mere presence as a valued professional on the Enterprise was a more radical idea in the mid 1960s than Burnham being captain of Discovery in the late 2010s.

Not to mention all those woke themes in the original series. Racial and gender equality (Uhura), culture diversity (Sulu and although people didn't know it back then -- Takei is gay which would be enough to send the anti-wokes into an absolute tizzy), and the absurdity of racism (this entire episode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let_That_Be_Your_Last_Battlefield). Anyone complaining about Star Trek turning woke is a bonafide idiot. Its been "woke" since the beginning.
Yeh, not making a big deal of someone's sexual preferences is the opposite of being woke ya raging m*ngt*rd <lol> <lol> <lol> <lol>

Literally the worst example you could have made. Contradicts your argument

Woke isn't just having a female, black, gay, character

Woke is obnoxiously shouting at everyone before the show even airs how gay or whatever your show is. Rather than just making a good show that may or may not have a gay character

You're a bonafide idiot for making that point. As is any retard who liked your post.
And on page 145 we will talk about the Timurid successor states so we can go on more irrelevant tangents.