Exposing the Grift: Go Woke Go Broke

Two things can be true at once. All those Nerdrotic type shows are repetitive, corny rage bait mining grifters AND there is dumb woke shit constantly being churned out.

Jada Pinkett Smith produced a Cleopatra DOCUMENTARY that blackwashed it so bad Egypt literally sued Netflix. That is peak woke.

Yeah, that was bad. Here's another. The makers tried to defend it as race blind casting, LOL.
They only wrecked Stsr Wars and almost all of Star trek....

LOTR also had a bad reputation...<AckbarTrap>

They didn't wreck Star Wars, Andor came out and that was the best Star Wars since Empire. Is a lot of Star Wars garbage? Absolutely yes, for a lot of reasons. That didn't stop Andor from being fantastic.

If you want to make a lot of noise hoping someone hears you, listens and makes better shows and movies, I guess that's fair, but I don't think it will work. I prefer to savor the good stuff and ignore the disappointments.
what blows my mind is there is a whole ecosystem of angry white dorks on youtube, ticktock, twitter, etc. that do nothing but cry about anyone non-white playing a role in any media. It's incredibly cringe.

Shouldn't be surprising any more, we're drowning in whiney bitches so it's a lucrative market.
You do understand the state of triple AAA gaming?

Box Office Mojo says it made more than 300 million. 170 mil in China it was probably not one of those CCP boosted the numbers movies, you make it sound like it is an obscure PureFlix movie.

170 million in China and 260 million worldwide. But the production budget was 150 million. That's not including marketing which often exceeds the production cost. So it was a total failure.
They didn't wreck Star Wars, Andor came out and that was the best Star Wars since Empire. Is a lot of Star Wars garbage? Absolutely yes, for a lot of reasons. That didn't stop Andor from being fantastic.

If you want to make a lot of noise hoping someone hears you, listens and makes better shows and movies, I guess that's fair, but I don't think it will work. I prefer to savor the good stuff and ignore the disappointments.
They said there will be 1 movie every year. After the trilogy there are no SW movies out so far. Andor is great, but the brand had higher upside than 1 good tv show.

I think the market heard the consumers loud and clear.
They said there will be 1 movie every year. After the trilogy there are no SW movies out so far. Andor is great, but the brand had higher upside than 1 good tv show.

I think the market heard the consumers loud and clear.

They made a lot of mistakes with the movies and I would love for them to get it right. I have little faith they will.

My biggest disappointment was Obi-Wan Kenobi. That should have been awesome but the writing was terrible, which has been a pretty constant problem.

I disagree with what you think they're hearing from the market. The writing has always been the problem and the investors have always been too stupid to fix it.
Thats not the point though. The point is that there are some people pretending to be against including Yasuke in a game set in feudal Japan because they contend that stories involving feudal Japan should revolve around only Japanese people. Yet, they have no problem with Shogun. The execs that green lit Shogun, could have green lit a show set in feudal Japan that featured only Japanese characters in the same way that Ubisoft could have excluded Yasuke from its game. So what is the difference? So far we've gotten half ass arguments from madmick like "but Shogun is based on a 50 year old book!" (not relevant), "but its Ubisoft's first game set in Japan" (who cares?), and "I like the themes in Shogun better" (that is personal preference).

The point is. If its okay to do a story like Shogun then its okay to do a story with Yasuke.
Indeed. You could re-title this thread, "People learning what the term "target audience" means".
Star Trek started going downhill 30 years ago with the TNG movies, the Star Wars prequels got a lot of backlash when the first episode was released, 25 years ago. Lucas intentionally started adding minorities to Star Wars after the first movie came out cuz even people BACK THEN were like, "bro, white fest." Carl Sagan even mentioned that. Woooooooooooooooooooooooke.

Both franchises going downhill is a writing issue and people not understanding the IP regardless of politics. Acolyte has been getting barbequed by everyone, same with the sequel trilogy, BoBF, Mando S3, Kenobi, etc. Meanwhile, you have Andor which is super leftwing and has a diverse cast, lauded heavily.

By a lotta whiner's definition my IRL coworkers/friends/acquaintances are a DEI, diverse whatever-buzzword/dog whistle woke fest.
They made a lot of mistakes with the movies and I would love for them to get it right. I have little faith they will.

My biggest disappointment was Obi-Wan Kenobi. That should have been awesome but the writing was terrible, which has been a pretty constant problem.

I disagree with what you think they're hearing from the market. The writing has always been the problem and the investors have always been too stupid to fix it.
The original treatment for Kenobi from Stuart Beattie sounds like it would've been amazing, it was supposed to be a movie trilogy. IIRC it got scrapped after Solo. The guy seems like he really understands SW. Star Wars Theory has a 45 minute interview with him which I found interesting.
The original treatment for Kenobi from Stuart Beattie sounds like it would've been amazing, it was supposed to be a movie trilogy. IIRC it got scrapped after Solo. The guy seems like he really understands SW. Star Wars Theory has a 45 minute interview with him which I found interesting.

That makes me very sad.
Star Trek started going downhill 30 years ago with the TNG movies, the Star Wars prequels got a lot of backlash when the first episode was released, 25 years ago. Lucas intentionally started adding minorities to Star Wars after the first movie came out cuz even people BACK THEN were like, "bro, white fest." Carl Sagan even mentioned that. Woooooooooooooooooooooooke.

Both franchises going downhill is a writing issue and people not understanding the IP regardless of politics. Acolyte has been getting barbequed by everyone, same with the sequel trilogy, BoBF, Mando S3, Kenobi, etc. Meanwhile, you have Andor which is super leftwing and has a diverse cast, lauded heavily.

By a lotta whiner's definition my IRL coworkers/friends/acquaintances are a DEI, diverse whatever-buzzword/dog whistle woke fest.

The new Star Trek has like 8 LGBTQ main characters. Plus a fat ugly girl for representation.
Box Office Mojo says it made more than 300 million. 170 mil in China it was probably not one of those CCP boosted the numbers movies, you make it sound like it is an obscure PureFlix movie.
It is a Chinese conglomerate funded movie. They lost money with that film. It was panned everywhere but it was symbolic for them. Legendary backed by the Wanda group was able to purchase a western star to act in a crappy blockbuster movies. They are also responsible for those crappy expendable movies.
It is a Chinese conglomerate funded movie. They lost money with that film. It was panned everywhere but it was symbolic for them. Legendary backed by the Wanda group was able to purchase a western star to act in a crappy blockbuster movies. They are also responsible for those crappy expendable movies.

The best one with that is the Escape Plan movies.

First one starred Stallone, Schwarzenegger, 50 Cent, Jim Cavizel, Vinnie Jones, Sam Neil, Amy Ryan, bunch of big stars. It did alright, not as well as hoped.

But China fucking LOVED it. So they went to Stallone and said "Make another one, but put Chinese people in it!" and it was this weird movie where the main movie with all of these chinese people were doing stuff, but every so often, Stallone, 50, and Dave Bautista would be off to the side doing other stuff. Straight to Video here, but China loved this one.

So, they made a third one.
The new Star Trek has like 8 LGBTQ main characters. Plus a fat ugly girl for representation.
Is that why it's bad though? I can't gauge that based on your comment. Star Trek always had diversity intentionally. At one point I worked with almost that many LGBTQ people in a relatively small office. The last one I can't comment on, seems like obesity wouldn't be a thing in the Star Trek universe though. Outside of Picard S3 which was decent, I tapped out of Star Trek a long time ago when the writing went downhill. Edit: Unless you're talking about another ST series, I don't keep up.

Here's a relatively apolitical Star Trek nerd breaking down why he thinks Brave New Worlds is bad:

Two things can be true at once. All those Nerdrotic type shows are repetitive, corny rage bait mining grifters AND there is dumb woke shit constantly being churned out.

Jada Pinkett Smith produced a Cleopatra DOCUMENTARY that blackwashed it so bad Egypt literally sued Netflix. That is peak woke.

You are wrong.

Because Deviante’s tiny little mind can’t accept that maims woke crap might not be a positive.
They didn't wreck Star Wars, Andor came out and that was the best Star Wars since Empire. Is a lot of Star Wars garbage? Absolutely yes, for a lot of reasons. That didn't stop Andor from being fantastic.

If you want to make a lot of noise hoping someone hears you, listens and makes better shows and movies, I guess that's fair, but I don't think it will work. I prefer to savor the good stuff and ignore the disappointments.
Desperation mate

Andor is the only good thing they made since the OT?* Time to change tack then?!

* I disagree.but the premise of the argument remains
Is that why it's bad though? I can't gauge that based on your comment. Star Trek always had diversity intentionally. At one point I worked with almost that many LGBTQ people in a relatively small office. The last one I can't comment on, seems like obesity wouldn't be a thing in the Star Trek universe though. Outside of Picard S3 which was decent, I tapped out of Star Trek a long time ago when the writing went downhill. Edit: Unless you're talking about another ST series, I don't keep up.

Here's a relatively apolitical Star Trek nerd breaking down why he thinks Brave New Worlds is bad:

LOL I worked in an office for a few years where I was the only straight person. So fucking what?

But if the writing is bad it's bad. If the characters act like frat boys instead of highly trained military officers, I can see how that could be off-putting.

Re: the bold, I just stopped because all the shows went to Paramount+ and there's no way I'm paying* for one franchise.

*Up here in Canada that is. Dunno if it's free down your way.
They said there will be 1 movie every year. After the trilogy there are no SW movies out so far. Andor is great, but the brand had higher upside than 1 good tv show.

I think the market heard the consumers loud and clear.
They made a lot of mistakes with the movies and I would love for them to get it right. I have little faith they will.

My biggest disappointment was Obi-Wan Kenobi. That should have been awesome but the writing was terrible, which has been a pretty constant problem.

I disagree with what you think they're hearing from the market. The writing has always been the problem and the investors have always been too stupid to fix it.
Why are some people so desperate to deny that inserting woke politics into movies and Tv is having a massively negative impact on these IPs.

It’s clear as 1+1=2.

But their own political identity means they will argue up is down, black is white, water isn’t wet.

It’s bizarre how married to their political “team” they are

Star wars
Star trek
A spell of Dc, though they went away from woke and are doing better again


There are so many examples of the average public denying woke shit

Why are some people so married to denying this

Fighting tooth and nail to deny what a 5 year old can see
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Star Trek started going downhill 30 years ago with the TNG movies, the Star Wars prequels got a lot of backlash when the first episode was released, 25 years ago. Lucas intentionally started adding minorities to Star Wars after the first movie came out cuz even people BACK THEN were like, "bro, white fest." Carl Sagan even mentioned that. Woooooooooooooooooooooooke.
this is so disingenuous it’s untrue

The reason the prequels aren’t popular is not in any single way related to why the sequels and the recent terrible Tv shows aren’t popular

Imagine being so married to your far left politics you have to pervert why everything in the history of the human race occurred

It isn’t healthy man
Star Trek started going downhill 30 years ago with the TNG movies, the Star Wars prequels got a lot of backlash when the first episode was released, 25 years ago. Lucas intentionally started adding minorities to Star Wars after the first movie came out cuz even people BACK THEN were like, "bro, white fest." Carl Sagan even mentioned that. Woooooooooooooooooooooooke.

Both franchises going downhill is a writing issue and people not understanding the IP regardless of politics. Acolyte has been getting barbequed by everyone, same with the sequel trilogy, BoBF, Mando S3, Kenobi, etc. Meanwhile, you have Andor which is super leftwing and has a diverse cast, lauded heavily.

By a lotta whiner's definition my IRL coworkers/friends/acquaintances are a DEI, diverse whatever-buzzword/dog whistle woke fest.
I disagree that the TNG movies were all bad--rather they suffered the same fate as Stephen King novels being made into movies; for every Carrie there's a Cujo. For every Empire Strikes Back there's a Star Wars Episode 1.

Try enough times and you're going to bomb now and again. It doesn't mean the entire effort is futile.

Only resistance is futile.

Opps, wrong Borg ;)