International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

Idgaf about nasrallah nor hezbollah. I care about all the Lebanese civilians that are massacred, including the kids.

ما يهمني هو الظلم والإبابة الذي تدعمه كل يوم هنا منذ سنة. الأولاد الصغار الممزقين بقصفاتكم و قنابلكم

ولكن يبدو أن يفرحك ذلك. أو على الأقل أن لا يزعجك ولوو نثقال ذرة. الحق يقال.

ترى الآلاف من المدنيين العرب والأولاد و النساء مقتولين

وهذا لك شيء ضئيل، ما عنده أهمية كأنهم تحت قيمة الحيوان

فهمت ذلك عنك

Any reason you post clickbait / fake Reddit posts and won't respond to even Al Jazeera contradicting your claims?

Weren't you complaining I don't respond to your posts? I am tagging you and or quoting your posts so I know you see them. Is Al Jazeera Zionist Hasbara also?

Per Google Translate from Arabic:
"What matters to me is the injustice and arrogance that you support every day here for a year. Little boys torn apart by your bombings and your bombs But it seems that this makes you happy. Or at least it doesn't bother you one iota. Truth be told. You see thousands of Arab civilians, children and women killed And this is something insignificant to you, it doesn't matter as if they are worth less than animals I get that about you"

It's amazing that you can lay blame at anyone but the people who started a senseless war and continue to fight it with no care for their people.

I doubt there's a single person here who views Palestinians as less than human or experiences joy reading or watching the conflict. The death and destruction that you you witness is a consequence of war. It's brutal and ugly. A lot of innocent people get hurt and killed. It is why Oct 7th made zero sense.

Does Israel care more about Israelis than Palestinians? Clearly yes. That's a "no shit Sherlock" situation. That is also the duty of every government.

Your exaggerations and outright lies (whether intentional or simply reposting manipulative information) are not helping the situation.
Idgaf about nasrallah nor hezbollah. I care about all the Lebanese civilians that are massacred, including the kids.

ما يهمني هو الظلم والإبابة الذي تدعمه كل يوم هنا منذ سنة. الأولاد الصغار الممزقين بقصفاتكم و قنابلكم

ولكن يبدو أن يفرحك ذلك. أو على الأقل أن لا يزعجك ولوو نثقال ذرة. الحق يقال.

ترى الآلاف من المدنيين العرب والأولاد و النساء مقتولين

وهذا لك شيء ضئيل، ما عنده أهمية كأنهم تحت قيمة الحيوان

فهمت ذلك عنك
أتمنى لك ولعائلتك السلام والصحة، كما أتمنى لنفسي .أتمنى أن يخف ألمك..
Idgaf about nasrallah nor hezbollah. I care about all the Lebanese civilians that are massacred, including the kids.

ما يهمني هو الظلم والإبابة الذي تدعمه كل يوم هنا منذ سنة. الأولاد الصغار الممزقين بقصفاتكم و قنابلكم

ولكن يبدو أن يفرحك ذلك. أو على الأقل أن لا يزعجك ولوو نثقال ذرة. الحق يقال.

ترى الآلاف من المدنيين العرب والأولاد و النساء مقتولين

وهذا لك شيء ضئيل، ما عنده أهمية كأنهم تحت قيمة الحيوان

فهمت ذلك عنك
Then save your outrage for hezbollah and hamas and demand they throw down their arms and subject themselves to the unthinkable "surrender"
I have never said that.
Its like you cannot not lie!

I stated: 1) Israel is colonzing the ME to create a greater Israel 2) its driven by the belief that Jews are superior to nonJews in the ME.

Israel is an apartheid state ffs. Israel is stealing land in the WB. Israel naps Palestinian civilians including kids and holds them without charge.
Israel has a large Arab population and had peaceful relations with neighbor Arab states. Just not the ones trying to eliminate them.