Ex gf dumped me because i went clubbing after she broke up with me


Brown Belt
Aug 9, 2012
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my ex dumped me a few days ago, basically saying I'm not good enough for her. I graduated and received my business administration degree a few years ago and I have not been able to find a job in the field. I'm making just a bit above minimum wage, but I've been actively trying to find a better job. She graduated and immediately found a job, but it was ONLY because her parents juiced her in. She could have gotten that job right after high school. She's very attractive and smart, but sometimes has an attitude problem. She's been progressively talking down on me just because I haven't been able to find a decent job.

After a long talk last Saturday morning, she dumped me.* I was extremely depressed, and after looking around the internet, I found that the most common solution is to go out and find another girlfriend. So, that night on the day she dumped me, I went clubbing. One of her friends was there, told her about it, and the next morning, called me and called me all sorts of names, how I'm a piece of shit and will be a nobody for the rest of my life. I'm not going to lie, I still have a LOT of feelings for her. We've been together for awhile and I loved her, never cheated or lied to her in any way. I did everything I could to make her happy.

Yesterday, I found out that she was calling up all my friends and telling them to stop hanging out with me anymore because I'll just only drop them down to my level. She went over the line. I hope I can bounce back after this and find me a girl with a good personality.
She sounds broken.

Good luck, Rich.
You did the right thing, forget her. And if your friends listen to her your better off without them too.
Take a crap in a box, wrap it, put a bow on it, and send it to her job
How can she dumb you after she broke up with you?

You sound like an idot like the guy from the movie TED who wont grow up so she left you
This bitch sounds like a real piece of work
By the way statistics show that Christmas time is when the most amount of breakups happen in USA
I was in a similar situation a few months back although my girlfriend was just as unsuccessful as me. I felt crummy for about a month and a half. The cure is alcohol and pussy.
my ex dumped me a few days ago, basically saying I'm not good enough for her. I graduated and received my business administration degree a few years ago and I have not been able to find a job in the field. I'm making just a bit above minimum wage, but I've been actively trying to find a better job. She graduated and immediately found a job, but it was ONLY because her parents juiced her in. She could have gotten that job right after high school. She's very attractive and smart, but sometimes has an attitude problem. She's been progressively talking down on me just because I haven't been able to find a decent job.

After a long talk last Saturday morning, she dumped me.* I was extremely depressed, and after looking around the internet, I found that the most common solution is to go out and find another girlfriend. So, that night on the day she dumped me, I went clubbing. One of her friends was there, told her about it, and the next morning, called me and called me all sorts of names, how I'm a piece of shit and will be a nobody for the rest of my life. I'm not going to lie, I still have a LOT of feelings for her. We've been together for awhile and I loved her, never cheated or lied to her in any way. I did everything I could to make her happy.

Yesterday, I found out that she was calling up all my friends and telling them to stop hanging out with me anymore because I'll just only drop them down to my level. She went over the line. I hope I can bounce back after this and find me a girl with a good personality.

it sounds like she's still as emotionally invested in this relationship as you are.

usually when girls are no longer interested in you, they won't go out of their way to tell you how much of a, "loser" you are. they simply forget about you and move on to another dude.
Were the two of you on a "break"?
She sounds like a bitch. Besides, how can she be mad at you? She broke up, you can now see anyone you want.

Also, I hope your friends told her to shut up and that she is a stupid, irrational bitch for doing that.
my ex dumped me a few days ago, basically saying I'm not good enough for her. I graduated and received my business administration degree a few years ago and I have not been able to find a job in the field. I'm making just a bit above minimum wage, but I've been actively trying to find a better job. She graduated and immediately found a job, but it was ONLY because her parents juiced her in. She could have gotten that job right after high school. She's very attractive and smart, but sometimes has an attitude problem. She's been progressively talking down on me just because I haven't been able to find a decent job.

After a long talk last Saturday morning, she dumped me.* I was extremely depressed, and after looking around the internet, I found that the most common solution is to go out and find another girlfriend. So, that night on the day she dumped me, I went clubbing. One of her friends was there, told her about it, and the next morning, called me and called me all sorts of names, how I'm a piece of shit and will be a nobody for the rest of my life. I'm not going to lie, I still have a LOT of feelings for her. We've been together for awhile and I loved her, never cheated or lied to her in any way. I did everything I could to make her happy.

Yesterday, I found out that she was calling up all my friends and telling them to stop hanging out with me anymore because I'll just only drop them down to my level. She went over the line. I hope I can bounce back after this and find me a girl with a good personality.

This girl sounds like a real keeper. Do whatever you possibly can to win back this cold, manipulative, controlling, vindictive, money grubbing bitch before someone else scoops her up.
She sounds like an utter demon. If you get back with her you deserve the baldness and ball cancer that eventuates.
So AFTER she dumps YOU, she goes typically crazy bitch when u tried to move on with your life?

Sounds like bullshit to me.

Listen guy I will give you some solid advice about women; fuck them, use them, but never get emotionally attached. They have no other purpose in life other than to serve your needs or ruin your life.

Oh, and stop being a pussy.
The Economy brings the worst out from people