Opinion Everyone dancing in the street

Would you mind defining the term champagne socialists?
I'm Australian so I'm curious if I am that?

Middle or upper class "socialists" that have never worked manual labour in their lives and claim to fight for the proletariat. They work capitalist jobs, and are fully consumerist too. They're basically the anti-thesis of everything hard leftism stands for, yet claim to belong to that camp, fight for underprivileged people & races, etc. They're the ultimate useful idiots & hypocrites.
Middle or upper class "socialists" that have never worked manual labour in their lives and claim to fight for the proletariat. They work capitalist jobs, and are fully consumerist too. They're basically the anti-thesis of everything hard leftism stands for, yet claim to belong to that camp, fight for underprivileged people & races, etc. They're the ultimate useful idiots & hypocrites.

Thanks for the reply, there seems to be a lot to unpack there.

I'm still not sure how you use the term socialists, but it seems from the first sentence that they have to be manual labourers? Is that true? If you work as an insurance broker, for example, are you disallowed from being a socialist? Again, I'm struggling with how you define the term socialist.

As for capitalist job, what do you mean by that? Capitalism is essentially just private enterprise controlling trade and industry rather than the state. I think the vast majority of us would work in Capitalist jobs. Could you help me here?

Consumerist? "Characteristed by a preoccupation with the acquisition of consumer goods". I'm not sure why this is here. Again, your explanation would be helpful.

Hard leftism. How do you define that? To help you with the angle I'm coming from here, there seems to be a suggestion in your post that people who don't work manual labour are not alllowed to fight for underpriveleged persons and races, and you are characterising anyone not wearing a high visibility vest very negatively.

Forgive all the questions, we generally don't use all this fancy language here in Australia.

Thanks for the reply, there seems to be a lot to unpack there.

I'm still not sure how you use the term socialists, but it seems from the first sentence that they have to be manual labourers? Is that true? If you work as an insurance broker, for example, are you disallowed from being a socialist? Again, I'm struggling with how you define the term socialist.

As for capitalist job, what do you mean by that? Capitalism is essentially just private enterprise controlling trade and industry rather than the state. I think the vast majority of us would work in Capitalist jobs. Could you help me here?

Consumerist? "Characteristed by a preoccupation with the acquisition of consumer goods". I'm not sure why this is here. Again, your explanation would be helpful.

Hard leftism. How do you define that? To help you with the angle I'm coming from here, there seems to be a suggestion in your post that people who don't work manual labour are not alllowed to fight for underpriveleged persons and races, and you are characterising anyone not wearing a high visibility vest very negatively.

Forgive all the questions, we generally don't use all this fancy language here in Australia.


You should look into the basic notions of Marxism.
Marxism broadly speaking separates society into two groups, that are constantly fighting one another in the so called class struggle: the proletariat, or working class, and the owners of capital (bourgeoisie), who exploit the working class working for them.

The champagne socialists definitely belong to the bourgeoisie. They are not part of the working class yet claim to represent them and support their ideals. In truth everything they do goes against liberation of the proletariat, such as conspicuous consumption, ownership of capital, etc. They're the proverbial hamsters keeping the wheel turning so to speak.

Now, the working class definitely doesn't mean everyone is a manual labourer. But most of the proletariat definitely are exploited manual labourers. And communist & marxist ideals definitely come from an understanding of work that can be best attained through manual labour.

There are definitely sedentary workers that are now being exploited, but IMHO I'd put them more into the intermediate category known as the "petite bourgeoisie", that's the category Marx put between the working class and the capitalists. People who don't own the means of production but still live a conspicuous lifestyle and try to emulate the bourgeoisie in their goals.
Right-wing people don't protest in the street. It's a hobby shared by left-wing people, not all, but some.

Are you surprised at the hypocrisy? Both sides are hypocritical. But you are out of your goddamned mind if you don't think the left used COVID as a way to attack Trump. How the fuck else could you justify that in California, people aren't supposed to get together for holidays but protesting is safe. It is a rope a dope of the highest order designed for the dumbest citizens and it works like a charm.
You the real mvp with that perfect example of the lockdowns! Can’t go to church or have holidays but thousands gathered in the streets is A OK. The Jews in nyc couldn’t get together, de Blasio crushed them, but de Blasio and wife loved all the rioters!
Another conservative that has no clue how this virus is transmitter but wants to sound like he does.

I'd love to hear how thousands of people in close proximity to one another won't spread the virus, and please don't tell me it's because they're all wearing masks. Masks reduce the spread they don't remove it completely. I personally have no issue with people in big groups wearing masks and having fun, my issue is when people are selectively outraged about when people do it.
This just further prolongs mistrust into public health officials because they aren't consistent denouncing this. When the rules of stopping a pandemic are conditional on whether they support group gathering morally or not just gives people an easy out to say "fuck that, they are bought and sold." It's just going to make having a unified approach that much harder. The more desperate people get the more they are going to disobey and downplay this and not consistently denouncing this behavior allows people to pick and choose.

The science says to stay away from one another, wear a mask if you have to be in close contact with someone, and limit exposure to each other. People running out in the streets to dance is reckless and completely hypocritical coming from the group that voted out Trump largely en masse due to his downplaying of COVID-19. I would be impressed if Biden and Harris condemned this but I'm not holding my breathe.

For fuck's sake, wear a mask and stop needless contact with one another. Even worse when it is warrantless actions like these selfish assholes.
Covid was a psyop, a low grade virus exaggerated to cost Trump the election and in the coming months that will become more and more obvious. Next to no one actually died from it, they mislabeled cancer, flu, heart disease, etc deaths as Covid deaths to inflate the number. In a real pandemic, rioting and the like would not be allowed.
Today, in fallacious arguments and false equivalency: your entire post.

If someone burned down a house, would the appropriate way to describe what happened be "house burned down by individual" or would it be "far left extremist burns down entire neighborhood"?
No, no. Their phrasing would be "the left burns down entire neighborhood"
the left supports tyranny. they live in a world of alternate facts and just make shit up as they go. they have no respect for this country, the rule of law, or anyone who disagrees with them. they are modern day fascists hiding behind catchphrases like "diversity" and "inclusiveness" when they don't really support that at all. they support the total annihilation of anyone who disagrees with them.
No, no. Their phrasing would be "the left burns down entire neighborhood"

Its all the same to the partisan hacks, I want to ban guns even though I own guns, and want to cancel everyone I disagree with even though I've never blocked anyone on here or unfriended anyone on FB.
the left supports tyranny. they live in a world of alternate facts and just make shit up as they go. they have no respect for this country, the rule of law, or anyone who disagrees with them. they are modern day fascists hiding behind catchphrases like "diversity" and "inclusiveness" when they don't really support that at all. they support the total annihilation of anyone who disagrees with them.
What are you babbling about?