Gotta say it's nice to the president not care about abortions.
And also not taking care of children.
I'm going to miss this kind of stuff when Trump leaves office

. The fact his wife was at home nursing his newborn son and he was cheating on her with Stormy Daniels? That's the kind of stuff I like seeing from the President.
I had googled him, but that is OK, he is just a talking head, and not concicted. Or should we talk about Hunter Biden? "Oh be HE isn't running for president" etc, and so on. I had never heard of him before this, or care, but what he said is exactly correct.
As one of the few people who has followed this and watched all the live state legislative hearings, he is correct in their strategy. Each has done their own hearings and investigations, and accumulating evidence. As I have said since the second or third press conference, which were not legislative hearings, but did create momentum, and turned into legislative hearings, and have gained even more momentum.
As of tomorrow, they have
AZ maricopa county will not hand over machines/records, etc.
GA will no audit fulton county properly, plus on going issues tonight.
MI has fulled subpeoned all of Detroit's voting records, cannot recount their voter rolls, and Antrim County
PA they have more ballots than voters, among many other things, including their state congress going crazy today
NV has over 75K ballots in question that have not yet been addressed, other than being dismissed (no reason as to how they disprove these records). This lawyer also testified in the US Senate.
In addition to all this, you have the Dominion CEO in a hearing in MI saying the machines are good (they arent), but still there is potential for fraud without proper over sight. You have dozens and dozens of affidavits from each of these states with poll workers being threatened, etc.
You have the fact 4-5 swing states all shut down, and then had huge ballot spikes. Some have voting records destroyed or missing.
They are also saving recent things for tomorrow, so that democrats cant fabricate some excuse prior.
They have been building their case for 2 months, in multiple states, with multiple teams, and despite being 1-100, they now have all this support. They will now present everything they have gathered since this all began, just now very refined and precise.
As an aside, because I am fine with Trump still losing. I just want GA to go red tonight, to keep the left in check. But tomorrow will be politics like none of us have ever seen before. I am looking forward to it.