

Orange Belt
Jul 22, 2007
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Been reading a few threas about gaining weight and everyone always says lots of raw eggs...

Just wondering the dangers of eating raw eggs? And just how bad do they taste? Anyone have any preperation tips?

By themselves or in a shake?

Have you ever seen run fatboy run?
You can take them with a shake?

Do I have to remove the yolk?

Havent seen run fat boy run!
You can take them with a shake?

Do I have to remove the yolk?

Havent seen run fat boy run!

Ofcourse you can.
Some berries, some oatmeal, some cottege cheese and yoghurt. The yolks make it taste creamier.
You remove the whites. Have you been reading many topics?

Cook whites, yolk raw

Run fat boy run has a seen where he cracks 3 eggs raw into a glass. Tries to eat them and proceeds to spit them back up. I personally don't like the texture on their own
Not read many topics, just had a quick browse.

I sound like a right idiot in my posts above.

So its the whites I have to leave out?

So cracking open 3 eggs, taking out the whites, blend and just down it like i would a shot of sambucca?
Not read many topics, just had a quick browse.

I sound like a right idiot in my posts above.

So its the whites I have to leave out?

So cracking open 3 eggs, taking out the whites, blend and just down it like i would a shot of sambucca?

You don't leave out the whites so much as cook them.
Why waste the protein for the sake of 2 min in the microwave (or a few minutes on a skillet).
Omlette baby.

If you can stomach doing that sure, just precautionary wash of the shells to really dimish the chances of getting ill.
A lot of people swear by raw eggs as one of hte most anabolic foods.

I know there are advantageous to eating the yolks raw, it seems to absorb better and the EFA's are less likely to be damaged.

I know there might be some disadvantageous to eating raw egg whites, there might be a substance which leaches to biotin and prevents you from absorbing biotin.

I like to crack a few eggs in a bowl, and pour boiling water into the eggs. The yolks will remain raw and most of the whites will be cooked. But everything will still be liquid so you can give it a quik chug.
Raw eggs don't taste bad, but you definitely have to puncture the yolks...trying to swallow one whole equals instant gag reflex, for me anyway. I guess you could separate the whites and cook them, but I'd say just go for's a pain.
I know there might be some disadvantageous to eating raw egg whites, there might be a substance which leaches to biotin and prevents you from absorbing biotin.

I am led to believe that the biotin in the yolks is efficiently absorbed, even raw. I still cook my eggs every now and then but I love me a good raw egg shake with banana/spinach/oats/flax.
I HATE eggs. In an omelete or scrambled with something I can handle, but by themselves I just can't take.

However, today I had nothing to mix them with, so I tried my eggs raw, because as many will tell you here eggs are important. I thought for sure I'd have a gag reflex but I was fine. I downed them one at a time and followed it up with some water each time. No problems.

I suggest if you have the time mix it with some veggies, but if you want to try raw eggs go for it. Do one egg at a time. The worst thing that can happen is you spit it right back out.

FYI It had little taste to me. Follow it with some water and you should barely taste a thing.
I know there might be some disadvantageous to eating raw egg whites, there might be a substance which leaches to biotin and prevents you from absorbing biotin.

The yolks are loaded with biotin to counter that.

Ideally, you don't want to do any cooking to the eggs as the nutrients and their balance are very fragile. Breaking the yolk and mixing it in a shake, like in a blender, has similar effects. To get the most out of it, you gotta just swallow them raw. I have no problems with it, but occasionally, I just don't feel like it.

I love cooked eggs. I use lower quality eggs for cooking ( regular free range) and have DHA/EPA/Omega 3 free range which I take raw. Gold Circle is my favorite brand.
A lot of people swear by raw eggs as one of hte most anabolic foods.

I know there are advantageous to eating the yolks raw, it seems to absorb better and the EFA's are less likely to be damaged.

I know there might be some disadvantageous to eating raw egg whites, there might be a substance which leaches to biotin and prevents you from absorbing biotin.

I like to crack a few eggs in a bowl, and pour boiling water into the eggs. The yolks will remain raw and most of the whites will be cooked. But everything will still be liquid so you can give it a quik chug.

I'd rather go for the raw ones
