Social EA and Disney refusing to hire white people

The NBA seem to have a similar hiring policy
As if Luka wasn't the most popular player all post season.

The NBA is a meritocracy. It's just that in the 60s when negros were finally allowed to play, Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russell were the best. Generations of black kids grew up wanting the play basketball, and most beat their peers in training. For every Jerry West or Larry Bird, there were 10 other black players who were hungry to get out of the ghetto.
Who gives a fuck. We all know what happened. Let them have their little victory.
As if Luka wasn't the most popular player all post season.

The NBA is a meritocracy. It's just that in the 60s when negros were finally allowed to play, Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russell were the best. Generations of black kids grew up wanting the play basketball, and most beat their peers in training. For every Jerry West or Larry Bird, there were 10 other black players who were hungry to get out of the ghetto.

I know man, was making making a lame joke
Let's be honest, noone really knows.

Revelation 3:9

LMAO the fragility of some of you supposed Christians. If Jesus is actually a holy son of God, why the fuck does he HAVE to be white? It wouldn't even matter.

But obviously he's a Jew from the Middle East so most probably some shade of brown.
Because this is a nothing you're pretending is something.

Black people have been excluded from everything in America for centuries, seeing them pull together is basically seeing what every outgroup always does.

I'm the first person in my family born in Canada. My Italian grandparents worked with and hired other Italians. My German family did the same (with Germans). That's what happens.

Seeing white snowflakes cry about black people giving other black people preferential treatment is cartoonishly stupid. They have so little power your pettiness is pathetic.

MLK called this decades ago. You can't smash a guy's knees and then tell him the race is fair.


So systemic discrimination against non-whites is bad.

And systemic discrimination against whites is good.

I thought liberals were supposed to be in favor of civil rights for all. Equality. And systemic discrimination against anyone was supposed to be a shame left in the past.

But actually, to you leftists, systemic discrimination against whites is 'progress.' To shame people for the color of their skin.
So racism isn't always bad, as long as its against a particular group.

Yet another example of the complete lack of principles, ethics, and honor of leftists... but they will always take any excuse to take the side of 'victims' against 'oppressors.' But pay no attention that each and every example of this the 'victims' are always the side with no or fewest white people.
Because this is a nothing you're pretending is something.

Black people have been excluded from everything in America for centuries, seeing them pull together is basically seeing what every outgroup always does.

I'm the first person in my family born in Canada. My Italian grandparents worked with and hired other Italians. My German family did the same (with Germans). That's what happens.

Seeing white snowflakes cry about black people giving other black people preferential treatment is cartoonishly stupid. They have so little power your pettiness is pathetic.

MLK called this decades ago. You can't smash a guy's knees and then tell him the race is fair.

The problem with your attitude is that the world did not begin in 1492.

White people endured centuries of discrimination, colonization, murder and enslavement at the hands of people of colour from the collapse of the Roman Empire until the Reconquista.

We had very little power at this point and Western Europe was nothing more than a collection of shit hole countries. However, we pulled together to look after our own interests and look how it ended up.

The left told me they wanted an end to this. They envisaged a world where this no longer happened and we all worked together irrespective of race. I supported this and I still do. However, if the left are now going to renege on this and start focusing on group interests then a lot of white people will do the same.

It's all very well laughing at white snowflakes but you won't be laughing when this blows up in your face and the last 70 years of progress is reversed.
In the last 30 years I have worked for 3 Fortune 500 companies. These were in industries dominated by white men. I have absolutely witnessed token hires for diversity, and they NEVER work out. The companies get pressure and are published in literature if they have poor diversity. It got to the point in one on my companies that upper management told HR to knock it off because it is so expensive to train and the hire only last 6mos to a year because they just are competent or have the ethic. The absolute truth is certain cultures perform better than others in certain fields. It happens in athletic endeavors no one bats an eye. Falls true in the business world as well and it's perceived as racism. So if a company wants to hire all blacks I am fine with it, just don't complain when it happens the other way as well. Any company that hires for anything other than quality of the candidate will struggle.
In the last 30 years I have worked for 3 Fortune 500 companies. These were in industries dominated by white men. I have absolutely witnessed token hires for diversity, and they NEVER work out. The companies get pressure and are published in literature if they have poor diversity. It got to the point in one on my companies that upper management told HR to knock it off because it is so expensive to train and the hire only last 6mos to a year because they just are competent or have the ethic. The absolute truth is certain cultures perform better than others in certain fields. It happens in athletic endeavors no one bats an eye. Falls true in the business world as well and it's perceived as racism. So if a company wants to hire all blacks I am fine with it, just don't complain when it happens the other way as well. Any company that hires for anything other than quality of the candidate will struggle.
So if these token hires for diversity it doesn't work, why does these Fortune 500 companies continue to do this to other hires and even rejecting white hires and those hires that have years of experience?

What happens if these companies refuse ESG/DEI hires?
You want me to defend myself, but I see through your sneaky snake ways.

Are you a Christian?
I'm no longer a Christian but I was for most of my life. I was also a Bible scholar, pastor and marriage counselor for ten years.

Why do you believe Jesus was white?