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Dude gave me the bird and said "pull over"

Did I do the right thing? I probably should have drove off, but I couldn't stand this road bully trying to threaten me inside his jeep.

I had a phase when I would chase people down when they did something stupid to me. Their 'road rage' would kick off my 'road rage'. Looking back, it was all incredibly stupid and dangerous. At the time I did not think that it might not have been done on purpose but by accident. I had a very short fuse back than. Over half these idiots turned out to be women.

Only incident when we both stopped, it turned out to be two off duty police officers. Driver gets out but not too far from his car. Identifies himself as a police officer. The passenger gets out (on the other side) and has both his hands down but together. I could not see but he was probably holding a gun as back up. We were in a chase for a few blocks in an urban area, not the highway were most of the shit happens. The guy told me he was not really sure why I was chasing him. I told him I knew his friend had a gun and that he himself probably had one also. He asked me if I was willing to take that chance. I told myself that this was really stupid and will get myself killed. I never got out of my car. I told the guy to 'have a nice day', backed up, and drove off.

You never know who you are getting in a confrontation with. Are they armed? Decided the whole thing was really taking a toll on my nerves and health and that I would eventually get my head 'bashed in' or shot. I learned to cool down. To let it go. These idiots don't even know me and it is usually not personal. These days I just carry a bottle of 'Bear Spray' in case things get out of hand. The gun stays in the trunk. I count the number of idiots I run into, on the road, on a daily basis

All these pussies givin you shit for pulling over... I've been there bro. Sometimes these tough guys need their bluffs called to get them in line. You did it more for the road rager's sake, I understand... well played and maybe now that it's out of your system and you did the goof a favor, it's time to just chill and move one as to prevent being murdered...
I would avoid road raging unless you having a gun on you and willing to go to jail or be killed.
call in an air strike
what the fuck is in the back of that vehicle? it stains the road brown and blows the spare wheel out the back window
This happened to me once when I was a passenger in my friend John's van. The guy was driving a Jag and gave it all Billy big balls. So we pull into a lay-by, John jumps out runs over to this unfortunates car and started punching him through the open window.

Jag man understands the error of his ways and is backing up into the back seat to get away from probably the hardest man I've ever me and John climbs through the window like a fucking snake to keep wailing on him.

You could see jag man's feet shaking in the rear window with every hit.

You never know when the guy you mouth off to is going to be an unstable pikey journeyman kickboxer and bare knuckle boxer having a bad day.

Didn't make the news so I assume he didn't die!
no I have never been to a taco bells. period. Don't want to sound racist but let's just say that food is not for me
If I ever see you in real life, we gonna have to scrap.
Taco Bell is the best food on Earth and I will not see its honor besmirched. Get your Jeep, I'll get mine and let's meet at the 4 way stop in Winnipeg. It's on bro!
To bad you weren't in Russia. If you were, you guys would've kick boxed for like 2 minutes then left. They actually seem more civil over there. You throw some hands for a bit then leave, here you could get your brains blown out.

I'm not sure what to make of the authenticity of this story, but... I would never pull over just because some :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: yelled at me and told me to.
He tried rolling through a 4 way stop sign when I had the right of way. Flipped me off and said pull over.

I pull over and get out and confront the guy. The guy starts running his mouth and says "get back into your car before I knock you out".

I said "go ahead". And i dropped my hands. Dude fucking gets back into his car and drives away.

I'm sorry, but I hate these road rage warriors who call people out and then show their true colors when someone stands up to them. Its easy af to act tough in a car.

Dude like that is gonna get an ass whooping from someone less patient than I am. Asshole cuts people off at an intersection and then acts like he is a victim.

Did I do the right thing? I probably should have drove off, but I couldn't stand this road bully trying to threaten me inside his jeep.
Alls I know is you didn't get demasculated like that one guy who made a thread about it a couple years back. Also, you were also lucky he wasn't an armed maniac.
I remember seeing a car stop for an old lady walking with her bike at a crosswalk, and when she was halfway across the moron drove into her, not full throttle or anything, but it threw her down rather hard, and then he/she just drove off.

Thankfully she was fine. but yeah there are assholes in traffic that needs a beating.

I don't usually advocate violence but some people need that punch to the face to grasp the severity of their actions
Just drive on bro ..

Then pull off a little ways ahead get behind him find where he lives then destroy his whole life

You mean...

Scratch off his registration sticker, then obscure his address so that the mailman and visitors won't be able to find his house?

You wouldn't...!


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