Dr. Sten Ekberg

Youll never convince someone who is pro vaccination or mask that there may be problems down the road,incredibly shortsighted IMO.To them corporations and government can do no wrong.
Two points I had to throw out there I got back from my doctor I see to monitor my blood clotting issues as well as get my medication and he advised since I was healthy I should wait on taking the vaccine (I had no intention of taking it anyway). Second my uncle who is a doctor at one of the best trauma hospitals we have is declining the vaccine along with some of the nurses. Kind of goes against the media narrative that all frontline workers are clamoring for the vaccine. So there’s two doctors saying wait or not take it at all. Huge red flags for this experimental vaccine.
Yup my Mom's a nurse and one of her colleagues son who is 25 got myocarditis from the vaccine (the doctors actually said that). To get his heart rate down they had to perform an abulation on his heart.
I came into this conversation with good will and I’m not sure why you’re taking this oddly passive aggressive angle at me with far too many assumptions about the extent of my knowledge and beliefs. It is clear to me that you are lacking some basic science literacy and I’m not going to argue with you over your medical beliefs.
Yea we should always keep conversations civil despite differing personal philosphies. Too me it seems both of you guys are well educated but on completely different spectrums of the allopatic and holistic debate. I do think that statistics can and are often used to obfuscate what can be seen with regular critical thinking.
I enjoyed this thread. Thanks for sharing your experiences robocok
Yeah sorry, was running out.
“LDL or total cholesterol 300 isn’t necessarily bad”
LDL 300 is absolutely bad and proven to be a significant cardiovascular risk..

+1 total cholesterol is now being viewed as the most important figure from an LDL/HDL score. They're all important but a high HDL:LDL ratio, with high total score, isn't viewed as 'healthy' currently.

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