Don't you feel by now that you absolutely CAN tell PED use just by looking at a guy


Blue Belt
Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
I hate to be someone who makes baseless accusations, so I never do.

But I actually feel that I can Pretty much tell by looking at a guy whether he's using PED.

How many of you think you can, with at least reasonable certainty?
The only guy who failed the eye test and never failed a drug test is GSP. Everyone else has been proven a cheater
So I guess "PED-user" was the first thing that popped into your head when you saw Josh Barnett, or Royce Gracie?
Not really. For every Brock Lesnar, there's a Royce Gracie.
It's not 100% foolproof, but it's proven to be a fairly good indicator.

Totally. He's looks jakk'd
It's possible that a skinny/fat/unmuscular person can be on steroids, but it's not really possible for someone to look like Bork Lazer without some help.

The eye test isn't very good for finding clean fighters, but it is pretty good at picking out the PED users.
Nah u cant see that McGregor is doing EPO for this rematch but you will see if he makes it into round 4* tho
It only works in one way , the reverse isn't true:

-You can't assure that someone who doesn't looked enhanced isn't but on the other hand , you can absolutely tell that when someone sports a marvel superhero physique that is too good to be true , he is on something, with 100% accuracy.

Even Chael has commented on how the " eye test " is one of the best.
It's possible that a skinny/fat/unmuscular person can be on steroids, but it's not really possible for someone to look like Bork Lazer without some help.

The eye test isn't very good for finding clean fighters, but it is pretty good at picking out the PED users.

Well said. This is pretty much the point.
It's possible that a skinny/fat/unmuscular person can be on steroids, but it's not really possible for someone to look like Bork Lazer without some help.

The eye test isn't very good for finding clean fighters, but it is pretty good at picking out the PED users.
Now i dont have to type. Great post.
It's possible that a skinny/fat/unmuscular person can be on steroids, but it's not really possible for someone to look like Bork Lazer without some help.

The eye test isn't very good for finding clean fighters, but it is pretty good at picking out the PED users.
go apply for a job at usada

tell them about your skills