Dominick Reyes’ Breath


Red Belt
Jan 9, 2016
Reaction score
So Jon Jones has been saying that Dominick Reyes has a stanky breath

mind games, truth, can it be used as a weapon?
can it be used as a weapon?
I can't imagine fighters who get punched in the face on a regular basis being noticably affected by bad breath.

Unless it smells like surströmming.
Usually a petty comment made by someone who is slightly scared.
If a fighter loses a tooth, it can be pretty bad breath-wise
And yea, Sherdog s dying
I don't like Jon Jones ... But that's a pretty funny comment by him !

He certainly hates this Reyes guy ... I guess it makes this horrible card a little interesting
i cant believe i havent factored this into my algorithms, this could affect a lot of my calculations thanks for head up TS
Lindland used his body odor to his advantage too.
Sounds like he's shook and doesn't want to be near him
That's straight from the Rampage playbook
Reyes definitely looks like he stinks
So Jon Jones has been saying that Dominick Reyes has a stanky breath

mind games, truth, can it be used as a weapon?
Might be Reyes best chance , knock him out with gingivitas
Well it’s known that steroids come with the side benefit of great breath

*zoom in for a better look*

Clearly has some gingivitis going on with those puffy gums. tartar build up between teeth. I can't tell there is a spit bubble there on the left side or if he has a metal filling.
Jones stole that line from Rampage. Clearly a sociopath.