Doing a themed event for mexico but not BRAZIL is crazy

I didn't say they have produced no world class fighters. I said the numbers are low, and thats a fact.

We could all spout off about every person who ever lost to matt hughes or any other champ and the number of Japanese fighters would be very very small.
here's your post <RIP>
Well to be fair Japan also doesn't have much of a track record creating world class fighters.
<Fedor23> <BC1>
I'm sure someone already said it, but it's all about money, USA is full of Mexicans who are ready to pay big bucks for a noche night, when we will have a huge Brazilian demographics ready to spend their money on a stupid show, Dana white will give them a night too... <Fedor23>
here's your post <RIP>

<Fedor23> <BC1>


Do you not know the definition of the word "much"? It does not mean the same thing as "none"

Much - "a great amount or quantity of"

Used in a sentence: Japan does not have a great amount of examples of producing great fighters.
the ufc likes to spread it's cheeks to the saudis, but i get that, they dump a lot of money into the ufc

but what does mexico gives mma? some good fighters? if thats enough then they should have already made twenty brazil themed events

brazil and america both built mma from the ground up, if any foreign country should have a themed in event in america, should be brazil

this mexico pandering makes no sense

Totally agree.

Rorion Gracie brought MMA to America.

Brazil has probably produced more UFC Champions than any country.

Sick of hearing about May-hee-co.

May-hee- CANs' contribution to the UFC, and MMA overall, is flyshit compared to Brazil's.
It's pretty understandable that the availability for the Sphere worked out for Mexican Day. They likely wanted a themed event to make use of the Sphere's capacity & so it just worked out.

Any gripes would be assuming there was enough varability that they could've done it at any time & there-fore done any other country. I honestly buy that it just worked out with the timing.
Agree, if they’re going in that direction Brazil most definitely deserves one, as does Russia, both have produced more great champions than Mehiko.

they cannot make one for Russia. they're in an active war that America is supporting the other country in.
the ufc likes to spread it's cheeks to the saudis, but i get that, they dump a lot of money into the ufc

but what does mexico gives mma? some good fighters? if thats enough then they should have already made twenty brazil themed events

brazil and america both built mma from the ground up, if any foreign country should have a themed in event in america, should be brazil

this mexico pandering makes no sense

It actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it.

The goal of events like this is to bring in new fans. The UFC is already established in Brazil. No need to double down there.

Going after a place like Mexico makes sense because

A: Mexico already has a history of combat sports and

B: Spanish is the second or third most spoken language in the world. By getting popular with Spanish-speaking audiences, it will be able to reach the most people in the planet.
Totally agree.

Rorion Gracie brought MMA to America.

Brazil has probably produced more UFC Champions than any country.

Sick of hearing about May-hee-co.

May-hee- CANs' contribution to the UFC, and MMA overall, is flyshit compared to Brazil's.
But it´s about business. Return of investment. Its not a homage. Dana saying love leter to Mexico means his homage to their pesos. It´s work it´s business. Like me at work thanking people basically for nothing, just as part of my job and being nice and getting paid for it. It´s a commercial event. It´s not sentimental.
You guys are discussing an non existent point.
Dana said he invested 20 mils. They tickets were record prices. Noting about this is a hall of fame event for the mexican mma contribution. It´s an event and work.
very stupid matchmaking then, cause ortega was the only mexican-american in the card i believe
and mind you, mexican-americans are way more relevant in mma than actual mexicans
this card should have cejudo, hernandez, simon and cruz in it
They are serving mexican american customers who buy tickets in the usa. Mexicans from mexico are not gonna pay 80 buck for a ppv. For the crowd a mexican is a mexican, the nationality is the same, whether for mexico or america.
Dana is a business owner. You guys don't get the basic basics.
They are serving mexican american customers who buy tickets in the usa. Mexicans from mexico are not gonna pay 80 buck for a ppv. For the crowd a mexican is a mexican, the nationality is the same, whether for mexico or america.
Dana is a business owner. You guys don't get the basic basics.

still a dumb matchmaking that resulted in a shitty card
cut the boot licking
You got it "wrong", Mexican-americans for the most part love to think they are Mexican, so they root for Mexican-American fighters or Mexican fighters just the same, the UFC is after that money/market, here in Mexico the UFC isnt that big yet, every Mexican champion hasnt last as champ and they didnt really capture the crowd's attention, Mexicans watched Canelo, not the UFC, there are a few ways to watch, from cable to free TV, live, UFC 306? only if you have cable with an aditional FOX package.

yeah, from a money point of view makes some sense, i just wanna gripe about the card tbh
"mexican" card with fucking o'malley vs merab as main event, fuck..
I am confused. Are you saying they should hold a Brazil themed card in the US?

Because they have done a lot of brazillian cards. Many of which literally featured Brazillians in every fight, most of which were favorable to the local fighters.

THere is not a big enough population of Brazillians in the states to make a card like that here though.