Yeah but getting a pass and being taken seriously are two different things. If he were to fight anyone relevant today, even people that like him probably know he will lose.Conor is like Brett farve. No matter what he does he gets a pass from most fans.
He is relevant in here because haters like you always create threads about him. When was the last time you saw a thread created by a Conor fanboy?
If you want him to disappear, simply ignore him.
I don't ever remember seeing a Conor fanboy in Sherdog, not being a hater doesn't make you a fan btw
Imagine if all the haters ignored the Conor threads, you wouldn't even see 3 replies but now they are still the most popular ones
It would be the busiest thread.I think the mods should sticky his sorry ass and send all Conor threads of zero fight news to a sticky thread so you can get all your bullshit in one funky ass place
That was the moment I knew there was no going back for him, in my eyes at least. I knew Khabib would beat the shit out of him, he was a drunk mess during all the pressers, but there was always a chance at redemption after a loss especially after being humbled by khabob, not so much afterward.Meh, I stopped caring when he punched the old dude in that pub.