They would be the GOAT of "lost potential" because it will only happen on the circuit.Regional circuit? It's possible but incredibly hard imo. Too many variables even if your fighting weaker competition.
But if you want be elite and excel against the best, it's pretty much impossible to go 50-0. If it does happen than bump this thread again. lol I'll be happy eat crow and be happy to see someone that amazing that probably be the GOAT if it ever happened.
There are enough countries out there happy to feed cans to stars, so it's possible, but I doubt it.
They'd kinda have to amass a 35-0 record before a major promotion snapped them up, and the scouting system is a little too sharp to let that happen.
It might happen one day if the fighter market gets completely oversaturated, so 'never' is probably a bit much, but no. I don't see it happening any time soon.
We need to check some records
Didn't did any research but Japa actually amassed a 31-0 record before losing. I'm not sure if there's any guy who achieved something better (with details lol. If not, Rickson 400-0) though.
They had "Morceguinho", who got 29-0 with them.Yeah that team has a couple of guys who had massive numerical records - but they all just stopped being active lol
Good shout with Japa
I mean Khabib is the closest to that, I wonder if he kept on fighting how long it would have took him to lose finally.
He would pretty much have to beat a top 5 guy till he reached 50-0.
I don't think it could ever happen, not like in boxing.
It's just too many variables and uncertainties for it to manifest.
IMO Jones is a horrible example. As soon as he faced a few good guys within a couple of years he slowed down his activity to nearly nothing.In only 4 months (April to August 2008,) JBJ won 7 MMA fights including his UFC debut.
If we start seeing more world class athletes being the norm, then I imagine that eventually some high level wrestler (or something) will fight a similar schedule for 1-2 years.
Might be like 50 years from now, though.