Do you suspect Greg Jackson's gym was filled with steroids when they were on top?

Still tons of morons taking the word of a convicted fraud... smh
Who's even left at this gym, other than Jones. Dodson?
I think gyms go through cycles (lol) where they find something that doesn't show up on tests for a while and then the testing gets more advanced. Jackson's used to be it and I think ATT is it right now.

But they're only trying to make their fighters the best so they can get recognition and money and as fans we benefit from the enhanced fights so everyone wins.
Jackson's and Team PEDs (Quest) are the most notorious PED abusers.
Ask yourself the question. Does this sport pay money?
Y - Athletes are definitely on PEDs
N - Athletes are probably on PEDs

Certainly seems like a lot of their fighters have tested positive, and they have fallen off a lot since usada came in. I’m sure they’re far from the only one though
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The steroids are the ones using jacksons fighters, not the other way around
No Gyms by the Mexican border dabble with steroids. How dare you.
I know there were steroids under the ring at Jackson’s for about 8 hours while USADA visited.
Every 24 Hour Fitness, local Gym, a good percentage of BJJ gyms, probably every high school football team, literally 100% of college football teams, wrestling teams, swimming teams, track teams, etc have steroid users. Lots of them.

Steroids are everywhere. If you can't get them from your doctor, or a friend at your gym or on your team they are pretty easy to buy in the internet.
Every 24 Hour Fitness, local Gym, a good percentage of BJJ gyms, probably every high school football team, literally 100% of college football teams, wrestling teams, swimming teams, track teams, etc have steroid users. Lots of them.

Steroids are everywhere. If you can't get them from your doctor, or a friend at your gym or on your team they are pretty easy to buy in the internet.
so we should all roid is the message here
Anyone considering doing so should do their own research and draw their own conclusions.
no I agree with roiding, remember vitor roidfort? He was spin kicking people into space, that's good shit