Do you Prefer Home Alone 1 or Home Alone 2?


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
Or (God forbid) 3? I don't really wanna put that one but some weirdo out there probably likes it.


Home Alone - Kevin's parents forget him in Chicago on their trip to Paris and Kevin lays elaborate traps on a pair of invincible would be burglars.

Home Alone 2 - McCallisters take a trip to Miami, Kevin gets on the wrong flight and ends up in NYC and miraculously runs into the burglars from the previous film.

Home Alone 3 - This time 4 criminals try to retrieve a $10 million computer chip that's in the home of a young boy named Alex. Similar to the first one, Alex stops the criminals with a series of elaborate traps.
How does TS prefer his boys??

Home Alone 1 because how likely are you to leave your kid home alone twice

It just didn't make any sense
Home Alone I is the best but I've seen Home Alone 2 more times which is strange
Home Alone 1 was great, I watched it at the Theater as a kid.
Been a long time since I've seen either. Never really had a clear favorite before though.
Home Alone 1, it had to define the characters which gave everything more weight. The home defense contraptions in home alone 2 were better, and it still stands up on its own, though.
I think I prefer Home Alone 2 but have seen the first one more.

When Marv gets electrocuted and does that scream is so damn funny. My brother and I used to replay it over and over.
Whichever one has our majestic leader Trump in it, obviously!


Don't @ me snowflakes.