That generation z put too much terms nowadays, it’s starting to get on my nerves …It's one of those gen z psychology terms that's been hijacked by people who use these terms to avoid taking responsibility and dodge any criticism. I preferred it when it was called being a manipulative cunt.
It’s from an old film called Gaslight.
I can’t remember much of it. But basically this man moves into a woman’s home (back when they had gas lines pipes throughout all homes for lighting) under some pretext (marriage maybe).
But he’s really looking for some fortune he knows she has. He believes she has it in the attic. So he sneaks up there whenever he can to look for it, and I’m doing so causes the gaslights in the home to flicker and dim. I guess because he’s somehow stepping on the gas lines when he’s up there.
When she asks him about it, he tells her that it’s her imagination. He keeps doing that to the point where she believes she’s going insane.
I don’t know why but this is one of those fucking terms that just bothers me.
I can’t put my finger on why but just the term gaslight bugs the shit out of me.
You're on the right track but it goes beyond convincing and gets into the realm of manipulation.I don't think the term is useful, it's too messy. I can't get my finger on it or arrange it on my head. It's like I'm being gaslit to believe in gaslighting.
As far as I can understand, at it's essence, it is a person convincing you of their narrative.
Reality is subjectively appreciated and people are self serving in their interpretations and thus the narrative can differ from your own. Hence the need to convince.
Is that it? We don't say someone is convincing anymore?
Wow that is intense.. especially the last bit about turning people against you.My parents did this shit (so I knew the term years before it got popular and misused), so yeh. Look up NPD and that checklist is 80-90% my dad. Hundreds, if not thousands of times. Very tiring to deal with (particularly when it's one vs two), plus if it's all you know you will doubt your own life story, even if you're known for having great memory. I guess it makes you good at catching people out on shit though, and makes you more diligent about collecting concrete evidence to back yourself up. But also makes me unnecessarily annoyed if anyone seems to be trying this shit with me and definitely can erode your trust in people in general, if they were able to get a lot of people onside with their gaslighting (if they're hardcore, they'll start getting your potential allies on side before you even think of it, so by the time you get to them they're already against your side of the story).