do rich people who inherit money or get it regularly feel unaccomplished?


Jul 17, 2017
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or do they not care? it is not money earned but money they get for existing and being lucky to be born where they are.
Why should they?

Theyve literally been given free reign to do whatever they want. They could be artists etc and never be starving or they could lay around all day, knowing theyre set for life.

They could do whatever the hell they want, personally if I was that rich, Id go more into art, music etc do charity work and honestly go around the world experiencing new cultures and try help those in need.

Also I'd have enough money to do BJJ, MT, etc. Fuck being broke.
You're probably on to something.

I eanred $$$ and I inherited money. Did i deserve it? Who gives a shit! Life ain’t fair. I totally went all in on it. Listen to this shit.

God damn shit is hot.
theres better things to care about ts.

stop being petty.
fuckimg homos ain’t doin shit.

Go with the music, brah.
I am in shitty Detroit for training for a new high paying job that only 2 of us got hired out of hundreds. I would rather be at home sleeping on money given to me by rich relatives. I would also gladly leave the stress and be a janitor if that could give my family the lifestyle they deserve.
I think people need to suffer at some point in their lives to have a true appreciation of what riches that may bestow them. But I'm poor so what the fuck would I know.
People talking about rich little shits inheriting daddy's money as being "spiritually vacant" or "feeling unaccomplished" fail to realize or acknowledge that there are a plethora of poor motherfuckers that feel "unaccomplished" and haven't done shit in their lives that we consider worthwhile and that THEY themselves don't consider worthwhile. So...if I was gonna feel like an unaccomplished fuck, I would rather be rich and miserable rather than poor and miserable. Being rich can at least pay for more distractions.
I'm still alive
I inherited from someone who's dead
that's an acclomplishment
There’s a really cool documentary called Born Rich that explores these questions. It might be on Netflix or Amazon
Ok, I’ma bring the rock to this. It”s dope as fuck so fuck you.
Remember that somebody out there,will see our meager middle class lives as entitled and spoiled.

I do have some friends who come from super rich families but they are also driven. That money seems to come with a lot of conditions. They are probably pushed by their parents to also be successful like they are. And honestly I don't always envy them. One guy I know seems to only care about money and it's hard to relate to him for that. Because it seems literally everything in life revolves around money for him. But I respect that he's always working to get more rather than just leeching off his parents.
or do they not care? it is not money earned but money they get for existing and being lucky to be born where they are.

The ones I've known think they earned it and always talk about how others should work harder to make more money.
Poor people are poor because they are lazy. Didn't you guys learn anything from Ronald Reagan?