Do I go to light in sparring ? Videos

ahhhhhhh did I stumble into lol.

First off. my comment was not a insult........the way you move etc. clearly your a beginner.......theres nothing wrong with being a beginner btw.

Totally inacurate. I trained with professionals. Not that many but well. Being professional is overrated. It means you went in without head and shin gear to a fight. Literary. I trained with a few good people too.

My shape speed agility technique looks basic in there. Im 40 pouds too heavy and never train and picked up smoking.

Right, the sparring partners says he had 30 fights already.

Some people are good without looking spectacular.

I'm grosly out of shape, I just move to attack. Like no cardio grasp for air . But it's fun so I do it.

im not going to take an hour to nit pick your technique...... but for starters, you walk straight in, your off balance, dropping hands, looping punches, etc. etc. you need improvement everywhere....your not ready for sparring, and by doing what your are doing, you will only create bad habits.

Yes i move straight in. Of balance to a degree, I'm out of shape. Droping hands as style, buids confidence, cinserves energy, unpredictable. I was 20 and training 2 hours a day when I was still keeping the hands up throughout a whole spar . I have them up in time my reflexes are good. Sure those are light shots, it's different levels . No even reflexes I just am good with defense. Not ao good at defense while I atack.

Looping punches . Well some punches are trash. They are used so I am not predictable only with my good strikes, and to practice them to suck less. And for the fun of it. Overhands can be ok. Thing is my shoulders are too wide so my hooks come super slow and my straights don't generate much power . So I would have to have someone with the back to the wall to really generate power and from top. I basically only trust my left kicks. My techniques are not perfect, but I got a lot of themand am good at improvising which is what a spar is. If I'm gonna wi a contest it's not gonna be cause of cleanest technqiue, skill possibly but not technique.

Well out of shape people always look like shit. Rampage just looked like shit vs Fedor, compared to old days. Not comparing myself personally to them. Obviously.

you need improvement before sparring, and as i mentioned in my first post, that would be done by going lighter and more controlled, which is what I would have you doing if I was your coach.

Was I going hard ? Two people already told me I go to light. They're more actual world fighters . I kinda agree. But a harder sapr to record give info, with a sparring partber I trust. I got what I want. Then again I'm not rude, tempo is decided by both

This was a rather soft spar. When I see some of rhese ufc fighters spar, I'm like that's a fight, I do pitty patty

I have 20 years experience in MT and boxed prior to starting MT. I have many years of coaching experience, and was at one time ranked number 21 amateur welterweight in the world by the IKF.

21 amateue out of how many ? How many wins did you have

the only reason you didnt get laid out by that other guy who is clearly more skilled than you, was because he was going light and controlled, while you on the other hand, were not matching his intensity, rather you were trying to go hard, or harder than he was...careful with that as some people are not as nice, its a dick move for someone much better than another to lay them out, but at the same time if they wanna go all hard on you, its kind of asking for it.

I went too light, should've kicked the mfers ass for being so fast <45>

Actuly we spar regulary. We know each other trough sparring, only reason we met and meet. We go light and like to work. I can do a spinning back kick and it'd be no trouble cause I know the guy.

I don't suck he jad +30 fights
I'm gonna kick his ass <45>

We like to work and unserstand without talking

Cause we both just wanna get better

No attitude. I did go hard 1 day cause I wanted to catch up as he beat me in every single sparring session. I guess I wanted to try out going hard.

I actually axe kicked his face but not with my heel just with the front part of the sole.

You don't wanna know the story of idiots beating me up on accident. Happens rarely but happens. Good expirience to see black from shots. Should be enjoyed rarely. With breaks of years.

It's a risk everyone willingly puts themselves in.

Spar who you know, spar how you wanna spar.

your quoted statements above are describing yourself.

have a good one and dont forget..........hands down chin up!
Have a good one too

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I came here to get motivated, and I did !
Not for the right reasons, but motivated.
So you are fat, smoke, AND do drugs as well?

At least I don't do hard drugs like your drunk ass.

Fat for a athlete. Well the last 2 months I overdid it. Fat irl a lil. Not really. Fat strong.

Well I smoke, want to quit, however I aploud you <mma3>being healthy and taking fake fights in Thailand out of consideration for your health
Wasnt that kinda the point of you posting sparring videos in the first place?

I am scared of your sparring footage. Can not post here calmly.

You post everyday. I can't.

Too hard.

Too many online people to suck up too.

Can not take this that far. You won.

You post here like a real stand up guy.

I got no chance. Gotta logg off

I'm sorry I can't entertain the mean spirited forum anymore.

Guess it's back to training stead of posting
I am scared of your sparring footage. Can not post here calmly.

You post everyday. I can't.

Too hard.

Too many online people to suck up too.

Can not take this that far. You won.

You post here like a real stand up guy.

I got no chance. Gotta logg off

I'm sorry I can't entertain the mean spirited forum anymore.

Guess it's back to training stead of posting

I liked that last part.
Whatever man. You’re going super light but if it was anything but that you would be getting blasted to your guard and bodied

Kind of off topic but related to this comment, I find it a bit annoying when people want to spar light and just plod forward with guards up acting like they are the juggernaut or something lol. And when I start hitting them they won't change anything, not try to counter or slip or move just sitting there absorbing the shots that are obviously light because they wanted to go light. Then I'm stuck doing stick and move the entire round because they said they want to go light or I start throwing a bit harder but feel like a dick because they wanted to go light.
Kind of off topic but related to this comment, I find it a bit annoying when people want to spar light and just plod forward with guards up acting like they are the juggernaut or something lol. And when I start hitting them they won't change anything, not try to counter or slip or move just sitting there absorbing the shots that are obviously light because they wanted to go light. Then I'm stuck doing stick and move the entire round because they said they want to go light or I start throwing a bit harder but feel like a dick because they wanted to go light.
Hit them harder to the body maybe while jabbing their guard harder than light. Idk, I just don’t spar people who won’t respond realistically
Hit them harder to the body maybe while jabbing their guard harder than light. Idk, I just don’t spar people who won’t respond realistically

Yeah what I will usually do is attack the body or just uppercut through the middle since usually there is a little space and then move away there but it's just irritating because it feels like they are taking advantage of light sparring to pretend like they can just absorb shots lol. Kind of like when people don't have a mouthguard so of course I am not going to try to hit their face too hard/too often but then they start throwing bombs wtf???? These things don't always happen at my gym but the few times it does it has gotten on my nerves.
Hit them harder to the body maybe while jabbing their guard harder than light. Idk, I just don’t spar people who won’t respond realistically
Ripping the body is great If you want to quiet 'em down some, jab the face to liven 'em up.
Yeah what I will usually do is attack the body or just uppercut through the middle since usually there is a little space and then move away there but it's just irritating because it feels like they are taking advantage of light sparring to pretend like they can just absorb shots lol. Kind of like when people don't have a mouthguard so of course I am not going to try to hit their face too hard/too often but then they start throwing bombs wtf???? These things don't always happen at my gym but the few times it does it has gotten on my nerves.
I wouldn't spar someone without a mouth guard. I would sooner go bare knuckle than no mouth guard.
I wouldn't spar someone without a mouth guard. I would sooner go bare knuckle than no mouth guard.
Both are horrible ideas. I know a lot of people who have done very hard sparring without mouth guards though.

My friend said two pieces of gum is the best alternative
Both are horrible ideas. I know a lot of people who have done very hard sparring without mouth guards though.

My friend said two pieces of gum is the best alternative
Yer, I like my teeth a bit much for that. I got cracked teeth and a broken thumb, in a fight I had a while ago. I nearly went back and broke my other thumb on his head, it pissed me off that much.
How's the training going anyway? Got anything booked for this year?