Discuss and rate the last movie you saw part XI! (Read OP)

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Sir Galahad

Plutonium Belt
Feb 6, 2009
Reaction score
MOD NOTE: Don't just give a title and a rating. Say something about it, doesn't have to be long, just a reason why it was good, bad or in between.

The general 10-Point movie rating system as developed by Dragon.

10 - Excellent
9 - Very Good
8 - Good
7 - Pretty Good
6 - Decent
5 - Average
4 - Poor
3 - Bad
2 - Very Bad
1 - Crap

Cinturao's eclectic 10-point film rating chart.

10 - Perfection
9 - Brilliant
8 - Excellent
7 - Pretty good
6 - Enjoyable
5 - Worth watching once
4 - Average
3 - Underwhelming
2 - Not worth the time
1 - Crappy
0 - Absolutely shitty

Let the movie discussion and ratings commence!
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Amazing Spiderman 8/10

I'm on the, "I hate those first 3 Tobey Spiderman movies and this new one kicks it's bologna balls up and down the court" side. Good stuff, looking forward to the sequel.

Get Smart 8/10

Great great comedy. One thing I noticed in the movie that was kinda cool, this was pretty much one of the only movies where the female fight scene looked pretty good. Anne Hathaway was bring some heat in those kicks she was throwing. Cone of Silence scene rules so much ass.
Great, now Safyre has a legitimate place to whine.

Just saw Cloud Atlas.
I'm not going to go on a tirade, but I will say this...

Am I the only one that wants to see an unhappy ending every once in a while?
Am I the only one who watched this movie and screamed "YES" when I though Halle Berri was going to die in that car accident?
Did EVERY story need to have a happy ending?

My quick complaints.

-Who the hell didn't predict that latin woman was going to come back and kill the hitman? Really, books (but films especially) don't take risks any more. As soon as I saw that, I knew the movie wasn't going to let that guy get away with shooting the dog. Today's society couldn't swallow that. It was already inexplicable why he didn't just shoot her. He' a cold-blooded hitman, but he doesn't shoot her for some reason.

-What was with all the race angles.. Jesus Christ, can we have one film without a race angle already? Speaking of which, the Wachowskis wish they were Asian, and attempt to buy credibility by using asian actors in their films as much as possible.

-It was extremely out of place that only one storyline had that evil subconscious guy with the hat in it, even it if was the main tale.

This film was a Frankenstein, ripped off from the following movies;
The reporter storyline - Contact
The futuristic storyline with the asian clones - Logan's Run
The slavery storyline - Amistad
Could go on, but I'm getting lazy.

6/10, the positives being for the visuals, Tom Hanks' acting and the cinematography.
Finally watched Drive, 9.5/10

i see why people thought this movie was great.

Gosling was just this super smooth, mysterious, suave character. He was nearly flawless in this movie, the supporting cast was great as well, the action scenes were well choreographed. And the music was amazing.

i highly recommend this movie. i don't think i have ever seen a movie like this, it was just different. But a good different. I was really blown away by this movie.

thanks for making this thread cintur
MIB3 8/10

WAY better than part 2. Heard a lot of good stuff about it and finally got around to watching it. I really liked how they personalized the K and J with some of the back story.

I thought they were hinting that they were going to kill off Smith's character and as much as I've enjoyed the movies over the years I was kind of bummed it didn't happen. I do think with all that went down if it came to it, J would have sacrificed himself for K to finish the mission.
Collateral - 9/10

I've seen it numerous times before but I still enjoyed it.
This is 40 - 7.5/10

So I'm a huge fan of Paul Rudd and Knocked Up, so I had to see this movie. Overall, I really liked it. It was sort of depressing at parts, but it had a lot of good, funny moments as well. Tbh, the two daughters are my favorite part. Oh, and you get to see Leslie Mann's tits. It wasn't as funny as Knocked Up by any means, but definitely something worth checking out.
This is 40 - 7.5/10

So I'm a huge fan of Paul Rudd and Knocked Up, so I had to see this movie. Overall, I really liked it. It was sort of depressing at parts, but it had a lot of good, funny moments as well. Tbh, the two daughters are my favorite part. Oh, and you get to see Leslie Mann's tits. It wasn't as funny as Knocked Up by any means, but definitely something worth checking out.

was it more depressing that funny people?
was it more depressing that funny people?

It's hard to rate which one is more depressing since the subject matter is so different. Funny People dealt with him accepting his death, but then getting better. This is 40 was more about his marriage/family falling apart while his professional life deals him one blow after another and puts his business on the verge of going under.
It's hard to rate which one is more depressing since the subject matter is so different. Funny People dealt with him accepting his death, but then getting better. This is 40 was more about his marriage/family falling apart while his professional life deals him one blow after another and puts his business on the verge of going under.

This. I guess Funny People is a bit more depressing to me. This is 40 just had a depressing overall feel, but I guess it's more of satire to being married/getting older/dealing with life.
Guilt Trip
I was pleasantly entertained and I got in only because I arrived early and I was waiting for Django, I saw the whole movie, a shitload of old people in the theater because of Babs I guess... it wasnt the best comedy ever, but as I said I was entertained. If you are a teenager punk I dont think this is your kind of movie at all, its more like an adult comedy type of movie.

I saw Django too but since Im sure 80% of Sherdog will see or have seen Django I thought Guilt Trip was a more interesting movie to rate in here, peace!
Day of the Dead (2008) - 1/10

It was so bad I was laughing throughout it, so I can't say it had no value. What made the film terrible wasn't the acting, or the cliche plot, rather the zombies themselves. They overpowered the zombies, superhuman speed, strength, hell they can run across the ceiling like a spider.

Dawn of the Dead (2004) - 5/10

Too many characters for a zombie film, but it may be the best one I've seen so far. Wish they would have not had so many comedy scenes spread throughout it, takes away from the heavy dread and hamstrings the tension Snyder was going for. Haven't seen the original, I'll probably check that out later.

Buffalo Soldiers (2001) 7/10

It's well written, very funny, and a bit of a "cool" picture. I've been meaning to watch this one since it came out over a decade ago. The general plot is that during the 80's on a US army base, a degenerate private in the army is a cheeky, sly meth cooker and thief. He makes his bones selling army supplies to European businesses when nobody is looking, then things go pear shaped. A decent comedy drama, acting could be better, but I don't think it was ever meant to be taken that seriously.

Stars: Joaquin Phoenix, Anna Paquin, Ed Harris and Scott Glenn
LOTR Return of the King - 8.5/10

Peter Jackson really screwed up the Pelennor Fields battle. That army of the dead was some really lame shit. Other than that the movie was badass.

HBO's Rome - 9.8/10

I absolutely loved this show, finished it in 2 days.. lol.
One objection I had was

how the wife selfishly kills herself and the children blame the father for it all the way through series

Other than that, one of my all time favorites. It was just awesome.
Cloud Atlas 7/10. A bit disappointed in this one, but its one that i think i need to watch a second time to really let it all sink in. Kind of like the Fountain was for me. I think the story had its moments and the acting was decent. The Asian CGI didn't bother me, and there were some interesting aspects/questions to the movie so it had potential. It made me consider reading the book but very long i think.

Life of Pi 9/10. Best film of the year for me. I've seen a lot and this one had it all. Great story and execution. Good acting by the lead and an interesting resolution. Visually stunning glad i watched in 3D.

Silver Linings Playbook
8.5 Very good movie about a complicated issue. The acting was good by both leads, and the film paced itself well. Some funny moments mixed in with good emotion.

Killing Them Softly 7/10. Good at describing what its like to be a small time crook and killing other criminals. Not much there that hasn't really been done before but as usual Pitt does a good job.

The Hobbit 7/10 Underwhelmed to be honest. I haven't read the book but enjoyed the LOTR trilogy. I don't know what I expected but the movie didn't seem to be getting anywhere and I'm kind of disappointed this is going to be 3 films for one book? Doesn't make sense if true expect of course for the bottom line i suppose. Anyway, the acting was alright and some characters met expectations, but the pace was off plus the again the story wasn't getting anywhere with earnest plus it was a bit all over the place. The beginning was fun and i guess i just wanted more well "hobbits". Also, wondered why there wasn't more back story about the ring and the smiggles character (*like what was he a troll or what etc.)

Lincoln 7/10 Good acting by most and the story is examined thoughtfully but some how not clearly explained for the non history buff audience. It was a bit too long and some of the side stories with his family weren't examined enough if your going to have them in there. If its about emancipation and not really a bio or character analysis about Lincoln then make it only about the event not the relationships he had.
LOTR Return of the King - 8.5/10

Peter Jackson really screwed up the Pelennor Fields battle. That army of the dead was some really lame shit. Other than that the movie was badass.

HBO's Rome - 9.8/10

I absolutely loved this show, finished it in 2 days.. lol.
One objection I had was

how the wife selfishly kills herself and the children blame the father for it all the way through series

Other than that, one of my all time favorites. It was just awesome.

Agreed on the sub story with Rome. Didn't make sense and drove me crazy. Do you like Spartacus on Straz channel and how its evolved or is it too cartoonish/300 for you?
Agreed on the sub story with Rome. Didn't make sense and drove me crazy. Do you like Spartacus on Straz channel and how its evolved or is it too cartoonish/300 for you?

I actually just acquired 2 seasons of Spartacus, funnily enough I watched half of the first episode yesterday but I was sleepy so I fell asleep.

It looked decent but yeah it seemed very cartoony! I'll see how I go.
hard boiled -
i heard this was supposed to be a asian action classic. i thought it was awful. terrible story, horrible writing and acting and the action wasn't even that good to make up for it.

gone baby gone -
i now have to eat some humble pie and admit that ben affleck is a highly talented man because i absolutely loved this. great film. casey affleck knocked it out of the park in the lead role. the only downside was that the reveal at the end was a bit unbelievable but it was needed to set up the moral choice the main character has to make, which was brilliantly handled.

the usual suspects-
rewatched this for the umpteenth time, a classic that still holds up imo.
My ex forced me to watch Ted. I give it a 1/10
I could believe a talking teddy bear, but i couldnt believe that Mark Wahlberg couldnt turn a talking teddy bear into serveral million dollars by having him star in a tv show or do speaking engagements across the country or tons of other things. Having them be broke was ridiculous. And then the girlfriend wants him to get rid of a talking teddy bear so he can have a career and make money? Talking teddy bear is a ticket to free money. There was no need for all the gaping plot holes.
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