Palps threw the fight.
Remember before the fight he just casually admits to Anakin that he's the sith Lord they've been looking for?
And then Anakin says he's going to snitch and palps doesn't try to escape, he just casually sits and waits for windu to come arrest him.
Why would he do all that if he weren't in complete control the entire time?
He'd been setting up Anakin to defend him against windu.
He chose that moment to reveal himself because he knew windu was the only council member available. And he knew windu was the only Jedi council member that would kill him instead of arresting him.
And once Anakin saw palps was about to die, he would save him. Because that's the only way to save padme.
And if you're still not convinced, just watch the end of the fight again. Take note of how ridiculously dramatic palps is being "woe is me, I'm hurt, please don't let him kill me"
And the very second Anakin intervenes, notice how palpatine's face changes. Like he got what he wanted so he instantly drops the act.
That dude was always in control. Remember he does a similar thing with Luke. He lets Luke take a free swing at him with a light saber because he knew Vader would jump in and block it. Palps does this shit, he ain't afraid.