Opinion Did Bill Maher go to Far? Fat Shaming, and Obesity Crisis

Nice take on the geometry of fatties. Young fertile fat FTW!

We tried doing this and leftoids threw a shit fit.


Oh shit, I completely forgot about this "controversy ". Lol.

She took some heat for this.
This is also what Bill is talking about.

This campaign was ordered taken down after numerous complaints about it presenting an unreasonable body image that was fat shaming others.


it was later replaced with this ad which was considered more appropriate


No one is saying the above women should not go to the beach and enjoy it. But their own pressure on themselves and that by society to get more fit and healthy whether it be to go to the beach or the Grocery store, is a positive and good thing. This ad does the opposite. '[Zero pressure ladies, you do not have to change a thing. You are ready.'
I was talking to an ole college buddy of mine, he got married and had two children. And yea, he put on some pounds. Granted, he's not horrendously overweight, but he's over 220 easily

He explained it like this. : LI, I do want to work out, i really do.

But i get up, get the kids ready for school, take them to school, go to work, pick up kids from soccer, go home, get dinner table ready while wife cooks, clean up after dinner, put kids to bed, and by that time I'm so exhausted, the last thing I wanna do is work out. I just want to chill on the couch and drink a beer.

And I fucking get that, I really do.

My advice was sneak in a set of push ups and air squats every half hour or so. While watching TV, knock out 10 push ups if you can, or 10 air squats .

Body weight workouts are grossly underrated and under utilitized
Well, it’s still pushing the limits of what is healthy. Living off rice and chicken and protein shakes is not very healthy.

I prefer an athletic build, where form follows function.

I have some friends who I believe have crossed the line you are speaking of. They are so damn big that they are now what I'd consider unathletic/non athletic. They cant run for shit. And their range of motion is extremely limited. There does come a point where it is just too much.

Before I injured my shoulder I was on a mass building mission and after my injury had to dial it back and focus more on light weight and cardio/core. I definitely feel and believe I look better because of it. Still hit legs like a madman though. Had skinny legs as a kid and will never go back

Bottom line. We just do not care anymore about physical education with kids. All the boys at my daughter's school are either twigs or grossly overweight
Maher has jumped the shark since Trump was elected. He's the poster boy for TDS. His comment about Cloud Boot Jar being a compromise candidate between the centrists and socialists was the best joke he's told in years, except he was actually serious. I used to be a big fan. Sad.
This is also what Bill is talking about.

This campaign was ordered taken down after numerous complaints about it presenting an unreasonable body image that was fat shaming others.


it was later replaced with this ad which was considered more appropriate


No one is saying the above women should not go to the beach and enjoy it. But their own pressure on themselves and that by society to get more fit and healthy whether it be to go to the beach or the Grocery store, is a positive and good thing. This ad does the opposite. '[Zero pressure ladies, you do not have to change a thing. You are ready.'
Average person spends 36 hours a week fucking watching tv. Fuck the fuck off about fucking not having time to work out fatty mcfatpants
I'm not for shitting on fat people, but this "fat acceptance" campaign is self destructive bullshit. It's a sign of social decay and decadence. There really is no fucking excuse outside glandular problems for it in this most luxury abound time ever.
That's the problem. So many conveniences take away the drive to stay in decent shape, or at least not life- shortening shape.
I do kind of chuckle a bit when we get a thread in the WR discussing how bad it is to insult others.

Fucking Pot meet Fucking Kettle
What a garbage argument.
"Fat shaming doesn't work because it just makes me want to eat a whole tub of ice cream"
lol What? Someone tells you "hey, that's not healthy", and your reply is to double down?
Your health should be literally the most important thing in your life. Nothing should be above that. I don't want to hear this bullshit about your "struggles" and how much you tried. Get in the gym and stop eating like a 5 year old.

Yes, Maher is right on this.
Being fat is not a "condition". It is a lifestyle choice. And though we shouldn't be yelling "FAT ASS " to every fattie we see on the street, this idea of "celebrating your body", even when it's a completely garbage unhealthy body is ridiculous. People need to harden up and accept truth.

In fairness, the blame is not solely on the fatties. I'm amazed sometimes at how little so many people know about health, diet, and exercise.
And the government and business has done an absolute shit job of educating the public, as well as intentionally misleading them on certain things for the sake of profits.
Well we shame smokers and heavy drinkers and drug addicts, why not do the same with over eating? It is a burden on society and needs be be discouraged. Maybe HBO and Maher is not for you if you get offended so easily. Don't watch.

And we do it for the MIND.

We are BODY and MIND.

The problem is the word 'shaming' has been brought in to this conversation as a shield. 'How dare you shame'?

It is 'pressure' and not shaming. Sure some may feel ashamed but they are taking it out on the wrong one if they blame the one putting pressure.

THinks of kids in schools just not capable of getting great grades. We still pressure them at every stage to do better, to strive to be their best.

Some are not going to cut it, some are going to fall behind, some may fail. It may be because of lack of effort or they simply are not gifted with the brains others get. We do not stop pushing them as some may feel shame because they cannot keep up with others. We still push them to be their best regardless. And yes, some may in fact feel shame. BUt that should not stop society from pushing and presenting psotivie ideals to strive for.
Oh shit, I did misread it haha.

And yeah, fat advocates almost exclusively focus on women. It's rare, but I have seen men post about it, but it's mostly fat women saying they deserve fit muscular men despite being obese.

There is like a whole genre art thing about fat acceptance relationships, primarily on Tumblr that is almost exclusively drawings of obese women with fit or thin men. It's fucking weird.
Not so weird because in fact it happens.

Obesity is a problem for both men and women, but it seems to start with women much younger, generally.

I run stairs at a picturesque part of my city where many of the summer weddings go for photo's after. The vast, vast, majority of weddings I saw are obviously between young people. But also the vast, vast majority are an over weight, obese young gal and a skinny or fit young guy. I could almost say 100% as that was what it was trending to but then at the end of summer I finally say 2 fit brides in about the 18 or so weddings I witnessed.

Women, obese or not, can always find guys to bang and marry them. Fat guys, not so much. That is why most guys tend to get fat after marriage but not before.

Young men will look at the best option available to them, in any situation, and the best of that group will become someone they want to bang.
Not so weird because in fact it happens.

Obesity is a problem for both men and women, but it seems to start with women much younger, generally.

I run stairs at a picturesque part of my city where many of the summer weddings go for photo's after. The vast, vast, majority of weddings I saw are obviously between young people. But also the vast, vast majority are an over weight, obese young gal and a skinny or fit young guy. I could almost say 100% as that was what it was trending to but then at the end of summer I finally say 2 fit brides in about the 18 or so weddings I witnessed.

Women, obese or not, can always find guys to bang and marry them. Fat guys, not so much. That is why most guys tend to get fat after marriage but not before.

Young men will look at the best option available to them, in any situation, and the best of that group will become someone they want to bang.

It's basically been the opposite for me most of my life. I've always been fat (fluctuating between "strongfat"/chubby and just plain fat) but have mostly dated/slept with petite or fit girls. There have been some big girls mixed in as well, but they're more out of the ordinary.

But they were all a little nuts, so that might explain it.
Throw in some vegetables and that's peak nutrition.

The brown rice becomes a serious chore after a while and I much prefer yams but it's a premier complex carb source. Eggs are the GOAT superfood though, very convenient to slam down raw too.

This is also what Bill is talking about.

This campaign was ordered taken down after numerous complaints about it presenting an unreasonable body image that was fat shaming others.


it was later replaced with this ad which was considered more appropriate


No one is saying the above women should not go to the beach and enjoy it. But their own pressure on themselves and that by society to get more fit and healthy whether it be to go to the beach or the Grocery store, is a positive and good thing. This ad does the opposite. '[Zero pressure ladies, you do not have to change a thing. You are ready.'

The way Protein World was attacked for that in 2015 was a disgrace. I bought a bunch of their shit in support just because.
Fat Celebration is the problem.

I don't think we should talk shit to somebody just cause they are fat..Some people don't care and I don't think being a cunt to them because they don't care is right....Is their live and if they want to be fat, it's cool...Lots of cool fatties out there.
We should shame them just as we should shame the institutions that failed to provide them with proper education on nutrition, exercise, and access to reasonably priced healthy foods.

Nutritional guidelines haven’t done anyone any good for the last 50 years. Not to mention the government subsidized industries behind them.

What, they don't know eating a whole box of chocolate is bad for u? Come on now...
High Fructose Corn Syrup needs to go as well

It's in just about every process food/drink/snack and it has fucked the health of this country
Maher has jumped the shark since Trump was elected. He's the poster boy for TDS. His comment about Cloud Boot Jar being a compromise candidate between the centrists and socialists was the best joke he's told in years, except he was actually serious. I used to be a big fan. Sad.
I feel the exact same way. Sad indeed. TDS, like opioids or depression, can effect anyone and everyone
I was talking to an ole college buddy of mine, he got married and had two children. And yea, he put on some pounds. Granted, he's not horrendously overweight, but he's over 220 easily

He explained it like this. : LI, I do want to work out, i really do.

But i get up, get the kids ready for school, take them to school, go to work, pick up kids from soccer, go home, get dinner table ready while wife cooks, clean up after dinner, put kids to bed, and by that time I'm so exhausted, the last thing I wanna do is work out. I just want to chill on the couch and drink a beer.

And I fucking get that, I really do.

My advice was sneak in a set of push ups and air squats every half hour or so. While watching TV, knock out 10 push ups if you can, or 10 air squats .

Body weight workouts are grossly underrated and under utilitized

Obviously exercise won't hurt, but the truth is, weight management is 80% diet and 20% physical activity.

Those bodyweight exercises your buddy will do will burn maybe 100 or 200 calories, tops. Which, again, isn't bad but will do very, very little to his weight.

The hard part is not eating garbage. And making that a habit. Problem is, we've been conditioned to crave extremely rich, fatty foods because that's all they serve in restaurants. Anthony Bourdain himself admitted it in his first book- restaurant food tastes delicious because everything is topped off with butter or cream or both.

Once you've had that, your regular spaghetti made at home simply can't compare. So the trick is to cook at home more and to cook healthier stuff, and to make that a habit.