Did anyone foresee Conor turning into THIS?

The guy came from very little and in a decade is worth over 100M with some reports as much 200M+ with many opportunities being open to him well beyond fighting to make money.

Fighting isn't his number one concern anymore in life, hell it might not even be in top 3. I'm sure the UFC will get him to fight another time or two, but a hungry Conor is the last thing we will see in the cage regardless of what he or his people say.
The guy won his first $50k bonus while still poor AF and went out and bought an ivory suit and ivory gold pocket watch instead of settling his life affairs.

It's honestly astonishing he's handled his now far greater wealth as well as he has.
The thing is he's a very intelligent guy, it's the only reason he isn't broke in an ally somewhere with a needle in his arm. Other sports stars have squandered more money in less time. But his temperament, values, and character will never allow him to rest easy, no amount of money will cover up his fuckery. It didn't for Diddy, didn't for Harvey weinstein and Jeff Epstein, etc. Not saying he's as bad as those guys but eventually your time runs out when you live a debaucherous life.
I don't get the drug accusations, it's entirely plausible he's just drunk. Have people never seen cocky drunks acting a fool?

i consider alcohol a drug. what you just described is an alcoholic when they're "drunk" in most of their public appearances

but there has been other videos of him looking like he was straight up tweaking during an interview.
Remember what mommy and daddy told you.... The drugs don't work, they just make you worse

Conor is low class to begin with, there wasn't a lot of class, dignity and decorum from the beginning, however he was quite witty, he had some good wit, but he lost all of that, he has no wit anymore and is just vile and disgusting and has nothing nice to say about anyone

Did the drugs make him worse though? yes absoutley, the drugs have just made him much worse, no question about it. And we're not talking PED type of drugs here, we are talking hard drugs which mess up your brain, speech, and so much more. He mumbles so much now and fidgets, he can't sit still, he fidgets like crazy in interviews, a major sign of hard drug abuse. If you watch any interviews of drug abusers they fidget a lot, can't sit still, I know it when I see it

The alcohol on top of that doesn't help either.
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It seemed obvious to me upon first seeing Conor he was not a person of high morals and class. Yeah no surprises here.
Conor had some issues. The leg break was the last thing to make him not care. He had a few good years could have made so much more, but seemingly pissed it away on drugs. I was a huge fan when his head was in the game.
The guy came from very little and in a decade is worth over 100M with some reports as much 200M+ with many opportunities being open to him well beyond fighting to make money.

Fighting isn't his number one concern anymore in life, hell it might not even be in top 3. I'm sure the UFC will get him to fight another time or two, but a hungry Conor is the last thing we will see in the cage regardless of what he or his people say.

There's that but I don't doubt the recreational drugs are a factor in why he can't fight at this point as well. He looked a total mess when he was out promoting the Roadhouse movie. I knew at that point he probably couldn't even physically train if he wanted too.

There's enjoying your money and there is burning out on excesses.
Cocaine must be a disgusting habit. Snorting a jagged substance up your nostrils for a 5-20-minute high, then walking around hornier than a 3 dicked dog in heat and a flaccid penis...isn't the flex addicts think it is. Just doesn't sound fun at all. To each their own though.
Definitely sad. His meteoric rise was unlike anything ever seen in the history of the sport.
lol @ new fans like this

Reality existed even if you knew nothing about it / only knowing recent UFC propaganda
Professional football is absolutely brutal on the body. Not as different as you might think.

yes but when you lose....the 'team' lost.
and losing quite some matches or not winning titles a couple of seasons in a team sport does not mean it tarnished your entire legacy or even your income.

losing in mma or boxing when you are the top dog changes everything. all eyes are on you to continue your win streak or your perfect record. 1 loss can be super meaningfull and sometimes changes your carreer or earning power. a guy like anderson silva felt relieved when he lost the title to weidman. the pressure to be the champ and continue to be the champ with a longer and longer win streak of title defenses is not the same as competing in a team sport. I reckon Conor rose very quickly, made a boat load of money and got a mental beating after the khabib loss.

such a defining loss after a meteoric rise is not the same as competing in a team sport with leagues every year and the ability to win some and lose some with different teams. a carreer in prize fighting can be over quickly or change forever. of course I agree with you to a certain extent....there are simmilarities. but the pressure of competing alone at the top in a sport that's not only brutal physically,but also unforiving once you lose a match....is not exactly the same as an athlete in a team sport.

even here on sherdog......fighters are totally shit once they lose after a long reign or an excellent win streak. in prize fighting it's kinda like....'the king is dead and was always a bum, long live the new king'