Development of the War Dogs:

1) I have a whole team there including 3 Pros and an assistant Coach who want me there.

2) You dont need a car to live in Oslo

3) Tax-paid University for my kids.

4) Universal health care.

5) UBI
The older I get I realize America isnt all its cracked out to be. Do you and Dadi still work together?
The older I get I realize America isnt all its cracked out to be. Do you and Dadi still work together?

Yes we still communicate regularly over messengers. I'm trying to get a Discord channel going that has access to both of us at same time.

And about America:

My Son had his Amateur debut today. Man when I moved to Vegas I never anticipated I would end up Coaching and launching my own Son's venture into boxing. When I first started posting here I didnt even have a girlfriend lol

Blue corner. I thought he did well for his first bout. He's a sensitive kid who can be unsure of himself under pressure, but you've seen some of the work we've been putting in. He handled the punches well, and didnt cry. 20 minutes after the fight he asked me 2 or 3 times when he could fight again:

Also this:

BTW, that's Sal's channel above. Feel free to subscribe, we will be posting all of his adventures in Sports being as he plays more than one.

That was awesome! I can only imagine how you've felt during the whole bout. Probably very proud but also at the verge of a heart attack lol

Was the other kid debuting, too? Both of them crazy good, the other kid just seemed a bit more calm during the exchanges.

So how do you approach the whole thing now? Just keep things flowing as it is and let him fight again believing that he having that first experience will have benefits on its own or you'll be more meticulous about the why's and how's about the result? And also, how frequent do you believe is healthy for a kid that young to get in the ring?

lol sorry for all the questions. I don't work with kids as of now, but I can see I'm doing it in the future.
That was awesome! I can only imagine how you've felt during the whole bout. Probably very proud but also at the verge of a heart attack lol

Was the other kid debuting, too? Both of them crazy good, the other kid just seemed a bit more calm during the exchanges.

So how do you approach the whole thing now? Just keep things flowing as it is and let him fight again believing that he having that first experience will have benefits on its own or you'll be more meticulous about the why's and how's about the result? And also, how frequent do you believe is healthy for a kid that young to get in the ring?

lol sorry for all the questions. I don't work with kids as of now, but I can see I'm doing it in the future.

Junior boxing is all about experience. I'm trying not to repeat mistakes of every overzealous Dad-Coach I've ever seen who are super intense and burn their kid out because "ALL WE DO IS WIN11!!"

At their age they dont really have the strength to significantly hurt each other so they can box fairly often. And by hurt I mean move each other's heads. The other kid I train his age hits very very hard FOR his age but hasnt managed to really rattle anyone. They're pretty imprecise.

From here we just refine things in the gym that should lead to victories. I wont push him to win at this point. If he WANTS to win that's where the focus will be for himself.
This is Saul. He wants to start competing in tbr Amateurs pretty soon. White gear, this was an open sparring night we had at another gym. The other guy has way more experience so he wasnt going all-out:

Hey sorry I haven't been around here in a bit. Will provide an update soon.

Right now I have 2 Norwegians in town who are in a camp with one of my local amateurs, they're sparring wirh Carlos Adames, who trains with Ismael Salas:

Its rough work, dude is really really good, sharp, quick, intelligent, and hits hard.
I didnt realize we can upload pics now:


The two Norwegians on the left, Carlos, a former student of mine who was there to spar, and my current student Angel on the furthest right.
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Not sure you need to point out the Norwegians, coach! Haha
Dude you should see Adames in action. Its crazy. He hurt Alex Martinssen, who is a LHW, more than Robin Safar did. And Robin is a LHW who walks around at about 215lbs and is fighting Kovalev. Adames is a Middleweignt lol.

He sets up big shots with clever traps, so its never obvious what's coming aside from that he has his favored punches, but then you dont know when they're coming. It's very disarming for me because I cant help them much aside from the old "watch out ya don't get killed kid." But to his credit if he hurts them he makes the initiative gestures of finishing it, then chooses not to. Very poised and composed.

My contact for this sparring is Thomas Dulorme, who lost a barn-burner to Ugas. He told us that within 3 fights they expect Adames to push for Title unification since he has the WBC strap already
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Here is my Son's second Amateur fight. This is an interesting story because on the Wednesday before the show he agreed to go to weigh-ins to get his passbook (he has never been handed it and we still do not have it, but that's another tale). He even said this in front of his Mom, who sometimes he tells different things than he tells me. So that Friday, he had forgotten he told me that and put it into his head that he was going to stay up late watching a movie and eating snacks. So he threw a level 10 fit when I told him he had to go to bed to be up for weigh-ins. He said "there's no point, I'm not even matched"...and said some pretty vile little kid having a fit sh*t to me. I expected my wife to intervene because sometimes she likes to save the boys from me, but she HEARD him say it.

He went to bed hating me, but I woke him up and as we drove there I just calmly explained to him: "You agreed to go, and then I gave them my word we will be there. We're not gonna be those guys to just go back on our word." He understood and weighed in. We go to eat and come back and lo-and-behold he is matched. He couldn't believe it, even though I told him before covid weigh-ins were open, they're just now starting to do that again. But he was matched.

During the first round I felt he was very off because mentally he REALLY didnt expect to fight. But much to my surprise he looked better each round. Afterwards he said "You know Dad, if I would have did what I wanted, I wouldn't have my first win."


We've had some bouts recently. The first two were from the Boxing Fan Expo, held at the Las Vegas Convention Center. This was Jake's 2nd Amateur fight and I thought he did decently considering the opponent had much more experience (not many more fights but he's a Coach's Son):

Next one is Emiliano's 2nd fight. In his first bout he kind of betrayed his own character and brawled it out, this fight he wanted to counter-punch more but it made him look too reactive and not willing to initiate enough:

Emiliano is fighting again next Saturday, so right now we are working on his pacing. Starting faster but not overdoing it.

These next ones are from the Battle Born Showdown, which was part of the UFC-X event this past weekend. Also at the Convention Center. This was my Son's 3rd bout, which was a rematch from his 2nd bout:

I was very happy with this performance. He did a lot of what we worked on in the gym despite his opponent being hyper-aggressive at times. He also listened to corner advice, and was interactive in the corner, responding and communicating with myself and Coach Rocco. He is also fighting next Saturday and we are working on maintaining distance, keeping knees bent under pressure, and cleaner tighter punches and turns.

This is Ian's 3rd bout, against a kid who is alread a local celebrity. This was that kid's 10th fight and actually Sal and Ian had been sparring him:

I was also happy with Ian's performance. He brought the pressure, threw with the kid, and managed to knock his mouthpiece out. Ian is also fighting next weekend but on Sunday.

This last one is a doozy. My guy Cristian Lara who I've had since he was 11. Because of life inconsistencies he never got to hit his stride of consistent bouts, and he has enough experience that he is always matched tough now. This was no different as his opponent is another local celebrity who has gone to Nationals a few times. Cristian lost, but did a few key things to his development. The main thing is he didnt mentally give in, which he has a habit of doing even in the gym. He didnt give the fight away, he fought for it and lost. The last one he kibd of gave away the 3rd round. And he didnt let this guy intimidate him or back him down. I instructed him to box the 3rd round, he didnt listen, but he did something acceptable for where he is. He stood up for himself:

I told him after: "Okay now everyone in Vegas knows you have balls. They know Cristian Lara is down to scrap, and doesnt back down for anyone. But from now going forward we need to show them you can box, you have skills to put together a winning fight."

@fungi This thread
Dude, I’ve tried to help you grow your channel by posting comments but you need to stop deleting them for no reason.
Dude, I’ve tried to help you grow your channel by posting comments but you need to stop deleting them for no reason.
I've never deleted a single comment. I don't do that. Sal's channel has hater comments that are still up there.
I've never deleted a single comment. I don't do that. Sal's channel has hater comments that are still up there.
Really? My bad then.

You made a video complaining about fighters who throw hooks when you tell them to throw straights so I said something like “Then tell tell them to throw hooks if you want to see straights” and it got deleted for some reason.

Maybe YouTube only allows hateful comments? Gonna hate on your kid’s channel right now to help him out. I’ll be right back.
Really? My bad then.

You made a video complaining about fighters who throw hooks when you tell them to throw straights so I said something like “Then tell tell them to throw hooks if you want to see straights” and it got deleted for some reason.

Maybe YouTube only allows hateful comments? Gonna hate on your kid’s channel right now to help him out. I’ll be right back.

Yeah I know any and all interactions help the algorithm except ones using YouTube's bant words. I dont delete comments. I had a guy recently who was incredibly frustrating to train. Kept going on about how he wanted to spar, and had like the worst bag work I'd ever seen of someone who kind of had some Martial Arfs education. When I'd correct him he would get extremely frustrated. Smart guy otherwise who was very nice. He ended il switching g gyms and told one of my students they let him spar in the first week.

He got beat up.