Social DEI is so dead

My point is that minorities prefer living in mixed neighborhoods more than whites.
I’m not so sure about that. They’re usually forced to due to economical circumstances but as soon as they get the chance they go live amongst the whites. Most of em anyway.
Speaking of signs, a sign that you're making a dumbass argument is when you quote Jordan Peterson. This guy has been rightly branded "the stupid man's smart man" (google it, it's a thing).

And it'd be great if there were tons of white women just yearning to be hotel housekeepers but that keep getting passed over by Hispanic women. But there's not, it's a shitty job and only the people at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder are willing to do it. And, surprise-surprise, it's mostly brown and black women.

This shows you how much higher whites are than Latinos and blacks socioeconomically... which is the whole point of "pushing diversity." Society is tremendously unequal which creates a ton of built-in biases towards gender, race, disability, etc., so in order to overcome these biases, extra efforts should be made to consider groups on the losing end of these biases in positions of power and influence.

Whether you like Jordan Peterson or not, he basically makes an irrefutable argument there. You certainly didn't refute it.

Merely yearning for a job does not mean you are entitled to get that job over someone who is more qualified.

DEI stands for diversity, equity and inclusion. Hotel housekeepers are not diverse, not equitable and do not include very many men or white people. Yet those jobs are not included under the DEI umbrella because there aren't many white people, especially white men to exclude from those jobs.
I’m not so sure about that. They’re usually forced to due to economical circumstances but as soon as they get the chance they go live amongst the whites. Most of em anyway.

No, there's been studies on this. Here's just one-

On average, nonwhites find mixed neighborhoods ideal, whites prefer whiter neighborhoods.
Merely yearning for a job does not mean you are entitled to get that job over someone who is more qualified.

That's not what DEI or affirmative action does though. It doesn't set quotas, which COULD result in unqualified people getting certain positions. But it doesn't.

DEI initiatives assume that there's a pool of equally qualified people from all races applying and simply encourages that extra consideration be given to accepting or promoting them. It doesn't pick random people off the street and put them in these positions.

DEI doesn't get the black woman with a 900 SAT score into Princeton just because she's a black woman. It gives the black woman with a 1400 SAT score into Princeton from a pool of other students with similar scores.
That's not what DEI or affirmative action does though. It doesn't set quotas, which COULD result in unqualified people getting certain positions. But it doesn't.

DEI initiatives assume that there's a pool of equally qualified people from all races applying and simply encourages that extra consideration be given to accepting or promoting them. It doesn't pick random people off the street and put them in these positions.

DEI doesn't get the black woman with a 900 SAT score into Princeton just because she's a black woman. It gives the black woman with a 1400 SAT score into Princeton from a pool of other students with similar scores.

It is illegal to discriminate against someone in the hiring process based on their immutable characteristics. If a company is discriminating against non white people, they need to be punished. Likewise, if they are discriminating against white people by giving people extra considerations for their non whiteness, then they need to be punished for that as well.

You can't give a certain race of people extra consideration for a job without giving another race less consideration.
It is illegal to discriminate against someone in the hiring process based on their immutable characteristics. If a company is discriminating against non white people, they need to be punished. Likewise, if they are discriminating against white people by giving people extra considerations for their non whiteness, then they need to be punished for that as well.

You can't give a certain race of people extra consideration for a job without giving another race less consideration.
How many companies do you reckon get punished when it's clearly going on? I worked for an Indian company for years and years, I was part of the furniture and like family. The CEO wouldn't hire a black person apart from one guy who was best friends with his nephew growing up. And it was literally because he was racist against black people. I was underpaid against a co-worker as a female with him doing a terrible job and me going over and above my sales target so I went to Mr CEO and told him I needed an increase on my salary. IT was VERY male orientated, I was the only woman in sales. Should the CEO be taken to court for paying me less than a useless male colleague?
It is illegal to discriminate against someone in the hiring process based on their immutable characteristics. If a company is discriminating against non white people, they need to be punished. Likewise, if they are discriminating against white people by giving people extra considerations for their non whiteness, then they need to be punished for that as well.

You can't give a certain race of people extra consideration for a job without giving another race less consideration.

Yes, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes this kind of discrimination illegal.

Affirmative Action just encourages employers to widen and diversify their pool of applicants or allows them to take the race or gender of a person into account as a positive when making a selection decision. This is very different from discriminating against whites. I know you're going to disagree with that but that's what the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has stated:

My point is that minorities prefer living in mixed neighborhoods more than whites.

No they dont. As soon as they make enough money they get the fuck out of the barrio or the hood. the more money they make, they start inching towards where the white people live. then depending on how many moved there then that place starts becoming a shithole. white people move out. then the cycle starts all over
"I don't mind diversity at all, my lawn guy is Mexican and he's awesome. Always on time and does the job cheap!!"

*After Mexican lawn guy buys the house nextdoor:

"I wonder if he's here legally!"

lol - Another self own

You're doing great
How about waiting 20 minutes for me to respond?. I'm not reading that shit. You took exception to comments here. Not sure why you'd take exception to them if you agreed with them.

"We are all one" doesn't mean to me what it means to you I guess.
Because he gets to write rage boner in every post as if that means anything and makes him feel superior to other people
Nice. I forgot the "as long as they live far from me" factor.

I can't remember where I saw it but it's been found that white flight takes hold despite social class similarity. So even when blacks, Latinos and even Asians (yes, Asians) of the same social class move in, whites start moving out.
White flight.

Man you guys are weird.

There is 100% of something. If one goes up, the other must go down. So if people of different races start taking up homes in an area, fucking common sense dictates that the numbers of another race have to go down

You guys are weird
Yes, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes this kind of discrimination illegal.

Affirmative Action just encourages employers to widen and diversify their pool of applicants or allows them to take the race or gender of a person into account as a positive when making a selection decision. This is very different from discriminating against whites. I know you're going to disagree with that but that's what the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has stated:

Of course I'm going to disagree with it because it's discrimination against white people.

Logically it means that a black and a white person can have the same amount of education and work experience, get the exact same scores on the interview and the company hires the black person because they deemed their race as a positive while the white person's race was deemed either neutral or negative.

The black person gets the job over the white person solely based on race alone. That means the white person was discriminated against in the hiring process. That is racism in a nutshell. If we have laws that allow that, then we have laws that promote racism against white people.