DEATH Triangle training log 💀

Squat: 390
BP: 390
Deadlift: 600


135 x 6 x 2
195 x 5
235 x 4 x 2
275 x 3 x 2
295 x 3 x 5

135 x 5 x 2
195 x 5
235 x 5 x 2
275 x 5 x 5

DB rows
70 x 12
120 x 12 x 3

Didn't do the 2nd session of bench. Wanted to take it easy on the elbow. Elbow felt fine, though. Dropping my training maxes was the right call. Pec felt good too. 295 x 3 x 5 was light as fuck.
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Greyskull Week 17/Day 1 - Modified Upper Only because my knee is still all swollen

A. Bench Press
Bar X 10
95 X 5
125 X 5
145 X 3

160 X 5
160 X 5
160 X 10

B. Close Grip Bench
115 X 12
125 X 10
125 X 10
125 X 8

C. 30 Degree DB Rows
30 X 8
35 X 6
40 X 4

45 X 12
45 X 12
45 X 12

D. 45 Degree Y Raises
5 X 10
10 X 10
10 X 10

E. Seated 60 Degree Incline DB Curls
15 X 8
20 X 10
20 X 10
20 X 10
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Greyskull Week 17/Day 1 - Modified Upper Only because my knee is still all swollen

A. Bench Press
Bar X 10
95 X 5
125 X 5
145 X 3

160 X 5
160 X 5
160 X 10

B. Close Grip Bench
115 X 12
125 X 10
125 X 10
125 X 8

C. 30 Degree DB Rows
30 X 8
35 X 6
40 X 4

45 X 12
45 X 12
45 X 12

D. 45 Degree Y Raises
5 X 10
10 X 10
10 X 10

E. Seated 60 Degree Incline DB Curls
15 X 8
20 X 10
20 X 10
20 X 10

Sorry about the knee, Soc. I hope it isn't anything serious. With how I've been getting hurt just lifting its made me think what will happen when dudes start yanking on my joints in BJJ. More pain I suppose.

Sorry about the knee, Soc. I hope it isn't anything serious. With how I've been getting hurt just lifting its made me think what will happen when dudes start yanking on my joints in BJJ. More pain I suppose.


A couple weeks back I hurt it just landing on it. Nothing big. I just kind of dropped down to my knees like I've done a million times and it was sore for days. I could still squat and it didn't hurt to bend it or anything, just sore if any pressure put on it, like if I knelt. But it got better on it's own. On Monday, first roll, I knelt down and it hurt. No clue what I did. Swelling has gone down a good bit but still feels like some fluid in there. If it's not better by Monday I'll go see a doctor. Until then, it's bench and biceps, biceps and bench.


135 x 5 x 2
195 x 5
235 x 4 x 2
275 x 3 x 2
290 x 3 x 5

135 x 6 x 2
195 x 5
235 x 5
275 x 4
290 x 3 x 2
315 x 2 x 2
290 x 3 x 2
275 x 4
235 x 6
195 x 8

DB rows
80 x 12
130 x 12 x 3

Ez bar curls
135 x 12 x 3
Walk - 30 minutes, 3.0 mph, 6% incline

Feels good to get a solid sheiko week in with all the main lifts. Chest is already getting big again. It deflated pretty good from not benching for a long ass time, but as long as my belly was flat it wasn't a terrible look because I have pretty huge delts. Having said that, I still want them chesticles.
Knee is still all swollen and filled with fluid. Went to the Ortho today. X-ray was normal. Could be some kind of bursitis/inflammation and no big deal, but could be something "structural" like a fucked up ligament causing the swelling. I'm scheduled for an MRI next week. He said not to "overload" it, which I took to mean no squats but yes BJJ.

So anyway, another upper-only week.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Greyskull Week 18 Day 1 - Modified Upper

A. Bench Press
Bar X 10
95 X 6
135 X 4
150 X 1

162.5 X 5
162.5 X 5
162.5 X 10

B. One-arm Landmine Rows (Meadows Rows?)
25 X 8
35 X 6
45 X 4

55 X 12
55 X 12
55 X 12

C1. Neutral Grip Pullover and Press (American Press Bar)
38 X 12
38 X 12

C2. Standing Hammer Curls
25 X 15
25 X 13 + drop sets to failure

D. Standing DB Lateral Raises
15 X 20
15 X 18

This week's theme:

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Conditioning - BJJ

6 minute rounds:
1-1-1 alternating takedowns
1-1-1 alternating guard pulls
1-1-1 alternating pass and submission
1-1-1 alternating guard pulls into sweep/submission

10-minutes King of the Guard from open guard, whole class going, no weight classes or mini-groups

1 live roll, 6-minutes

Sat out the second roll, just didn't have a partner, and then my knee got really stiff, so I didn't jump back in for the third and final. Overall, my knee held up pretty well. Not nearly as swollen or sore once I got home.

Happy #TittyTuesday to all who celebrate.

I like whipped cream on my cocoa too! We're PERFECT for each other!

I use a computer for work too! We're PERFECT for each other!

I wear glasses too! We're PERFECT for each other!

I ... uhhh .... damn those are some fantastic titties ..... We're PERFECT for each other!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Greyskull Week 18/Day 2 - Modified Upper Only

A. Overhead Press
Bar X 8
75 X 5
95 X 3
105 X 1

112.5 X 5
112.5 X 2 FAIL
95 X 8

B. Banded Pullups
Blue X 18
Blue X 12
Blue X 12

C. 30 Degree Incline DB Press
35 X 8
40 X 6
45 X 12
45 X 12

D. 30 Degree Incline DB Rows
35 X 8
40 X 6
45 X 12
45 X 12

**First fail of an upperbody lift. I've been barely squeaking by on OHP for the past few weeks. With last week basically being a de-load and nearly just an off week, I wondered if I'd feel extra strong today after the rest. I didn't feel super weak, but also not strong. I knew during the first set there was no way I'd get two more, but was hopeful I'd get through the 2nd set at least. Oh well. Threw the 95# set in just to get a little more volume**

135 x 5 x 2
195 x 5
235 x 4
275 x 3 x 2
315 x 2 x 5

135 x 5 x 2
195 x 5
235 x 4
275 x 3 x 2
315 x 2 x 2
295 x 3
255 x 5
215 x 7

135 x 5
195 x 5
235 x 5 x 2
275 x 4 x 4

DB rows
80 x 13
130 x 12 x 3

Ez bar curls
145 x 12 x 3

Dang. Work capacity isn't where it used to be. I'd have breezed through this a year ago. Pec tendon was feeling a little tight. Sucks. I'll keep an eye on it. Kind of annoying but not really. I already have it in my head ill just go back to pressing. A 275 press should be enough upper body strength for BJJ.
Walk - 25 minutes, 3.0 mph, 6% incline

Dropped the kid off at Daniel Cormier's wrestling camp for 3 days and nights. Hopefully, he gets some good training in. I think he will. He's up to 192 now, he was competing at 165 back in February. He's been running sheiko. He just finished #29 and did the first week of #30 this week. He starts wrestling practice with his school next week too. A summer of sheiko and 4 days a week wrestling practice in 110 degree weather. Ya gotta love it, baby! <lmao>

Walk - 25 minutes, 3.0 mph, 6% incline

Dropped the kid off at Daniel Cormier's wrestling camp for 3 days and nights. Hopefully, he gets some good training in. I think he will. He's up to 192 now, he was competing at 165 back in February. He's been running sheiko. He just finished #29 and did the first week of #30 this week. He starts wrestling practice with his school next week too. A summer of sheiko and 4 days a week wrestling practice in 110 degree weather. Ya gotta love it, baby! <lmao>

Great pic Rex, a chip off the old block.

135 x 5 x 2
185 x 5
215 x 5
255 x 4
295 x 3 x 2
330 x 2 x 4

135 x 5 x 2
195 x 5
235 x 4
275 x 3 x 2
315 x 3 x 6

195 x 3
235 x 3
275 x 3 x 2
315 x 3 x 4

DB rows
80 x 12
130 x 12 x 3

Ez bar curls
145 x 12 x 3
Walk - 25 minutes, 3.0 mph, 6% incline

Dropped the kid off at Daniel Cormier's wrestling camp for 3 days and nights. Hopefully, he gets some good training in. I think he will. He's up to 192 now, he was competing at 165 back in February. He's been running sheiko. He just finished #29 and did the first week of #30 this week. He starts wrestling practice with his school next week too. A summer of sheiko and 4 days a week wrestling practice in 110 degree weather. Ya gotta love it, baby! <lmao>


Go get 'em, Little Rex!

LTR is going to do a week of wrestling camp this summer too. Not an overnight thing, not just the local high school/middle school camp. It's still unclear whether his school will have a team for next year or if he'll wrestle for the local public school. Only issue in that case is getting him to practice on time, but we'll cross that bridge if we come to it.