Dear Sergio...


Silver Belt
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Viper's > Latin Snakes.

And it aint gonna be pretty. :D
If some how Sergio pulls a miracle out his arse and wins, i will stop watching boxing.
WOW, never seen that before Margarito was beating the shit out of him.
Go Forrest!
How times change. I can remember it like it was just yesterday. The time when nine out of ten fans wished this very same fate on Vernon Forrest, each and every time he stepped into the ring.
How times change. I can remember it like it was just yesterday. The time when nine out of ten fans wished this very same fate on Vernon Forrest, each and every time he stepped into the ring.

I still do.
How times change. I can remember it like it was just yesterday. The time when nine out of ten fans wished this very same fate on Vernon Forrest, each and every time he stepped into the ring.

I was just pissed because of Mayorga/Forrest I.

And the class of heads in round 2.... seemed to change the course of history for Mosley.
And the class of heads in round 2.... seemed to change the course of history for Mosley.

That is one of my most vivid memories of boxing, was the head clash followed by the knockdowns. And it was obvious Shane couldnt recover, his dad didnt offer any real advice, and he went on to take an ass whipping.
LOL I cant hate Forrest for that though, the guy is a really good fighter who doesnt get the credit or money he deserves.
Man..but I never heard a fighter scream from a body shot the way Mosely did later in the fight.
No doubt about it...Sergio is getting knocked out quick in this one.
Please jeebus, yes. No more Contender season one fighters.
How times change. I can remember it like it was just yesterday. The time when nine out of ten fans wished this very same fate on Vernon Forrest, each and every time he stepped into the ring.

I haven't been here that long, but when was that? It's not like Vernon been a softy in his prime. He was hidden for a long time until he be whooping on Shane's arse. He whooped that arse good.