Social Dead Internet Theory


Brown Belt
May 15, 2022
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This is the theory that most of the internet is populated by bots, beginning mostly around the year 2015. It claims few human users still use the internet and 9/10 it is one user interacting with smart bots. Influencers are not followed by large groups but collections of bot accounts. It gained some recent credibility with the advent of AI. Bots have been seen creating FB groups and uploading AI content, the bots then begin interacting with one another in a self regurgitating cycle of likes and posts. The content they post tends to be AI generated drawings referencing popular them e.g Jesus or a popular celebrity.

lol no fucking shit.

But it's not dead, there are millions of real people interacting with bots.

Every single metric that may be useful to advertisers is manipulated in some way by bot networks and has been manipulated in this way since it became profitable to do so.

Influencers are trying to boost their metrics to get paid, advertisers and media platforms are trying to boost metrics to justify their existence, and then the big players are nation states conducting propaganda operations intentionally amplifying certain stories or influencers, etc

Of course anyone seriously operating in these spaces is very aware of this and accounts for it, but that doesn't matter to the people that don't care and just want to make money or are doing something more nefarious on the state level.

And then most ordinary folks will just be flat out offended that you suggest they're being duped at all.

It's all trash right now, bot infested shitholes. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, all the way to dating apps and forums like this or reddit. All consumed by bots. And most of the bots aren't very sophisticated at all, they run off scripts and are preprogrammed. They copy paste other posts or predetermined responses and don't have conversations like more advanced AI.

I can't really imagine bots getting a lot of play on a forum as chaotic as this one lol