Darth Vader: Mass Murderer, Serial Killer, Dictator, Monster!!!

Since i was child i found his design kinda ridicolous, for whatever reason i was'nt able at all to see it ass cool villain

Not sure if the toilet bowl helmet, the asthma shit, the xmas tree lights on the chest or the funny sword made of light
Idk, reading the list probably all of these combined

Guess this

did'nt helped much either, but tbh think my opinion was already that lol
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at least he was not a predator that kept young kids in a sex cult like the Jedis...
"let me show you the force, young one"...

And Luke the terrorist murdered all those innocent defense contractors and custodial staff on the death star.

Goddamn liberals glorifying these religious fanatics.

Jedi don't assimilate. They push their temples on you.

In Golden Age Old Republic, jedi lightsaber swings you.
Since i was child i found his design kinda ridicolous, for whatever reason i was'nt able at all to see it ass cool villain

Not sure if the toilet bowl helmet, the asthma shit, the xmas tree lights on the chest or the funny sword made of light
Idk, reading the list probably all of these combined

Guess this

did'nt helped much either, but tbh think my opinion was already that lol

The Shredder from the original tmnt cartoon had a similar but way better design.
Thought experiment - what do we think would've become of Anakin if Quigong Jim never met him? He would've still had record high mini-chlorines so he still would've become ... something. How would his life have been different?
Thought experiment - what do we think would've become of Anakin if Quigong Jim never met him? He would've still had record high mini-chlorines so he still would've become ... something. How would his life have been different?

Excellent question. You mean like instead of meeting Quigong Jim, Anakin got Hillbilly Jim?


Anakin would have been the the most powerful redneck in the galaxy. A hillbilly who can box like Luke Duke, drive like Bo Duke and fix shit like Cooter. He'd be like the Mandalorian but could also clean swimming pools with his mini-chlorines.
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Best villain in the history of cinema. I give him a pass for his pure awesomeness.

Trailer voice
"A young former slave from a backwater village is taken in by a secretive religious order and seduced by an older politician. Now he's grown up and learns the truth..."
at least he was not a predator that kept young kids in a sex cult like the Jedis...
"let me show you the force, young one"...


This is also true. Just like the dems and reps, there are clear flaws and looney tunes on both sides.

I believe Mace Windu was the most level headed of them all tbh. He didnt trust Anakin from the start. He questioned palpatines motives and friendship with the child killer and didnt like the jedi relationship with the senate. Right as he was gonna lay the deathblow on palpatine, who else but the whiney mass murderer himself backstabs him. My God!!
Thought experiment - what do we think would've become of Anakin if Quigong Jim never met him? He would've still had record high mini-chlorines so he still would've become ... something. How would his life have been different?

He might of liked sand a bit more
Thought experiment - what do we think would've become of Anakin if Quigong Jim never met him? He would've still had record high mini-chlorines so he still would've become ... something. How would his life have been different?
I can't even remember the last time I watched Ep I. Did Anakin race in the pod race because of Qui-Gon? Either way, he never meets him and eventually lives the equivalent of an F-1 racer's life on Tatooine.
I can't even remember the last time I watched Ep I. Did Anakin race in the pod race because of Qui-Gon? Either way, he never meets him and eventually lives the equivalent of an F-1 racer's life on Tatooine.

yeah, it's been a while for me as well.

going off memory, they needed to buy a spaceship part but only had Republic credit, which they don't take in Tatooine. So Anakin mentioned he has a pod racer that he built with his friends and that he can win the race...then the rest as they say, in history, My God!!
Subconsciously humans like cheering for the made up bad guy, which probably isn’t a good thing.
The original trilogy is all that matters bro and he didnt do anything that bad in that one.

Obi wan wanted to die so he just did his old ass a favor.

Everyone else he killed were basically imperial staff members. Big fuckin deal.

Tell that kid he can portray the dark sith lord with impunity.