Darth Vader Comics ***SPOILER Discussion Warning***

Palpatine is the one who made Anakin. That is crazy. So Vader killed his own Father.

When we learned of Darth Plagueis, also known as "The Wise," in Revenge of the Sith, his apprentice Palpatine (Darth Sidious) told Anakin that his mentor could manipulate the midichlorians (the life force of the universe) to control life and death itself. This is what lured Anakin to the Dark Side, as such a talent could allow someone to heal and even resurrect people. Since then, the going speculation has been that Plagueis used the Force to manipulate midichlorians and impregnate Shmi years later, creating the Chosen One -- not to be a savior, but a destroyer.

Instead of bringing balance to the Force, conspiracy theorists believed that Anakin was mystically engineered to tip the balance of power from the Jedi to the Sith Order. In Darth Vader #25, we now see how much credence that holds, although the master manipulator isn't Plagueis, but Palpatine himself.


How does this change the story. Cause now we know Vader was NOT the Chosen One to bring balance but was made to be a instrument of the Dark Side.
“He may not have been his physical dad, but Palpatine doctored events so Anakin would rise up as Vader.”

I just can’t trust any of the books or literature any more. Spent enormous amounts of time reading the post Return canon, only for Disney to say it doesn’t matter. Today, Palpatine was his dad. Tomorrow, Disney’s gonna make up whatever they want.

Tell me this doesn’t look stupid as shit.
Would be more plausible if palps pulled a Cosby and impregnated her with his wrinkled dick while she was out.

Would make the level of his evil legendary.
Palpatine is the one who made Anakin. That is crazy. So Vader killed his own Father.

https://www-cbr-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.cbr.com/marvel-darth-vader-anakin-skywalker-father/amp/?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1#referrer=https://www.google.com&amp_tf=From %1$s&ampshare=https://www.cbr.com/marvel-darth-vader-anakin-skywalker-father/

How does this change the story. Cause now we know Vader was NOT the Chosen One to bring balance but was made to be a instrument of the Dark Side.


Tell me this doesn’t look stupid as shit.

That is incredibly stupid

this shit is straight up dumb, seriously they couldnt come up with anything else?

I'm pretty late to this party, but the comic isn't necessarily saying Palpatine sired Anakin. He had several visions, including a bunch of people like Yoda getting killed, so it's not like what he's seeing is to be taken literally.
Anyone reading Age of Republic?? This just happened in the latest issue, it’s canon now76B67FE5-36FB-446D-8260-4F6E1321DD70.jpeg


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I'm caught up on Aphra now, Vader series is done, so is Poe. Reading the Age of Republic/Rebellion/Resistance series too. Gotta get caught up on the main Star Wars series, that one has my interest buy I'm about 30 issues behind