Dana White doesn't read books

50 shades of grey and twilight are must read for all sherdogger
Dana doesn't strike me as particularly curious or well-rounded
If I could be rich thinking about mma and making money from it, I wouldn’t have time for a book
"Cut that shit down into 90 minutes, put Mark Wahlberg in it, and give us some fucking explosions"
Books are for virgin nerds who can’t get laid
I don’t know. You don’t look like someone who reads book as you are pretty clueless.
The lack or knowledge about the oldwst people in the Balkans that you have show that. You certainly don’t read a lot of books.
Honestly, I've never had the patience or even cared to get into booking reading.
He reads UFC, he is rich, why would he need books anyway?
i dont think ive even held a book in my hands in real life
Why read books when you have Twitter and Internet forums