Dana just said he thought Bendo won.

Dana's right, but it was a very close fight.
Dana white speaking the truth for once.
It was a close fight for sure. Gave it to Ben tho.
I normally don't, but I have to agree with Dana on this one. Bendo won that fight.
Dana is right, check the stats he out struck him in every round. Cerrone had a 1 to 3 second takedown and that's what won him the rounds? Benson 29-28
I hate this. The fighter you like is given a decision you don't agree with. Im happy for cowboy, but I feel as I did after robbie beat hendricks.
I think this was the best Bendo has looked in a long time, actually.
Ben won the fight, the look of relief on his face and the look of sad on cowboys face when they said it was a UD but before they announced who won says it all
thought it was one of the worst robberies i've seen in a long time...
Watched with no sound and the only times I saw anything significant were from Donald.

I'll have to watch again.
Doesn't matter. They weren't fighting for a titleshot.

Bendo has had his fair share of gifts, so I'm not worried about it.
Sig Strikes

Benson 86
Cowboy 57

Benson should have gotten the win. You could even tell that Cowboy thought he lost

Benson had more like 15 significant strikes.

Cerrone pretty clearly won. OF course, those front kicks to thigh have no value, all of them combine equal maybe one solid body kick.