Social Dad Just Died

Really sorry to hear that bud. My condolences. RIP.
One of my biggest fears.

Folks are getting on also.

Condoleances and sympathy to a fellow sherbro.

How old are you, may I ask? I just turned 37 and am hoping my folks will hold on for another 7 or 8 years at a minimum.
I’m sorry this has happened. It will be hard for awhile but the most important thing now is trying to keep your head up in this hard times. If you need someone to talk to we are here for you Sherbrother.
Awful, sorry to hear that
one of my biggest fears. sorry for your loss. i will make sure to stop my parents house this weekend for some extra tlc.
Almost 10 months after my mother. He was found in his apartment. Just spoke to him on Saturday morning. He had a myriad of health issues but he was getting them looked at. Life's a bitch sometimes.

Sorry to hear that, Sherbro.

Respectful suggestion. Write down notes about what you last talked about with your dad, including exact quotes if you remember them.

Such details will fade with memory very quickly, but writing them down would help preserve the memory.
fuck man. my condolences brother. I know the feels all too well. alls I can say is be around family. the grieving never really goes away, you just learn to carry it better through time. use it help you navigate through life to do good for others. in the end, this is what helped with the pain. let time do its thing.