Cycling Workouts...


Purple Belt
Mar 26, 2005
Reaction score
This may sound like a lame ass question...but...I was thinkin...If you cycle creatine, supplements, etc. b/c your body gets used to it. So...Would your body get used to you doing the same work-outs week n week out? Just thought i'd ask. Thanks.
ummm... yeah. that's why everyone says that everything works... for a while. That's why there's periodization and so many people (ESPECIALLY me) reccomend you rotate exercises often. that's why WSB changed their ME exercises so regularly and have so many variations to keep things fresh. If your routine gets stale do yourself a favor and follow these simple steps:
1) change it up
2) keep it simple.
Yeah, thanks Urban. You're a real humanitarian.
I just wanted to take this time to say "Thank you Urban."
Lately I've been spending about a month or so doing mostly squat or mostly deadlift and always doing bench and OHP. I think I've made pretty decent progress. Not exactly periodization, but it is variety and it does keep me more interested to put all my focus on one lift for a short period of time.
You're all welcome... now who wants to be the first to get banned for needlessly bumping an old thread?
You're all welcome... now who wants to be the first to get banned for needlessly bumping an old thread?


I can't wait until tomorrow to try something different.

Love V.
I'm THANKIN Urban, but I'm THINKIN Arby's.