cyber sex


calf cruncher fan
Mar 7, 2002
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anybody ever have cyber sex?

besides jake and arju, that is an obvious one
Like I said Punk sometimes you make me laugh like a mother fucker. Once I had cybersex. Was kinda lame. No it was all lame.

lol weird.
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how was the phone sex?

and another question if you have cyber sex the 1st time you meet someone, is that still a one night stand?
Ok, here's something you might find disturbing, but to a bunch of stoned high school kids, it was a great freaking time:

Me and some of my friends had to do an English project, so of course I invited over a couple of other friends who could "facilitate" our "work" with "pharmaceuticals". After smokin the ganj in my not-so-well-ventilated bathroom, we decided to go online and fuck with people. This was back in the day when AOL proggies were abundant, and kicking someone offline was no more then a click away( maybe it's still rampant, I dunno). But yeah, we went into this one chat room, and I decided to pretend I was a 14 year old girl. Some old guy(supposedly) started hitting on me and im'ed me, and wanted to cyber. I led him on for about 10 minutes, told him I was really a guy (which pissed him off something horrible), then proceeded to "punt" him offline. Fun times!
... and for that you will be punished.

- The Jake
I consider it jacking off everytime I log in to this forum.
No way, I love teasin old guys over the internet even now. I try to see if any of them will send me jewelry and whatnot, but so far all I've received is flowers and cards :( The best part is that even if they try to track my address, it goes to my school, and will list my real name, which will confuse the hell outta them! :D
Done the phone sex deal but not cyber sex. Looks stupid to me. I'd rather look at naked chicks on the internet then look at some words.
@)*$)Q%*# ?!! WTF punkmother

That's it where's my BAN button, *looks*
Darn it I don't have one but you shall pay!

:mad: :p :p :p :p
Ooooh yeah baby, type it in bold... I forget what comedian said that but it's still funny.
Originally posted by LeftBench
Done the phone sex deal but not cyber sex. Looks stupid to me. I'd rather look at naked chicks on the internet then look at some words.

Yeah, this seems just about right to me.
Originally posted by colortrix
No way, I love teasin old guys over the internet even now. I try to see if any of them will send me jewelry and whatnot, but so far all I've received is flowers and cards :( The best part is that even if they try to track my address, it goes to my school, and will list my real name, which will confuse the hell outta them! :D

Dude, I know what you mean!

Back in the time when I was REALLY bored I created this cute AOL account and pretended to be a girl. I picked up a nice picture for her, created a nice story and went to the chatrooms.... well guys were aiming like crazy!!!! it was really fun... of my good friends aimed me and we started talking and only halfway into the conversation I realize that it was him.. and he had a gf at the time and he was just telling me how he was single and stuff.. I really laughed at his lame attempts to pick me up .. obviously i never told him or anyone about this... until now :)

P.S. i'm not gay.. really.. i'm not.... :)
Oh as far as cyber sex, i've done it several times. One of the "sessions" was pretty intense and funny. I printed the whole conversation out and gave it to my friends in class.. they were laughing their asses off....
Cyber sex is so fockin goofy and the people who do it are ugly fockin trolls who can't get a real date...anyone know a good place to get a first time cyber?:D
Ive done it, Im a horny bastard. Ive actually had my girlfriend get on the computer and us cyber before. I had fun with it.
Either that or they're stoned kids who like to fuck with people:D
Well, you guys wanna try the real thing? I have naked ascii posters hanging up on my wall, a spring-loaded tissue dispenser, and a gallon sized jug of "Schlicz Smooth" hand lubricant. Maybe you and me, Punkmother? If you use italics, I'll punch the keys one-handed while proceding to work my crank like it's a gear-shift in a bug that I'm trying to rock out of a fucking mudhole.
Originally posted by RangerFTL
Well, you guys wanna try the real thing? I have naked ascii posters hanging up on my wall, a spring-loaded tissue dispenser, and a gallon sized jug of "Schlicz Smooth" hand lubricant. Maybe you and me, Punkmother? If you use italics, I'll punch the keys one-handed while proceding to work my crank like it's a gear-shift in a bug that I'm trying to rock out of a fucking mudhole.
