Crotch stench after grappling / wrestling


Silver Belt
Dec 12, 2015
Reaction score
My cousin’s crotch is stinky these days since he started wrestling / grappling. Smells like stale sweat.

He showers twice and claims to “really get in there” with a soapy loafer and water.

How do you guys
a. Get rid of that musty sweaty stench
b. Better yet, avoid it
C. Minimize / control it?
I've found success with:
•More breathable boxes/underpants
•Experimenting with different, often more natural, soaps
•Baby powder on the areas, after showers and in the morning or before training
My cousin’s crotch is stinky these days since he started wrestling / grappling. Smells like stale sweat.

He showers twice and claims to “really get in there” with a soapy loafer and water.

How do you guys
a. Get rid of that musty sweaty stench
b. Better yet, avoid it
C. Minimize / control it?
How do you know this about your cousin?

Unless dude has a yeast infection, how TF are you smelling his crotch through his clothes? Unless... nevermind.

If we're talking regular training contact, it's probably gi pants/singlet/wrestling shorts/spats aren't getting fully clean in the wash. My wife makes me wash my gi on extended cycle and she says it smells musty if I only wash on regular cycle. I can't tell the difference but I'm a dude.
Have you tried shaving your balls? I mean, have you tried shaving his balls? No, sorry, I meant has he tried shaving his balls?
I will pass on the suggestion.

I saw something about yogurt too. I will pass the info to him.
I'm going to take this as face value...

I think someone mentioned before, there's a chance it could be a infection or something like ringworm. Dr Sherbros isn't the place to be asking. Take it to a MD because it might need medication to clear.
Imagine being caught In a reverse triangle ☠️
I used to train with a dude that had the worst junk funk odor I've ever been around. I would tap just to stinkiness and told him to his face. He got pissed off but it was a fact. I have no idea why this dude stank so bad.
I recently bought Dove soap. Even without opening the box, the scent filled the air strongly. It also doesn't wash off easily I assume because of the moisturizing effect.