Social Crisis' at Columbia University forces classes online, arrests at Yale College campuses are becoming battle grounds for Hamas and Israel

He's absolutely right, and it's been proven time and time again. Leftists justify and even celebrate Ashli Babbit's death. LOL at "she had a knife on her." Alton Sterling died trying to pull a gun out of his pocket to murder two police officers and that set off a wave of protests from BLM assholes.

I dont celebrate her death. She absolutely had a knife on her. Alton Sterling's family were paid $4.5 million to quash a wrongful death lawsuit.

"The owner of the store where the shooting occurred said that Sterling had started carrying a gun a few days prior to the event as other CD vendors had been robbed recently. He also said that Sterling was "not the one causing trouble" during the situation that led to the police being called.

In March 2018, the bodycam footage from the officer who shot him was released, revealing that, seconds after arriving to help the other officer already engaged in trying to detain Sterling, he pulled his gun and threatened to "shoot [Sterling] in the fucking head" if he moved.

On March 27, Landry's office announced it would not bring charges against the officers stating that they acted in a "reasonable and justifiable manner". On March 30, officer Salamoni was fired for violating use of force policies, and Lake was suspended for three days for losing his temper."

Nice example ya got there.
No, and in fact most early Zionist leadership who were instrumental in establishing the state were very openly atheistic in their beliefs.

Socialist and communistic (secular) ideologies dominated the landscape for a number of decades as well.

The messianic visions that you're describing became more prominent amongst settler movements in the WB in the late 60's and early 70's and represent a minority amongst modern and historic "Zionists."

"Throughout the first decade of the Zionist movement, some Zionist figures, including Theodor Herzl, supported a Jewish state in places outside Palestine, such as "Uganda" (actually parts of British East Africa today
in Kenya), Argentina, Cyprus, Mesopotamia, Mozambique, and the Sinai Peninsula."

"European Jews swayed and prayed for Zion for nearly two millennia, and by the end of the nineteenth century their descendants had transformed liturgical longing into a political movement to create a Jewish national entity somewhere in the world. Zionism's prophet, Theodor Herzl, considered Argentina, Cyprus, Mesopotamia, Mozambique, and the Sinai Peninsula as potential Jewish homelands. It took nearly a decade for Zionism to exclusively concentrate its spiritual yearning on the spatial coordinates of Ottoman Palestine."
"Throughout the first decade of the Zionist movement, some Zionist figures, including Theodor Herzl, supported a Jewish state in places outside Palestine, such as "Uganda" (actually parts of British East Africa today
in Kenya), Argentina, Cyprus, Mesopotamia, Mozambique, and the Sinai Peninsula."

"European Jews swayed and prayed for Zion for nearly two millennia, and by the end of the nineteenth century their descendants had transformed liturgical longing into a political movement to create a Jewish national entity somewhere in the world. Zionism's prophet, Theodor Herzl, considered Argentina, Cyprus, Mesopotamia, Mozambique, and the Sinai Peninsula as potential Jewish homelands. It took nearly a decade for Zionism to exclusively concentrate its spiritual yearning on the spatial coordinates of Ottoman Palestine."

I was responding to your question regarding Herzel's messianic vision.

Was Herzel's contention that Jews were entitled to return specifically to the then-forming Palestine because God said it was ok that they do this?

Many areas were discussed as potential places for different "logistical" considerations.

The return to "Zion" obviously won out because of the land of Israel's significance to the Jewish people. Jewish meaning having originated from the land of Judea - the modern West Bank and Jerusalem.
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I was responding to your question regarding Herzel's messianic vision.

Many areas were discussed as potential places for different "logistical" considerations.

The return to "Zion" obviously won out because of the land of Israel's significance to the Jewish people. Jewish meaning having originated from the land of Judea - the modern West Bank and Jerusalem.

Yeah, my contention is that Christian Zionism helped spur the movement of centralizing the idea of Zionism back to Palestine, as Christian Zionism has been around and influential since 1580 or so. Anita Shapira wrote about the influence of Evangelical Protestants in the 1840's among Jewish circles. Christian Zionism has been a long-standing means for Europeans to control the region and has appealed to numerous times throughout History.
Yeah, my contention is that Christian Zionism helped spur the movement of centralizing the idea of Zionism back to Palestine, as Christian Zionism has been around and influential since 1580 or so. Anita Shapira wrote about the influence of Evangelical Protestants in the 1840's among Jewish circles. Christian Zionism has been a long-standing means for Europeans to control the region and has appealed to numerous times throughout History.

Maybe it made colonial powers more empathetic to early political Zionism -- but the Jewish desire to return to the homeland has always been there and has been core to the theology.
The Passover seder commemorated by Jews in diaspora has always been marked by the same line "Next year (we will arrive) in Jerusalem".

The extremist ultra-orthodox Jews, Neturei Karta, that you see protesting in Pro Palestinian marches or who famously met with Ahmadinejad back in the day, also believe in the reestablishment of the Jewish kingdom in Israel, they just don't believe that the messianic conditions have been met yet for that to happen.

So maybe more fair to call it a shared vision than Christian Zionism actually being the seed for that thinking.
Maybe it made colonial powers more empathetic to early political Zionism -- but the Jewish desire to return to the homeland has always been there and has been core to the theology.
The Passover seder commemorated by Jews in diaspora has always been marked by the same line "Next year (we will arrive) in Jerusalem".

The extremist ultra-orthodox Jews, Neturei Karta, that you see protesting in Pro Palestinian marches or who famously met with Ahmadinejad back in the day, also believe in the reestablishment of the Jewish kingdom in Israel, they just don't believe that the messianic conditions have been met yet for that to happen.

So maybe more fair to call it a shared vision than Christian Zionism actually being the seed for that thinking.

I'm not saying Zionism didnt exist before the Evangelical rendition, just that even the guy considered the Father of modern Zionism didnt initially subscribe to it, and there was always dissent about it among the Jewish communities. I remember reading that many British Jews detested the idea of Jewish Nationalism much as we are seeing American Jews express now. I would still fundamentally oppose the idea of Zionism as religious quackery at its core, while still advocating for Jews to be free and practice their Faith so long as it didnt mandate land procurement by force or displacement of indigenous people. And I do contend the Evangelicals specifically pushed for further solidification of their interpretation of Zionism, I mean we have legal documents saying so, even letter written to Napoleon to do the same thing.

All that said I dont mind calling it a shared vision. Good discussion.
You can have a religious preference and still run a secular state. It's not binary.

Why can other countries have religious preference but not Israel?

What other nations have a religious preference with laws favoring one religion and are simultaneously a secular democracy?

That's literally an oxymoron.
This should likely be it's own thread....

George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests

A network of “fellows” for a Soros-funded group are at the heart of protests on college campuses nationwide.

George Soros and his hard-left acolytes are paying agitators who are fueling the explosion of radical anti-Israel protests at colleges across the country.


Copycat tent cities have been set up at colleges including Harvard, Yale, Berkeley in California, the Ohio State University and Emory in Georgia — all of them organized by branches of the Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) — and at some, students have clashed with police.


The SJP parent organization has been funded by a network of nonprofits ultimately funded by, among others, Soros, the billionaire left-wing investor.

At three colleges, the protests are being encouraged by paid radicals who are "fellows" of a Soros-funded group called the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR).

USCPR provides up to $7,800 for its community-based fellows and between $2,880 and $3,660 for its campus-based "fellows" in return for spending eight hours a week organizing "campaigns led by Palestinian organizations."


The radical group received at least $300,000 from Soros' Open Society Foundations since 2017 and also took in $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019.

Read more....


He is who we said he is. George Soros is a scumbag and has started up his own Hitler Youth and Brown Shirts. We should revoke his citizenship and send him back to Hungary to do with him as they please. He's vermin.
What other nations have a religious preference with laws favoring one religion and are simultaneously a secular democracy?

That's literally an oxymoron.

It certainly seems that there are many countries that fall in this category.
This whole notion that being against Israel committing genocide against innocent Palestinian civilians means that you are "Israel-hating" or "anti-Semetic" is such a bullshit and dishonest tactic

I find it amusing that a lot of this is coming from folks on the right who get called "racist" for having views critical of immigration, or black communities, etc...

How about we stop with the bullshit and discuss the specifics of the matter rather than these sleazy tactics of painting someone as being hateful so that you can ignore the merits of their arguments?

Fucking pathetic discourse. Embarrassing.

Turkey has had no official religion since a constitutional amendment in 1928.

It certainly seems that there are many countries that fall in this category.

A secular state is one that does not consider anyone's religion as an official religion. That's the definition when you look up what a secular country is.

Meanwhile, Israel literally declared itself a Jewish state in their charter.

Also this list is not accurate. It lists Italy with having an official religion but they disestablished an official religion in their 1948 Constitution.

And the majority on this list are Arab theocratic countries. So I don't know what your point is.
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I just do not get i understand jews and alike supporting everything idf does but to have and say people supporting palestinians with dignity and respect and determination is somehow terroristic.hay you want to say jews lives matter i can say palestinian lives matter too and that does not make me anti semite or do i care but to turn it into sports match where you have favorite who everybody cheers to win will never happen.these students should have every right to protest
Turkey has had no official religion since a constitutional amendment in 1928.

A secular state is one that does not consider anyone's religion as an official religion. That's the definition when you look up what a secular country is.

Meanwhile, Israel literally declared itself a Jewish state in their charter.

Israel also does not have an official religion and never required an amendment to do so.
This should likely be it's own thread....

George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests

A network of “fellows” for a Soros-funded group are at the heart of protests on college campuses nationwide.

George Soros and his hard-left acolytes are paying agitators who are fueling the explosion of radical anti-Israel protests at colleges across the country.


Copycat tent cities have been set up at colleges including Harvard, Yale, Berkeley in California, the Ohio State University and Emory in Georgia — all of them organized by branches of the Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) — and at some, students have clashed with police.


The SJP parent organization has been funded by a network of nonprofits ultimately funded by, among others, Soros, the billionaire left-wing investor.

At three colleges, the protests are being encouraged by paid radicals who are "fellows" of a Soros-funded group called the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR).

USCPR provides up to $7,800 for its community-based fellows and between $2,880 and $3,660 for its campus-based "fellows" in return for spending eight hours a week organizing "campaigns led by Palestinian organizations."


The radical group received at least $300,000 from Soros' Open Society Foundations since 2017 and also took in $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019.

Read more....


He is who we said he is. George Soros is a scumbag and has started up his own Hitler Youth and Brown Shirts. We should revoke his citizenship and send him back to Hungary to do with him as they please. He's vermin.

George Soros retired last year.
Also this list is not accurate. It lists Italy with having an official religion but they disestablished an official religion in their 1948 Constitution.

And the majority on this list are Arab theocratic countries. So I don't know what your point is.

It does not say that Italy has an official religion.

You're not reading the map and list correctly if that is what you concluded from the link.

I suggest you try reading it again.

It separates the countries into countries with state religions and countries with "preferences" for specific religions which was the original point of contention presented to you.

Italy is listed under the "preference" category.

There are many countries in the list with no official state religions yet have "preferences" for a religion, which by are by all means functioning Western/Secular democracies.

Even countries with official religions which we would describe as secular democracies - Denmark or Greece, for example.
- I dont see the point of interroming other people classes. Actually i see. Just to film content for the instagram.

They're bot two terrorist forces, whose the views dont reflect the opinion of the citzens of those nations. The only diference is that IDF used to hide under momma USA skirt. It's a stupid war, from the ego of one of the biggest war criminals of the modern story.
This whole notion that being against Israel committing genocide against innocent Palestinian civilians means that you are "Israel-hating" or "anti-Semetic" is such a bullshit and dishonest tactic

I find it amusing that a lot of this is coming from folks on the right who get called "racist" for having views critical of immigration, or black communities, etc...

How about we stop with the bullshit and discuss the specifics of the matter rather than these sleazy tactics of painting someone as being hateful so that you can ignore the merits of their arguments?

Fucking pathetic discourse. Embarrassing.

It goes a step further than just that. Netanyahu is literally calling these students Nazis. You've seen people in here repeatedly try to shame my political position by telling me I'm in alignment with the far right, people like say, Steve Bannon who now suddenly wants to be friends with Progressices because well he just hates Jews that much. Anything to further the agenda of Christian Nationalism.

I openly reject all of that garbage, and the idea that criticizing a Country's Governance is an attack on their ethnic identity. The Muslim Caliphates have been crying about this same sh*t for years while essentially considering their average citizens slaves to their Monarchs and Clergy. It's wrong when they do it. Its wrong when Christians do it. The Hindu Nationalist movement in India is wrong. And it's wrong when Jews do it. I'd give Bannon a fat lip over it just as fast as I'd give Netenyahu one.
Israel also does not have an official religion and never required an amendment to do so.

Israel's official Declaration of Independence In 1948 proclaims itself a "Jewish state."

You're trying to square a circle.

And what laws does Turkey have that favors one religion over another?

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