Crazy strategy Stipe should use against Jones


Steel Belt
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
Jon Jones starts the fight against Stipe by doing his crawl thing.

He's careful to keep 4 points of contact with the mat because of the new rule.

Stipe runs out and throws a kick at Jon's head as hard as he can.

Now Jon has 3 choices:

1. Eat this very hard kick to the face, win by DQ, and live with the brain damage...

2. Put an arm up to try and block the kick, which will probably still result in some damage being done to the head and arm of Jones. AND it will make the kick legal, since Jones has to remove his hand from the mat in order to block the kick.

3. Try to dodge the kick, but even if he successfully dodged it completely, he would be shook. He'd know Stipe is a crazy old man now. Jones would complain to the ref, and Stipe would just say "I didn't kick a downed opponent, I kicked the air." The ref may issue a warning, or maybe even take a point, which doesn't matter because Stipe ain't winning a decision anyway.

After the fight, Stipe can just claim he's adjusting to the new rules. He thought he saw Jones foot come up and inch off the mat, which meant he was allowed to throw a kick... Etc...

And because of the controversy they'd have to rematch. And Stipe gets to collect 2 big paychecks instead of one.
Just get beat like he was going to anyway
tbh if this fight does happen (i still doubt it will), it would be very unfortunate if it ended in a close decision, that they could spin off as controversial, and then they could force a stupid rematch to further delay the division.

I hope a quick finish happens so this bs can move along after
Kick him in the dick and eye poke him.
Actually, that's a great idea. This should be the dirtiest Stipe we've ever seen.

I mean, that's what we see in other sports. The crafty old veteran isn't as fast as he used to be, but he's smart enough to exploit the rules and knows exactly how much he can get away with.
Jon Jones starts the fight against Stipe by doing his crawl thing.

He's careful to keep 4 points of contact with the mat because of the new rule.

Stipe runs out and throws a kick at Jon's head as hard as he can.

Now Jon has 3 choices:

1. Eat this very hard kick to the face, win by DQ, and live with the brain damage...

2. Put an arm up to try and block the kick, which will probably still result in some damage being done to the head and arm of Jones. AND it will make the kick legal, since Jones has to remove his hand from the mat in order to block the kick.

3. Try to dodge the kick, but even if he successfully dodged it completely, he would be shook. He'd know Stipe is a crazy old man now. Jones would complain to the ref, and Stipe would just say "I didn't kick a downed opponent, I kicked the air." The ref may issue a warning, or maybe even take a point, which doesn't matter because Stipe ain't winning a decision anyway.

After the fight, Stipe can just claim he's adjusting to the new rules. He thought he saw Jones foot come up and inch off the mat, which meant he was allowed to throw a kick... Etc...

And because of the controversy they'd have to rematch. And Stipe gets to collect 2 big paychecks instead of one.

This already happened when Jones/Vitor fought

Yeah, that was hilarious. And I don't remember who was reffing that fight, but the ref just ignored it. Would have been awesome if that kick had landed.
The ref ignored it because Jon got up when he saw the kick coming, so he was no longer a grounded opponent.

I'm telling you guys, there's a chance to exploit this
There's literally no downside for Stipe. He was going to get beat anyway. Might as well risk everything for a small chance at victory or at least a second payday
Truth right here, everyone has written him off as a loss, he might as well go all in with whatever opening to victory that is available.
The ref ignored it because Jon got up when he saw the kick coming, so he was no longer a grounded opponent.

I'm telling you guys, there's a chance to exploit this
The risk to reward is rough.

Particularly with Jon being the UFCs darling and or possible blackmailer.

That said... there is a precedent of a strike where the strike began illegal and landed legal.
So very similar.

Mousasi vs Weidman.

Weidman did the "nah nah you can't smashing my face because I touch-a the floor!!"

Mousasi just pulled him up and kneed his fucking face.

Ref declared that the Chris was not his boy that night
It doesn’t matter, regardless of win/lose/draw history will always remain truthful to the fact that Stipe mostly did it the correct way. While the other guy was an egregious user of foul techniques to win fights, additionally Jones cheating was so blatant and effective that other fighters such as DC adopted said techniques after fighting Jon.

In fact Obi Jon Kenobi is the eyepoke Jedi.. Jones > DC > Stipe