International Covid-19 Breaking News v17: Russian PM infected

Compared to others, do you think your country did a good job at managing the situation so far

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I agree with a lot of this but how do we protect the elderly and sick? In the midst of a shutdown, its nursing homes and assisted living facilities that are being hit especially hard.
Good question. I believe the answer is increased testing for the vulnerable population and all those that have contact with them. Most of the hot spots of infection are at senior homes and hospitals, and that's where we need to focus our efforts on. It is very likely that infections at senior homes started with the senior home workers, so the priority would be to test the workers to make sure they are free of infections. Ideally it would be daily tests, much like those people that work at the airport shops who have through security screening everyday. We also have to test the seniors regularly, and make sure we catch any infections early to limit the spread. Early treatments also lead to higher recovery rates.

In Italy it was really bad for the elderly because a lot of the young people still live with their family. We can follow the same playbook outlined above for those family members with the elderly and the sick by doing more tests, both for infection and for antibodies. It's also up to the family members to enforce good hygiene habits themselves to avoid contracting it.

Without thorough testing, we can have shutdowns like what we have now, but we still can't protect the vulnerable populations. More testing and conscientious behaviors from all of us are what we need to protect the vulnerable, which is more effective than a blanket shutdown.
Interesting that the workers on stage with him are still maintaining at least 6 feet of space from each other.

Well what is it you want the CDC here to do here? Guard the doors so no one gets in (or out)? You're imagining them as surrogate prison guards. You want them to expand their workforce with mall cops?

Huh? Have a CDC employee run the show. Daily tests of all employees entering the homes. Make sure everything is being done to protect the residents

Have you ever visited someone at a nursing home?
Huh? Have a CDC employee run the show. Daily tests of all employees entering the homes. Make sure everything is being done to protect the residents

Have you ever visited someone at a nursing home?
Why would something like this involve the CDC at all? Doesn't the Department of Health & Human Services oversee nursing homes? If a directive is passed down to require testing of all employees why do they need the CDC?
Why would something like this involve the CDC at all? Doesn't the Department of Health & Human Services oversee nursing homes? If a directive is passed down to require testing of all employees why do they need the CDC?
CMS oversees nursing homes

My point was to just have an agency/entity take over the nursing homes(not CMS) to help protect the elderly if we open up the economy. Have INDIVIDUALS in the homes overseeing it.
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My point was to just have an agency/entity take over the nursing homes to help protect the elderly if we open up the economy. Have INDIVIDUALS in the homes overseeing it.
It's feasible I guess, but the average age at admission of residents is over 82. There's a shitload people 60-80 running around. Should we force them into nursing homes?
It's feasible I guess, but the average age at admission of residents is over 82. There's a shitload people 60-80 running around. Should we force them into nursing homes?

Of course not and never said that. But we now know nursing homes are breeding grounds for death. We still have 1 grandmother who lives with a daughter. We all pitch in to help but she's being quarantined. Shed be in much greater danger at a nursing home
The local Chipotle here won't serve you if you don't have a mask on. I saw guy strap a fanny pack across his face. Looked pretty legit.
If he usually wears it on the back of his waist he's gonna end up looking like Miesha Tate
China Daily Bureau Chief: Trump a ‘Racist A**hole’ for Suggesting China Has More Coronavirus Deaths than U.S.

The European bureau chief of China’s state-run publication China Daily has called President Trump a “racist a**hole” for claiming China “must have the most” deaths from the global coronavirus pandemic.
does anyone have a clue what kind of "immigrants " are in South Dakota though..

Lots of hispanics, who tend to pack themselves into houses to save money. It's a solid decision financially, but it makes for a bad idea when there is a brutal pandemic going on.
does anyone have a clue what kind of "immigrants " are in South Dakota though..

Probably Mexican/Central American.

From what I know, most meat processing plants are staffed by a lot of illegal labor.
Toilet Paper Shortages May Get Worse on Sawmill Slowdown in Canada

Supply cuts that were supposed to bolster the beleaguered lumber market are now creating an unintended effect: the wood chips required to make sought-after toilet paper and wipes during the coronavirus pandemic are becoming more scarce.

Brace yourselves gentlemen!

As a resident of Georgia, this is beyond stupid. Open up the places where you HAVE to be in close contact with someone!?!?! What in the BLUE HE//?!?! Never mind the gyms where people will be sweating all over each other!

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They are going to open theaters...who is crazy enough to be surrounded by people in a theater?

When no one is going to these places for fear of infection, those places will have to shut down.

I foresee a surge in bootstraps before they year's end. The time to invest is now.
Huh? Have a CDC employee run the show. Daily tests of all employees entering the homes. Make sure everything is being done to protect the residents

Have you ever visited someone at a nursing home?

They're not enough tests right now.
When no one is going to these places for fear of infection, those places will have to shut down.

I foresee a surge in bootstraps before they year's end. The time to invest is now.

I agree. Almost an argument to not provide government assistance, let these businesses fail; sounds harsh I know, but as you say, who the fuck is going to visit the cinema with this virus about for the next 18 months or however long this thing lasts. Is the government going to prop these companies up for the duration? I see Richard Branson is crying about a Bailout for his airline; again who will be flying over the next 6-18 months and longer?

It will cost less to provide unemployment and benefits to people who lose their jobs, than to prop up companies that will have significantly less demand for the foreseeable future and frankly may never recover.
COVID-19 reaches peak in Ontario and elsewhere in the country, with fewer people dying than feared

The COVID-19 pandemic appears to have peaked in Ontario, several weeks ahead of earlier forecasts, and hospitals have largely escaped the feared surge in critically sick patients, provincial health officials said Monday.

Canada could be through the worst of the pandemic by the end of April. Growth rates are slowing across the country.

Fresh modelling data were released in Ontario, one of the worst-hit provinces, on Monday. While earlier, frightening models predicted a peak in cases in May, shelter-in-place and other public health orders “have accelerated the peak to now,” according to the fresh data.

Provincial officials stressed it doesn’t mean the disease has “passed over.” Without a vaccine, the pandemic virus is expected to circulate for a year or longer. “It just means that the current set of interventions are pushing down the rate of infection, which means that we start to see fewer and fewer cases as they go along,” Adalsteinn (Steini) Brown, dean of the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health told a media briefing.
'We need all hands on deck': Canadian farmers struggle with labour shortfall due to COVID-19

The tiny asparagus spears poking out of the soil did not survive the night. It was too cold. Yet, it is a sign that harvest time is getting closer.

However, many Canadian farmers are worried that a delay in the arrival of temporary foreign workers because of COVID-19 could result in decreased production, possible food shortages and, in turn, increased prices.

"On a good day we can harvest 20,000 pounds of asparagus," says John Jaques of Sunshine Asparagus Farms in Thamesville, Ont.

"If we don't have labour and if we aren't capable of getting it out of the field and getting it packed, you know, that could be $40,000 worth of product there."

Asparagus is one the first fresh vegetables harvested in Ontario every spring. Jaques, like thousands of other farmers across Canada, relies on temporary foreign workers. He has been hiring workers to help with the harvest for the past 20 years.

He was expecting 30 workers to arrive by April 24 from Mexico, ready for harvest the first week of May. Now he is not sure when they will all arrive.
They're not enough tests right now.

Abbott has a test that test hundreds, or even thousands. Every nursing home gets one.

And this is an idea for when we open states. So their is time
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